Why would you even waste time going to the gym if you are an ugly manlet?

Why would you even waste time going to the gym if you are an ugly manlet?

Attached: 1550567856904.jpg (768x768, 111K)

U could wear a 2 meter tophead and when someone makes fun of it you can beat them up

pic related

Attached: top hat.jpg (210x329, 11K)

I have big hair.
Would a top hat look good with that?

He'd look less ridiculous if he went natty lol

shave and terrorize your neightbour hood

100% chance that dude fucks hotter girls than you ever have

To feel good and healthy?

To be a less ugly manlet that can at least be useful rather than the meet you used to be :)

he looked better in the first pic, he is caricature in second

Is this shooped or is he like 4' tall?

what do you mean "useful"

>roiding when you have the literal easiest body type to make visible gains on

Doms from liberal cities would love him.

I feel bad for manlets, as i feel its the only real physical trait that is important for 95%+ of women, you can be ugly and still dress good, be well groomed and have a chance.

It doesn't matter for shit unless you are a literal midget.

Depends what you mean, as long as you're above like the average height for women (5'6/5'7) its not SO bad

Average height for women is less than that.

Well it was an estimate based on my country, sorry for not researching it thoroughly before putting it on this website where all the information is 100% accurate.

Yeah but even short women prefer tall men, not just slightly taller than they are.

His disproportionately large head in the right picture makes it looked shopped

All the tall incels would disagree

Because they have an ugly face?
But that doesn't disprove the importance of height in any way.

Height is one of many characterisitcs that determine attractiveness. You're being as autistic as the people who shill muh blue eyes.

guy looks CASH now tbqh

Nobody has been rejected fot not having blue eyes. Being a manlet on the other hand....

>Nobody has been rejected fot not having blue eyes.
I guess I'm nobody then.

That dude walks around feeling like fucking Goku or Super Buu. Who cares if he can't get pussy either way?

Tall incels are blind, mentally ill retards who have no real clue how to attract women outside of what they read on r/Braincels. If they were smart they'd know height makes looks irrelevant for women after 6'0