Optimal dating life

What would your optimal dating life look like?
>long distance
>voice chat regularly
>no pressure to ever meet in person, happy living apart
>when we want to have kid, I mail my cum to her

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any dating life would be optimal for me.

I guess everything opposite of that or be alone

>she mails her cum to you in response

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>Talk through text, meet up and hang out
>Trust that she won't cheat, she trusts I won't either. No breaches in trust are ever had
>I have a very slight impregnation fetish so whenever we have sex I feel a mighty need to pump every last drop of my semen inside of her pussy while telling her that I'm gonna start a family with her
>Maybe actually have some kids with her a little down the road

Also she has to be black because I like black girls a lot

>having less sperm than your gf

Fucking this. Anything will do just give me a god damn gf.

It's time for you and your old memes to die, boomer.

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That happened with a pen pal of mine once.

>Living together
>We go out twice a week, once to play Magic, another on an actual date
>Play mmos or team shooters together, where she is my dedicated healslut
>I work an okay job that supports us mostly, she makes up the difference by selling her breastmilk
>I help her out with this daily, often tying her to a rack while she pumps
>She is bell-and-collar'd constantly, even when we go out

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Does the bell jingle when she walks about town?

It doesn't just jingle, it clangs a little.

>LDR turns real
>she has/gets her life together
>we have kids
girls get really skiddish when they realize you're not fucking with them when you're offering to cross the country/world to meet them in person to solidify the relationship.

>guy with Chicago Bulls profile pic joins your mmo party
>walk home one night after a day of work

>IRL, it can start online, I don't care too much about her location but the more realistic to meet the better
>talk daily
>we lose our virginity together
>if we need to get married in order to get her residency I will do that, but I don't need the state to tell me that I want to spend my life with someone
>we move up to Rural New Hampshire together
>when she's 26 to 28 hopefully I will be ready to put a baby in her
>Kid will be raised to specialize in something he is both apt in and enjoys instead of tried to be made into some useless well rounded shit
>I'm hoping I can get enough passive income to ensure wealth for myself and my family
>ideally enough to wear my wife shouldn't have to have a career, I prefer traditional households
>live a long happy life with her
>pass down what I've learnt to my children

....Yeah okay maybe a smaller bell

>no texting or calling unless it's to meet up
>Not a lot of conversation
>being in each other's presence a lot

Found the tranny. Eat shit and die you worthless nigger the planet would be better off without you.

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>she mails her cum to you in response
Fuck that's hot

>micropenis bf *gay
>he does everything for me
>we move to a gay mecha like sf

>she moves into my house
>I work to support her while she does whatever
>we are comfortable just spending time together without feeling the need to talk constantly
>we intend to get married and start a family in the coming years

I don't understand.
Is the bulls guy getting shot or something?

>live together, but have our own bedrooms
>spend the night in each others' rooms frequently, but not every night
>mostly stay in, play video games, watch horror, and she dommes me

>ideally would spend a lot of quality time together
>physical intimacy would play a big part, but not like having sex all the time, more like cuddling in bed or on the couch
>not a whole lot of talking, but ideally she'd be someone I trust enough to be vulnerable with when I need to
>intend to get married and start a family
>doesn't want to live in a city

>is clingy when I want her to be
>is distant and cold when I want her to be

Optimal would be some kind of switch that I carry everyday and I could decide.

I need a women that can deal with that type of behavior from me.

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I could never trust long distance

>live together
>know each other like the backs of our hands
>no power inequality
>shirk social expectations; no posturing, pretenses or roleplaying

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we'll never make it bro

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Long distance but very rapidly progressing towards her moving in with me.

>live in same city, as close as possible
>talk I'm text via some app or desktop program
>meet up whenever we feel like it, hang out and do stuff
>just have each other
>continue to live separately but still together