old me is back thanks to old fren catboi
>fuck roasties
>fuck faggots
>fuck trannies
>fuck incels
even after all that I still like talking to roasties over dumb incels
although roasties with 0 self awareness of how people only tolerate them because they have a hole make me laugh
Other urls found in this thread:
gunjy shit
Ok, your dicks small
Laughing now?
was the old gunjy ever gone?
better yet: will he ever leave?
you're one of the biggest incels on here you mentally ill faggot
>be gunjy
>Orbit trannies and chase after them
>then do a complete change of attitude as soon as one doesn't want your dick
>call other people incel when the root of your hate for trannies lies in being rejected by them and being screwed over by them
>was the old gunjy ever gone?
No, I have changed but old me is coming back out and I dont really like it yo be honest, stopped caring even more somehow about people.
>you're one of the biggest incels on here you mentally ill faggot
>cant go outside
>mentally ill
Nah im still not an incel, im getting fit but I will not be trying to date chicks or anything.
If I truly loved anyone they would deserve better than me
what trannie rejected me?
why do you make up bullshit
I get orbiters you dumb fuck, why would I be an incel out of rejection, had dumb roastie want me fly a city over and live with her and I rejected her.
get your story straight
>stop visiting Jow Forums for 6-8 months to pursue some interests
>come to a few boards tonight just to see what's been going on
>this NEET pedophile nearly 30 ausfag is still leeching off mommy and posting on r9k 20 hours a day because becoming a pseudo-e-celeb on this cesspool of a fairly inactive board filled with teenagers is literally the only thing he can achieve in this life
never change, bucko.
btw, if nobody's ever heard this fags voice, pretty sure he's never developed as a human being because he never actually hit puberty
I'm not making shit up
lmao i remember aero fucking up your server
and conveniently right after that you developed a hate for them
lmao he sounds like he's singing well drunk
I used to agree with you but you have become cucked beyond repair
Why does he sound slightly british. And what a faggy high pictched voice
>lmao i remember aero fucking up your server
>and conveniently right after that you developed a hate for them
yeah, I amde a mistake and James fucked my server up and used it to shill his trap harem.
I then decided I would not ever allow trannies in my servers again
i likely was drunk I used to have an alcohol problem
>I used to agree with you but you have become cucked beyond repair
I dont even agree with myself, I a, quite the joke
lmao is that why you used to try and convince twinks to take hrt from time to time?
>lmao is that why you used to try and convince twinks to take hrt from time to time?
I did that to one pol fag.
I also pretend im a trap to get $$ off beta fagots online, doesnt mean shit
G-Guys I don't orbit trannies wtf???
sure lmao
i wish i had those screenshots of you saying to your buddies in a discord group dm you wanted to be a girl
even you cant escape vagina envy gunjy
dont lie
hehe im not gay you guys! i hate faggots!
>wish i had those screenshots of you saying to your buddies in a discord group dm you wanted to be a girl
I do want to be a girl. they have immense power at their disposal.
>hehe im not gay you guys! i hate faggots!
I went to extreme lengths with Niko, I even fapped on voice for him as I tried to sissyfy him and later encourage him to kill himself.
In reality I just played myself as he was gay and I had to act like a faggot XD
hearty kek at that
that voice discredits you forever, gunjy. i remember i was in this shitheads discord and he just banned me one day for not being active enough.
you're an unfathomable loser faggot, gunjy
it's everyone else that's a mentally ill incel!
im perfectly normal : ) just admit you're just as fucked and pathetic as every other inbred retard on this board and the only thing protecting you from the realization of how pathetic you are is your ego
lmao you can just be honest that you're pathetic for once
maybe it'l earn you some respect and some attention
maybe i should bring up some more screenshots
since you still wanna beat around the bushes you aren't impressing anyone retard you're just making people dislike you even more
Bro I don't push hrt!!!!
heh i-im not a sociopath you guys im j-just misunderstood please let me be your friend : (
i appreciate you blocking out my name user
totally not a shitty person and in denial about it ! ur just a dum dum incel user X'D
>lmao you can just be honest that you're pathetic for once
never said i wasnt pathetic
>maybe i should bring up some more screenshots
post as many as you like, you are only wasting your time as I dont care.
>heh i-im not a sociopath you guys im j-just misunderstood please let me be your friend : (
i tell my server I dont like any of them, I am honest
if you were honest you wouldn't beat around the bushes and try to shrug off people questioning your behavior as "heh i was just being ironic bro! only time you're honest is when people have you cornered with nowhere to go
Post feet or gtfo attwntio. Whore
>only time you're honest is when people have you cornered with nowhere to
no, im always honest also this is ll old drama rei.
did I want that guy to die?
yeah, and i wated to watch
its fairly obvious, why do you make out im trying hide that?
if you're always honest why did you try to imply i was lying about you taking advantage of people?
because hes from australia u dummy
i had to drag up old ass screenshots to get you to bite
>if you're always honest why did you try to imply i was lying about you taking advantage of people?
i do but not in that case
anyway im 2 depressed im going sleeo
reminder that this is gunjy, the original file was literally named coolhat.jpg
and next to him is the woman he lost his virginity to. he's only so adamant about being a "robot" because he knows he is just a failed normie and doesn't actually belong here.
reminder that he absolutely unironically is also a redditor
hmmmm... what have we here?
What happend to:
Passed out again.
Free (You)s cuz I'm gay Gunjy Thread?
probably mummy came home