I'm different than other girls

> I'm different than other girls.

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Some chick I see parked very day has this on her car
She also has a resist sticker plastered over her Hillary sticker

women acting like they're chaotic princesses is so fucking cringe

notice how the ugliest ones are all Latina and coincidentally have the flattest asses

they show their unoriginality by doing this, and we show our unoriginality by critiquing those sorts of images without any context.
and the world keeps on turning

then don't pursue/date women like this.
what a fucking concept.

At first I thought it was a bunch of based roasties making a statement about being a virtuous house wife who's away from the limelight and somehow critiquing attention whore culture.
Of course, it's not.

Oh wow you mean humans like to take photos beside famous things? I guess the Leaning Tower of Pisa proves all humans, male and female, are brainlets.

When did r9k become reddit?

they added a reddit board. there's even more reddit traffic now.

what the point of defending women on the internet anonymously? plebbits are such brainlets

How is "then don't date a normie" a reddit idea? It's literally common sense. I stopped caring about all the petty shit r9k complains about from being here for so long.

Women in general don't really make history
Maybe they should take some cues from an actually historic woman?

Attached: Jeanne-dArc.jpg (472x600, 46K)

Harriet Tubman?

Erm. What the fuck is on Jeanne's cheek? Is she praying for forgiveness, perhaps?

The literally who that was forced on the 20 dollar bill, definitely

its the way your is written that makes it reddit

I wish I knew how to avoid typing like a redditor but I would have to go look at reddit to find out what to avoid.

I prefer to call her Harriet Tubgirl.

Notice how they're all white? I'm sure it's just a coincidence.

Natasha is definitely the fat one crouching down

I dont want to make history I just want to be a good housewife to my future husband

Obviously not long enough, redditbot.

it's because

you type like this

funnily enough, nobody on Jow Forums in 2008 gave a shit if you formatted like this

actually I don't and this is my post.

where tf is this shit? What city is this?

Also, the women that make history are the well behaved ones... The ones who are smart, kind, and courageous. First ladies, civil rights activists, scientists and doctors... The modern women likes this kind of shit and embraces it so deeply because they read that and see an excuse, they see validation for acting like a hussy, running around like a slut, drinking till they pass out, lacking femininity, acting out, getting tattoos, etc. Margaret Heafield Hamilton, Rosa Parks, and Eleanor Roosevelt didn't act or think the same way as the modern women. This kind of shit excuses the modern women of her shit behavior and is indicative of the entitlement "princess" complex that runs rampant in the modern women's mind, and the ranks of modern feminism.

>Welcome to the real world

Attached: Chad_Rough_Fuck.gif (500x604, 1.99M)

>The literally who that was forced on the 20 dollar bill, definitely
Do non-Americans think this actually happened?

non-americans think Harriet Tubman is a literal who despite literally every person in The USA and Canada knowing about her since 2nd grade. Given, I did think the was the same person as Harriet the Spy, but I HAD heard of her.

Smartest post Ive read in a minute

Your usage of the word literally makes you seem very underage

I didn't know about her until the whole dollar shit sprung up

>literally who
it's a meme you dip

I knew about her because we learned about the underground railroad like all 2nd graders.

>Also, the women that make history are the well behaved ones... The ones who are smart, kind, and courageous. First ladies, civil rights activists, scientists and doctors
Exactly. But in their minds the only way to "make history" is to be notorious like marilyn monroe because their brains are completely fried by soap operas and kardashian lore. They see that outlandish and obnoxious behaviour leads to attention and since they are women they think all attention is good attention.
Also on a second note, it's so typical of them to be obsessed with "making history" or "being on the right side of history". These completely average and unremarkable mass produced individuals all think that they're some sort of key figure to the future of the world, like they're all the main character in a soap opera, and that in a hundred years everyone will somehow know about them and their contribution to the world.

Exactly. A welcome and insightful addition to the post.

Attached: The_Captain.jpg (201x250, 12K)

Tonight Josephine, Mercury House 111 Waterloo Road, London SE1 8UL, England

hah dumb person

nonwhite girls can't travel.

What does this mean fren?
Origianaisla and shit lol

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-12-02-25-07.png (1080x1920, 1.12M)

That's the bar where the pictures are from. Tonight Josephine is the name of the club and the other part is the address. user asked where it was and where it was from.

It's happening.

The feminization of society is finally snowballing.

In order to get sex, men have to listen to women, at least a little bit.

