What kind of mental disorders do you have, Jow Forums?
What kind of mental disorders do you have, Jow Forums?
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being a homo
>empty, robot-like and full of omnipotent, vengeful fantasies
Diagnosed with ocd (real fucking ocd), at 12. Nothing has changed even though I saw a shrink except for the reasons. Before I did it to protect my family, now I do it for no reason. Rituals are so fucking stupid when I think about it but I cannot help it
What the fuck why does this feel correct
Because it is. We're all pagliacci's
I do this. Does anyone else have similar fantasies?
I have depression. It sucks.
Should I get myself intentionally diagnosed with autism since schizoids dont get any neetbucks?
Yeah, this. That's what highschool did to me. :)
Ive been diagnosed as both a schizoid and an autist, but to see it like this still hurts.
>ADHD that was never treated properly
>severe anxiety
Currently on Zoloft to keep the panic attacks at bay, but it barely does anything for the depression. I want to see an actual shrink to help with my ADHD some time in the future because a lot of my fucking problems stem from it. The depression is manageable because I'm not at the point where I want to actively kill myself but I do have some thoughts about death here and there.
k so OP's picture is literally me to an absolute T. this is wild. I'm legitmately a schizoid
i got diagnosed with depression, anxiety, social anxiety, ocd, and adhd.
all by different doctors. although i don't believe that i have all of those stuff. i lift, wageslave and see humans every fucking day, how would i be able to do all of those things if i had all of those problems?
20 Fembot USA
Bro I'm this guy and lemme tell ya.. I do those things out of necessity. I'd rather be depressed af in a warm apartment than out on the street smoking crack or drinking my life away to cope.
>anxiety/social anxiety
My psychologist is also getting me tested for BPD.
Aspergers (early life)
Then turned into Schizotypal PD
I hate everyone and I hate myself is a good summary.
Reminder that before self diagnosing with conditions based on meme pics on Jow Forums, actually go see a doctor and get their opinion.
Reminder that no one knows you better than yourself, and anons like this are paypigs for therapists to slowly "fix"
Sure thing little zoomie who wants to have multiple conditions so they can feel special.
It was implied that I'm sociopathic. It's true that I completely lack empathy, so I can't really argue that I'm not. I don't see the problem.
>Know something is wrong with me
>Can't afford a therapist for diagnosis
>Don't want to be one of those self diagnosing shits
What do? Nootropics help but I won'd want to rely on external sources to feel happy.
>people ITT who consider schizoid shit a disorder
>probably not fixing it with social activity and healthy living
you memed yourself. we used to just convince people like you that you had "demons" LOL
But I don't think I'm that.
I went to see a psychologist about anxiety and depression and got told i have autism.
Think I might be schizoid, definitely some repressed emotions etc
Actually managed to cry a bit yesterday, unironically feels good man
not diagnosed with anything but im pretty sure im depressed. i dont really have emotions anymore, and time just seems to fly. and it feels like im always waiting for something, but i dont know what it is. i often forget what im doing and just kind of zone out for a few seconds sometimes. and i can sleep so much. i could sleep for 12 hours every day.
i'm reasonably well read and articulate so people think i'm smart, but i feel like a complete retard most of the time. i used to have a super strong compulsion to have things be "even" as well. if the t.v had its volume on 17, i just couldnt stand it. had to change it to 16 or 18. or id readjust the placement of little objects over and over again until it "felt right," or tap my fingers a certain amount of times to "feel right," but of course it never did. i have kind of willed these urges away in the last 5 years or so, but they're still there. it's exhausting.
diagnosed with major depression and dysthymia as well as social anxiety. pretty sure I also have seasonal affective disorder but honestly it doesn't feel like a big deal compared with the others. I have major depressive episodes every so often, usually 2-3 years apart though it's been about 4 since my last one. I'm on 150mg/day of bupropion and drink regularly. bupropion gives me the energy to get out of bed every day (well, it helps) and the drinking combats the anxiety. it's not healthy but it's stable.
i was diagnosed with major depressive disorder when i was 16 and i shrugged it off. now i relate to literally the fuck everything on OP's schizoid list.
yeah normally these lists are pretty vague or common, but i feel like i have every fucking point
Paranoid schizophrenia
There are times when it really sucks
Yea it seems quite a few of these things feature very common symptoms among those that are "lonely." Look up actual schizoid though, and it seems it's more they are that way because they have little actual interest in relationships with others, whether just normal friendship or deeper. Based on all the posts complaining about no friends, no gf, etc on this site, I don't think it fits as many as people might think on first view.
Got diagnosed with major depressive disorder some years ago
I simply live with the pain
Paranoid: Very High
Schizoid: High
Schizotypal: High
Antisocial: Moderate
Borderline: High
Histrionic: Moderate
Narcissistic: High
Avoidant: Very High
Dependent: Very High
Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate
Please tell me this is fake, i have 90% of those.
it's real, user. I'm so sorry
Also checked Schizophrenia symptoms and i'm starting to show signs of that too. fuck my life
Live for 27 years with this, find out about it from fucking Jow Forums ffs.
Social anxiety and probably bipolar
PPD (Paranoid Personality Disorder).
The severity waxes and wanes. Depending on peoples behavior around me.
Forgot to say. I take Benzo's for this. Not much else is effective. Which is ok because I didn't want to be on anti-depressants etc.
Been diagnosed with ADHD and Depression. It sucks ass from time to time but meds help tho
Paranoid shizophrenia
all the other kids...
Unsurprisingly, that was not origami content.
Hit a lot of points from OP pic. Pretty sure I could be diagnosed with either autism or SPD right now, but I'm also a paranoid fuck. Can't trust doctors so why shoot myself in the leg by getting a diagnosis? I'm also an amoral scumbag whose single most important thing in life is psychedelic drugs.
Panic disorder. Nothing helps. I mean nothing. Done SSRIs, didn't do anything at all. Been to therapy, which only works on the most basic of basic normoid problems, nothing serious. Alcohol used to work but now drinking makes me panic and throw up. Benzos are just too fucked to take long term. Shit has ruined my life. We're talking can't work ruined. Ever leave a job interview in an ambulance because they think you are having a stroke?
First was ADHD, then panic disorder, GAD and depression. Honestly whatever my fucking problem is seems to start with not being able to finish things I start. It makes me feel like a failure, deride myself, mistrust others and isolate myself. I used to have a panic attack daily but there was about a year and a half recently when I didn't have any. I had my first panic attack in a long time this week, I'm starting to question my role in life.
Sucks for us schizoids. The statistics are grim.
We live on average fifteen or more years shorter, not that i'm surprised any.
Taking Mirtazapine and that's caused my metabolism to become sluggish, so I'm putting on weight.
Oh well, what can you do?
It sucks, it sucks so bad living in age where anyone and everyone claims "i have crippling depression owo" as a meme. It just doesn't feel like its a valid condition anymore when thats the case, even if I've been in therapy since I was ten years old. It's all bullshit, I am simply a defective human being.
Hey mental illness bros, does it feel better to have a label or to just have general loser disorder? When I read symptoms of various disorders they pretty much all apply to me, including OP, leading me to believe none of them are actually severe enough for me to be classified as one
Buspar is supposed to be a decent anxiolytic, but so many people say it's nothing more than a placebo.
Anyone here have any experience with it?
I feel this. It's like our actual issues have been lessened by some dumb kids who just had a bad day.
I hope you guys realize how cringy it is to gatekeep something as common as depression.
paranoid schizophrenia
>and also...
probably schizoid