>Another reminder that girls like this don't exist and we're going to die alone
Another reminder that girls like this don't exist and we're going to die alone
Other urls found in this thread:
>You will never fight the red threat
Vic2 is more Patrician IK but EU4 is still good, it was also my first grand strat
Jow Forums wants me to make it longer which sucks
ehmn, suomenusko is a finnish pagan religion
That's literally me user
>inb4 you have a penis
Modern Pagans are kinda larpers tho
>tfw you do have a bepis but you just want a grandstrat bf so you don't have to be so alone in game
ha ha, you got me
EU4 is way better than VIC2
they exist but rule of thumb is that depeding on where you live there's always a 90-99% chance that the perfect girl you want to go out with is already taken
They're always trannies :^(
legit more trannies play this shit than real girls
I'd be happy just to be in an ldr with one t b h
I guess it doesn't matter if I pass or not? I'm an early transitioner, I just rlly like these games, they pass the time and make me feel not so alone u know and its fun when you meet another paradox nerd and joke about the memes n stuff
I want to procreate and I genuinely don't believe in transgenderism if I'm being honest.
Most of my close friends also play these games tho, so it is nice having friends who share my autismal taste in vidya
That's pretty fair desu, I don't blame you, if my existence won't convince you nothing will and that's okay.
That sounds pretty dope, I have a couple overseas friends and once in a blue moon we get a campaign going, they're mostly into hoi4. wish I could play some vicky 2 mp, I feel like it'd be cool as heck
yeah I had an rl friend become a tranny. Cool dude and all, I just view it as a mental illness. I've done a little Vic2 MP, i love Vic2 especially with HFM. There's a few MP games I really want to do that I haven't yet
well it kinda is a mental illness? doesn't make it any less real, though I suppose you'd propose a different approach to fixing it. Some trannys are definitely fucked in the head but, idk, I always knew I was a girl ever since I could remember. I'm not some 40 year old man who just decided to be a "woman" they scare the crap out of me desu.
Heck yeah HFM is a must have, it makes it so much better, I can't go back to vanilla vicky anymore. I really wanna try an eu4 mp where me and some peeps can marry up and ally n bully all the ai hehe, it just seems like a lot of fun us having each others back, another one with ck2 mp, playing a duchy under a king and helping him form an empire ^^
if it makes you feel any better Iran views all gays as trannies so you'd be accepted there lmao
yeah once you taste sweet HFM it is a bit hard to go back to vanilla vicky
One thing I really want to do is play as a team in EU4 with another person, where in multifront wars we can split up responsibilities, preventing shit from getting bad in the colonies as often happens
heh, that gave me a giggle, it's okay, I get treated good, everyone sees me as a girl cause, well, I look like a girl, I won't say I am a girl because I'll probably get yelled at.
Yeah, hopefully they update it soon, its still the patch from last year right?
That actually sounds, really fun, I know the amount of France and GB games gets a bit overwhelming with every aspect, splitting it up would probably make it uber fun and even more efficient
HFM *SHOULD* update soon, he's had it in closed testing for months now.
I am this, biological female, obsessed with flags and paradox games
Crossing my fingers, I haven't played vicky in a couple months now, this would be a good excuse to
are you real tho
do you actually exist
Yeah she does but being Hungarian deduces some points
No that just gives you an excuse to play as Hungary and support me playing as Italy or some shit like that :^)
I indeed do, hi
Fuck you location stealing faggot
Hello, what was the last game you played?
Mine was Byzantium (again)
wait you can steal locations from this site?
Empire of Scandinavia, trying to reform the germanic religion but HRE fucks me over repeatedly
will you play ck2 with me and have our dynasties marry together? I want a gsg gf, also play imperator when its comes out with me too, ty ,t y ,ty
Fuck you and fuck your Kiev
Sad thing is that i married my dynasty to another one in mp three days ago
I had fun as Saxony and had a huge scandi game where I btfo'd everything and Germanic'd it, was fun
shit I did that with my male friends am I gay now
user you've made me sad. one reply in and ive already been cucked
who said she was yours faggot
t. OP
Hot tiddy turul worshipper gamer gf
Me when I asked her to be my gf
Want a hug?
I've got some bad news man
my only problem with saxony is that tfw germans
That's not how you get a gf, you're supposed to talk to and get to know her first
t. have had e-gf before
Yea, tru, the eternal Kraut did ruin Europe on multiple occasions, but sometimes it's fun to play as the bad guy
Yes, a strong hug too my back hurts from shoveling snow.
please give me the good news first I dont want to be sad anymore
But how else are you supposed to make a a girl your girlfriend? you're supposed to ask her then she is yours correct? I read so on the internet
You talk to the gril and get to know her first so as to avoid red flags (ie: Getting yourself cucked)
Then if you have enough in common and she seems like she likes you, you tell her you like her.
Get to know them first and then ask her out after you like each other enough and you've known each other for a long enough time
t. The scandie playing Hungarian is my e gf for like half a year now
Lucky bastard
my last egf didn't play any gsg :^(
More like 99.5%.
In nerdy circles, there's a huge sex imbalance. For every woman who's into truly nerdy things, there are ten or fifteen men who will take any chance to hang out with her, so she's able to "date up" pretty aggressively.
If you're a nerd but you're not Chadwick Warhammercock, you'll probably never find a woman who shares your interests.
I'd say that's incorrect
How do I talk to girls? I can't find any, and the ones I do find seem to be very mean.