Because of this, men who listen to women end up reproducing more often, and if not them, their thoughts and memories in the mind of new generations of women, which persist as cultural impact.

Because of this, even if it takes hundreds of thousands of years, human culture and society is literally DESTINED to become as gynocentric as is physically possible. It's the only logical end result. The path is inevitable. All these cultural counter-movements like MGTOW and theredpill and Men's Rights and whatever the fuck have no chance. They will all be crushed underneath the aimless, uncaring freight train that is human psychobiology in time.

...And girls, remember to neuter your pet boy after adoption!" *Paid for by the Feminist CatWine Party* 2090


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why is listening to women in any capacity a bad thing that leads to destruction.

>Because of this, men who listen to women end up reproducing more often
That's where you're wrong. They provide for them but they don't reproduce

>He thinks betabux providers get to impregnate their wives instead of Chad and Tyrone on the side.
>He thinks women don't choose the docile male for support and production and the dominant, attractive male to make children.

Attached: Worried_sandwich.jpg (244x250, 9K)

That's literally what I said you fucking retard


Then why are women suddenly able to drive in Saudi Arabia? Why did a female president almost win in the United States? Why are there more female heads of state in the EU now than at any point in history? Where do you think all these sudden changes are coming from? I know you're arguing that the bitch men don't actually get to pass on their genes as often, but I'm trying to get across that they still are passing on SOME of their genes, and the ones that don't end up RAISING THE FUCKING CHILDREN, which further feminizes them! It is a pattern! It is a trend that will keep going.

Yeah, I meant to respond to his post, not your, user my bad. Didn't notice I had the wrong post link in until after.

Why shouldn't women be able to drive or run for presidency?

they all look like thots apart from giusella

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Unneeded sarcasm. Fishing for upvotes.

driving is w/e. women poison politics and cause irreparable damage constantly. they have no place in politics outside of voting.

>tfw actually different from other girls

I'll never understand women.

Why do they feel that sign is worth posing next to? Are they willing to do what it takes to make history? Why do they want to make history?

user, read this post explains it pretty well

I'm not saying they shouldn't. I'm pointing these things out as patterns of rapid change. Think about how suppressive and oppressive Saudi Arabia is, and yet look at the reforms which are happening NOW. Think about the fact that gay marriage wasn't even a DEMOCRAT ideal 10 years ago, but it is NOW. Once again, I'm not saying those are bad things, I'm saying they're boxes to be checked on the way to a much larger agenda, which doesn't just stop with women's equality.

Women's liberation has gone far beyond just that in some places - college campuses have become low-key hostile to men due to rape hysteria. Men are assumed guilty in most family courts around the world. Men are becoming permanently locked out of certain career paths like child care, k-12 education, and nursing from sheer force of cultural pressure.

Of course women have been drawing the short end of the stick for most of history, but the pendulum is about to swing back hard and fast, and not exclusively in good ways.

Stop thinking that this process is organic and is happening on its own. The people who really call the shots and have unchallenged authority in the world want a weak population and they literally have unlimited amounts of money to promote weakness. Betabux aren't raising the children, television, video games, daycare centres and teachers are. And these are all tools of (((you know who))).
Because everything women touch turns into a drama and gossip ridden shitfest, and because they can't handle high stress environments as well and for as long as men.
Waiting for you to bring up some anecdote on why this isn't true, but I'm immune to your shit because statistics and biochemistry don't lie.
>outside of voting
They have no business voting either. They don't vote based on policy, they vote based on whichever candidate makes them feel all warm and fuzzy about voting. And knowing the kind of shit that makes ALL women feel warm and fuzzy inside (social acceptance, praise without having to accomplish anything, being seen as virtuous by other people, being given an excuse for instant gratification and the absolute absence of impulse control) that is NOT a good thing, because then politics turns into the circus that it is now. It's basically an ongoing soap opera you can tune into when you turn on your TV, it's all about "juicy secrets", shit slinging, both sides calling each other the exact same insults (racist, sexist, homophobic, anti *insert buzzword that is cleverly crafted to carry a positive connotation even though it refers to something that isn't inherently good or bad*, etc.), both sides promising shit that is impossible to deliver on, both sides promising more money, lower working hours, basically trying to sell the same shit which is "don't worry, your life will just magically get easier without you having to do anything, and also we're the good guys and we'll help the poor puppy eyed underclass so you can feel like a hero".

I think they act like this because they can. Nothing is stopping them.

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