Searched up some girl I knew in 7th grade on instagram

>searched up some girl I knew in 7th grade on instagram
>was stacy still is whatever
>one of her posts was a picture of her and some ugly fat black guy that was in our class
>"thanks for such a great night #wedidthat"
My mind is racing right now I can't even type my thoughts out.

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We gotta see the pic first man. Black out the eyes to protect their identity

this motion has been seconded.

i still don't really know what to say.

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lmao he looks like he'd fall right off that motorcycle.

Seems like an upstanding young lad. Girl seems like a pretty traditional thot tho, nigga's dick must have ripped her in half.

what makes females attracted to this. someone explain this to me.

this kid is basically the biggest douche bag i've ever met in my life. he has no redeeming qualities. a lot of people felt the same way about him as well. yeah people change but just fucking looking at him i can tell he isnt one of those people.

Well fuck me. Maybe it's just because I've known a lot of friendly larger black folks in my past.

And yeah, I get the vibe that if this kid's as much of an asshole as you say, he's only been spurred on by such behavior as it's served him well in business.

How are you guys so shocked/confused by this? He's a fucking beast, he's like twice as wide as her and a head taller than her while she's wearing heels

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looks like one of the community college denizens.

>annoying orange
holy shit, that's a blast from the past

he's a fat ugly nigger what is there to like like hello


White people are done

You're supposed to ask her what that means. Welcome to the social media.

it's quite obvious what she meant you goober

Who cares? You'll get to tease her for free by asking.

what do you mean tease her she's bragging to hundreds of people about getting blacked by some fatass

Isn't it obvious? By pretending you don't know what it's about, and by making her say it out loud maybe even helping her realize how foolish such behaviour is.

still better than some 5'6'' beta manlet who hates women and reees online about black people being responsible for his problems

nah niggers suck lop