"Sorry user but you're a gaijin and I don't date gaijin"

>"Sorry user but you're a gaijin and I don't date gaijin"

Attached: c98e780aae2b89a2052327ee9df8e14e.jpg (500x750, 56K)

Can you feed this white pig your shit?

Never said I wanted to date

I can respect that, later homo

I think you misinterpreted what I said, I am glad that you are also against race mixing.

>"Sorry user but you're a gaijin and I don't date gaijin"
...said no Asian female ever.
They love BWC and they love mixed babies.

My great-greatgrandpa was killed by japs in 1904 i don't care lass

That's a lot of time to hold grudge against japs, I mean it's been 115 years...

it made my great-grandpa an orphan and then communists took his property he inherited from his dad
Fuck communists man, i have no attraction to japanese
Respect sure, the way you respect an enemy
japanese are basically SS and i am a jew to them, Japan is a nazi country and if they don't consider me to be a human i can't treat them nicely

I respect your choice. You are a woman of honor.
Allow me to put my sword and my life at your service, my lady.

Attached: IMG_7814.jpg (1710x2396, 1.19M)

good, good luck finding a strong asian man though

Russian? I typed in Cyrillic but it got blocked for non-Ascii text.

yeah. live in states though

>it got blocked for non-Ascii text.
Thank God.

Yeah same lol, Canadian here. Came with family as a toddler. You?
It was probably obnoxious to type it out in Russian but I don't get to use it enough.

Came with my mom at 14, she died when I was 19

Whats with Jow Forums and complete denial of reality? Japanese are some of the most exclusionary and racist people ever, thats how they survived as a homogenous nation. I know that being a mutt your brain has rotten to the point of being obsessed with racemixing, but that's how life works, sorry.

understandable. I don't want to defile your culture and race either. I just came here to uhh..study.

Only the stupid ones do. Fuck off white boy.

t. Asian woman

good luck getting any jap guy as manly as me

le cringe post

The thing is maybe 90% of Asian women will prefer to marry local guys but the 10% who don't are fucking crazy about foreigners. Same with Euro/American backpackers and a small majority of them fucking all the locals everywhere they go giving them a bad impresion

helen h.? is that you

t. Aznmasculinity

>go to inaka with buddies to show them cool inaka shit since they want to see what actual Japan is like instead of the all of the places flooded with Chinese roaches
>they get salty that women keep giving only me attention since hapa and can speak Japanese
>buddy who is stationed in Japan gets giga butthurt since all he can attract are gaijin chasers who's bodycount is in the hundreds
But real talk op if a Japanese native speaks English a fug is fine and a but for the love of God stay away from Japanese women who speak English. Literally travel roasties. I know because my mom is one.

t. nigger
If you ever stepped a foot in japan or korea you know that's false.
As long as your white and not hideous, they'll be on your dick asap. It's defo not bc of looks though, those women assume that white men are all rich af and want money and wealth just as much as stacy want's tyrone's bbc


I don't like Asian men either. Don't reply to me ever again, white boy.