ahhhhhhhhhhh nowwww fuckers RIGHT NOWWWWWWWWW
>tfw she look like my ex-gf
God, I miss my ex.
It was nice and wholesome until they all started speaking their inhuman language at the end
nice husky
also lol meat is gross
races are so funny. im just a monki
You take that shit back, nigger. She is wonderful and my wife. i will learn mandarin and fly to meet her.
You can't have anything nice, wholesome and pure because it will all go to people with better hearts
race pill is so difficult to swallow.
like soul food? grape soda, cornbread, mac n cheese n chicken wings
its weird to be sure, but at least its original. oriental
I am entitled to a Chinese wife, nigga.
blacks learned to make soul food working in the Master's pantry.
Why is rural living so comfy? Have we got fucked over to be born in a technologically advanced society?
the cool part was that huge, intelligent husky. the video highlights how gross meat eating is. but many animals are omnivores.
>tfw no gf with a husky
ask a flesh golem anything
Reminder nagi and ruggasmalls are raiding from this site.
Sense of selflessness and having a community which you're obliged to and which is obliged to you. The irony is that lots of rural youth idealise the urban lifestyle in the same way we envy their's
That big doggo is so cute.