Be male

>be male
>born ugly
>destined to live the rest of your life alone and unloved
anyone else know this feel?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>born ugly

All too well my friend

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I know that feel.
>Go about your day
>It's going okay
>Glimpse your reflection
>Remember you're Ugly with capital U
>Day ruined

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Fact: 80% of 5/10 & below men could easily be raised 1-3 points simply by self-discipline in diet, fitness and basic clothing choice. Unless you're extremely short or have clinical facial defects, you're more responsible for your subhumanness than anything else.

Is it morally permissible for ugly men to murder their parents as an act of revenge? Should parents of ugly men be jailed? I can't think of a more cruel act than bringing an ugly man into this world. Least they can do is give me a life of wealth and freedom from wagecuckery, but nope, son, we're poor as shit, better go to college and turn up to Mr. Shekelbergstein for the rest of your life to support us!

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>19.6 bmi
>good enough fashion sense that i get compliments regularly
>very concerned with my appearance and hygiene to the point where people think i have ocd or that i'm a metrosexual i'm not, i'm just compensating for being ugly
still alone. i'm just ugly user.

guyse just b urself? Also i bet fat slobs with 80 IQ would love to be with you anons

Just go out and be yourself. Not everyone wants to fuck you, contrary to what Jow Forums believes, and looks can be looked passed if you have other attractive features, like confidence, which can easily be gained.

>having a good time
>look at reflection
>reminded of your ugly existence
>day ruined

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>confidence, which can easily be gained

If you're attractive.

Imagine being born ugly and in third world with fucked up gender ratio.
You have it easy compared to those guys and you are probably not as ugly as you think, taking care of your skin and being in shape, getting a haircut will give you few points.

was reading about mewing and tongue posture recently. don't really buy it because I've never been a mouthbreather and yet I have a weaker jaw than most mouthbreathers e.g Harry Kane, and literally everyone on my mum's side has a side profile that looks like joe thomas in this picture

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> Be me Swefag
> Pretty ugly, kinda shitty personality
> Playin some dota 2 alone
> Be in a game with girl, have alot of fun.
> Add her after the game.
> Start chatting, she's from Turkey. Really like eachother become good friends in the course of a few months. I ignore the swefag memes and go with it.
> We become alot more friendly with eachother and after a while she wants to see a picture of me, and she tells me she'll send one too.
> This is where it ends, sad nibba hours.
> Sends me a picture of her first, she looks really good, at least 8/10. I feel my chances dwindle.
> Send her a picture of me, trying to look kinda allright. But ultimately ugly (like 2/10).
> She says I look handsome and tall. First time someone ever called me handsome.
> Feelsgoodman.jpg

She came to visit me a few months ago because she lives in another country, had a great time. Ultimately she had to leave but the good times make up for that.

There's a chance for all of us bros, even if we're ugly!

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I'm ugly and get dates and girlfriends no problem. There's gotta be more to it. Are you guys boring downers ?

No anyone can be confident.

Literally anyone could be confident.

Lose weight, start mewing, lift, get some sun, when you're confident enough get a good job, then you can get your gf and stop shitting up the board.

Why can't robots into compensating?

If you're ugly, acquire riches.
If you're fat, acquire personality.
If you're short, acquire power.

Why is this so hard to understand?

Unless you have a sunken jaw I'm pretty sure it's just rooted psychological problems which you'll have to work out yourself.

Yeah we are agreeing

>start mewing
Idk, that sounds pretty homosexual

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plenty of ugly people get laid and marry, you are ugly on the inside

Ah, I thought you said not anyone can be confident. My bad bro.

It's the opposite really, you have to keep your mouth closed you slut.

my concern isn't having no gf/ being a virgin anymore I just gave up on that. my concern now is just looking normal enough that teenagers don't make fun of me in public

I forgot a comma. Proper punctuation is for fags

plenty of ugly on the inside people get laid and marry

If you're ugly then make yourself beautiful. Work out, eat healthy etc. And create an attractive Persona and you can land any girl.

I have receded chin too. Literally subhuman feature.

>lol just be yourself bro works for me

Why do normalfags assume people who call themselves ugly are always fat? Why do they think "hitting the gym" will fix a disgusting face?

yes i do
wish i did not

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It's not about ugly=fat but the fact that somebody who works out and hits the gym takes care of himself and that shows outwardly despite how you might look.

It's a common suggestion because if you have a goal, focus and the determination to go there (in this case, being Jow Forums) it usually attracts people around you to you. It's not a silver bullet as nothing is but it sure increases your odds. If you already are taking care of yourself, i hope things get better for you mate. It fucking sucks being at the bottom emotionally.

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>recessed subhuman chin
>mutt dark brown eyes
>ugly potato nose
>skelly body except for fat thighs
>always look depressed
>nerd neck, terrible posture

Things were never meant to go my way were they

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