Why haven't you quit anime yet user?
Why haven't you quit anime yet user?
>quits anime
>suddenly has the money for a new car and a home and a girlfriend and to party every weekend, and is never home anymore
>>quitting anime makes you rich after 6 months
He's lying because he still uses an anime icon
>quit watching anime
>still be dead inside
>but now dead inside without anime
>still has an anime avatar
Because i dont want to dumbass. Imagine stopping doing something you enjoy just because other people think it's wack
Jow Forumswhoooosh
Make sure to take your autism pills
I don't have any pills for that
>Using reddit slang.
And you think they're the ones with autism?
I'm glad it's not cool so less normals will invade every hobby
>I'm enjoying life
You probably aren't if you need to post a tweet about it
My current gf n I usually watch the Chinese cartoons as an after coitus cooldown. Seems like it's working for me fren. :3
>have all that
>still watch anime
I never got into it. I like the art-style but the stories and humor are pure cringe.
Pretty much this guy.
That twitter post must be bait or the poster must be truly autistic.
story behind pic pls
It's a photoshop. I can tell by the pixels.
He's mocking anime hating normalfags. And I won't, I don't look for scapegoats for my life problems.
>I party every weekend, I'm never home
Jesus Christ how horrifying
>party every weekend
>im never home
I dont even watch anime and im a normie. This Sounds fucking awful.
I only watch shows I watched as a child anyway.
It's a nostalgia thing
>and im a normie
More like gross incel shut-in who hates fun
I did. Nothing changed.
I'm into western cartoons now.
Wait is that my boy Static Shock?
Black Lightning and Livewire.
I've watched about 30 minutes of anime in my life and i feel i have permanent brain damage.
Only anime I've ever watched was Persona 3 because I loved the game
wow epic! He parties every weekend!?
Man, I love parties! Gee guys, anime is for nerds, I'm out of here to go pick up some chicks.
>I party every weekend, I'm never home
Fuck that, that sounds fucking exhausting.
I might start watching anime as a precaution.
I never started on anime minus watching a couple once or twice.
Weeb shit makes me sick.
I will quit anime after three consecutive seasons of picking nothing up. Still dying alone though
>has an anime avatar
>magically his life got 50 times better as soon as he quit anime
>not just getting a job and having enough self control to not let your hobbies ruin your bank account
>lmao get fucked retard
Stop. OP's pic isn't serious (the fucking anime profile pic), but it's obvious you're just coping.
exactly lmao
just stop being an autistic neet and take care of yourself and stay in shape
it's not hard
i dont understand why the fuck you put the Jow Forums before the whooosh. what the fuck did you mean by that? just replying whooosh would be enough so why in the fuck would you put that there, you fucking disgust
this guy is right though
it sounds really bullshit that he magically got rich after quitting a hobby i could see if he was wasting thousands of money on anime shit
and was an autistic neet but that's just projecting his hate of former self onto people
>quit anime
>has anime avatar
Yep I'm not even going to bother with the rest
fuck sakes autocorrect
"thousands of dollars
Lmao, im fuckin engaged and have had several girlfriends. Back to redd1t fag
Fine, you're a cuck. While your gf is at the club swallowing cocks you're waging away. Impressive, cuck
R slash back to plebbit you raging homo
Lmao! Your desperation is cute. You dont matter and your insults are lame
>Jow Forumswhoooosh
what does this mean
go back
fuck u
>party every weekend
>never home
wow....that sounds so fun....
You guys realize this is satire... Right?
I don't care if anime is cringe and uncool, it beats working a steady job and having to deal with the needs of friends and lovers all day every day.
Outside of the anime pic, there is nothing that is a tip off of satire here. I think at least.
hahaha reddit yes it is funny right guys????
>avatar is from an anime that aired 3 months ago
Please go, and take all the other casual faggots with you. Crunchyniggers, dubfags, netflix and shitty localization companies all need to go.
>anime profile pic
Am I being rused?
>I'm never home
Sounds like hell
You don't "quit" anime, but you do grow out of it. As you become and adult and other things become more important and enjoyable, cartoons stop being that relevant.
Having said that, this is r9k and I'm sure many of you will never go through that. Don't worry, if ever you move on with your life, anime will rarely if ever be a part of it anymore. Then again, at this point, you probably think it's the worst thing ever. It's undoubtedly sad to depend on cartoons though.
That's quitting it, sweetie. Anime is for kids.
Anime is one of the best things about life, I watch it and I'm happy with my job, the girl I'm seeing, and my friends.
Not quitting it, it's not a conscious decision, it just slowly but surely fades out of your life, at least IMO.
Don't worry, I took 'em
Why 4 ears? As cute as cat girls are, I can't stop thinking about that. Are the cat ears functional? Or is it a vestigial trait leftover from evolving into cat girls? Are the cat ears just a headband? Does the brain have extra audio sensory receptors for audio picked up from cat ears?
you retards hes making fun of ppl that generalize anime watchers = fat neckbeard neets.
>nothing about it that tips off satire
>magically becomes rich enough to buy a house in 6 months just because he doesn't watch cartoons anymore
are you braindead?