>scandie woman
I'm sorry user, I hope your conversion to islam is a peaceful one
Nah, am just wannabe scandi
How so? origami posteroni
I can play with you
Steam ID: Durruti
I have a Pic of Max Stirner, so +10 to being edgy
Want to move to Norway, have learned Norwegian by myself and constantly seeking validation by using its flag on forums
Hungarian liking scandie shit
>remove kebab
this is my single favourite thing i've seen on Jow Forums. it makes me laugh every time i see it. every time. why is it so perfect?
What does this have to do with the 15:1 male:female ratio among nerds?
>wanting to be a nordcuck
tfw know a chick like this IRL and don't know if trying to approach her will just make me look like a creep in that social group
They actually have money
If anything you should want to be American, Nordcuckistan is going down the drain
t. also went through a nordaboo phase
I don't want Fahrenheits and feet mutt
>doing anything bad
I think you're confused, user
i got brain damage and resulting bad syndromes
You're telling me this but my country is over 93% ethnically slavic
If your trip is correct, I'm on the other side of the world from you, I'd get like 1 speed at best ;_; I'm sorry
he's gonna move the goalposts and say slavs aren't white.
44% if you believe the rumors.
I'm not saying Nordistan isn't going down the drain, but it's a bit of an unfair comparison because burger is so big that huge portions of burger bigger than entire nations can go down the drain for generations and there will still be plenty of concentrations of wealth and affluence elsewhere in the nation. Nordic nations, meanwhile, only have one or two population centers so when one city starts to decline the entire nation looks like a shithole. Detroit used to be one of the highest income-per-capita cities in the world, for instance, now it looks like sub-Saharan Africa but America as a whole is still seen as relatively affluent.
crime has been dropping in most western countries since 1990.... except for a handful of countries in western europe such as nordic nations.
> I love you user.
If you want to live in a thirdworld shithole and risk invasion by the caliphate whatever
The place I live is over 80%
Sweden is the rape capital of europe
>Wikipedia says something, therefore a similar thing must be true
Wikipedia is for fags and fag-enablers.
>the recorded/official crime rate is the measure of whether a nation is wealthy or a good place to live
Not a lot of crime being reported in North Korea, probably. Very low theft in Saudi Arabia. Also, burger has become so economically and culturally segregated that police don't patrol some areas because it's not worth it and nobody wants them there. I can point out some neighborhoods in Dallas that have very low recorded crime rates.
>Paco isn't going to call the police on Tyrone for shooting his sister Maria because the cops might ask him if he's a legal resident of the USA or see the bags of cocaine in his unregistered car with stolen plates
>entire neighborhoods where police do not go, ever
>Charges, and thus recorded crime records, are dropped when illegals are deported before trial which happens a lot both because it makes you look better to not keep tacos incarcerated for years during trial and because it's expensive to put nobodies on trial
Publicized crime rates mean very little.
>Sweden is the rape capital of europe
>unironically define "rape" as "looking at a woman while being white"
>le why is our recorded rape rate so high xd
>fucking white men, we must import more Somalis
okie dokie, professor shitwipe. here are some better sources.
if you want more just ask, the burden of proof is on me.
I know GLOBAL crime is decreasing, but the opposite is true in Scandinavia because they keep importing people from shitholes
red represents murder, pink represents robbery, sexual offenses including rape are green, assault is yellow, burglary is dark blue, and total is light blue.
Based on dataset from The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention
>ends in 2013 before the intensification of the migrant crisis
a stable democracy like sweden is not in a crisis. Live in an actual bad country.
Also the nordicks are rapidly becoming bad countries
>democracy is communism
drink the kool-aid some more, buddy.
War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
>being a collecticuck
>"oh y-yeah!!! cuck!!!!"
pick up a fucking book.
I did, thats how I became an Ancap
>worshipping the idea of democracy
Next time you're on an airplane, I suggest you have a planewide democratic election to determine whether the pilot will extend flaps, which runway to land on, and maybe even impeach the pilot to put Cletus Shuckson in the cockpit. After all, he has really good scores in Halo 3 and Call of Duty, surely that makes him much more qualified than the 49yo pilot who's never even played a video game and so surely cannot even connect to today's digital cockpit.
I don't worship democracy. It's not not synonymous to communism and I think that's a retarded claim.
>muh NAP!!
Outside of my edgy videogames I don't think anyone has a right to steal from anyone else at gunpoint
also this
Show us an up to date graph, then.
same source, more recent. There's not much data out for this year yet.
>I don't worship democracy
>a stable democracy like sweden is not in a crisis
>implying that a stable democracy is a sustainable and healthy long-term society and is not doomed to continually sell its children's futures for tropical resort vacations and cheap foreign food
>implying Sweden is a democracy because it has some democratic elements
Education is dead. Even fifteen, twenty years ago when I was in school we learned the difference between a democracy and a modern democratic/republican bureaucracy with some democracy-based elements. Here in burger, very few elections are even democratic, with the exception of most local/county elections and a small number of states' federal elections.
stability is crucial for a sustainable, long-term society, democracy or not.
How can you be an open capitalist and disapprove of selling children's futures?
I am also not american, I know that america does not have a democracy and it is a shithole.
2015 was when the migrant crisis hit hardest and even before then we see it's mostly upward in Sweden
it was higher in 2008, before the "crisis".
not as high as today, stop shifting the goal
No, it was higher at a period of time before the "crisis" than it is currently, during the "crisis". so was there more than one crises? Or is there not one at all?
>How can you be an open capitalist
when did I say I was one, you fag
This is an anonymous messageboard and as of this post there are 16 unique posters. Although private enterprise is, I believe, a necessary component to a healthy national economy I wouldn't call myself a capitalist any more than I'd call myself a democrat (lowercase 'd') or communist.
What you have just done to me is truly worse than the Holocaust, you superHitler. Apologize.