Le funny "roasty" memes

Ok. Look. I get a lot of people have bad luck with women. But there is a level of toxicity that has developed on this board towards women that is just unbelievable. Why the incels can't stick to Jow Forums I don't know but I want to address this

1) the amount of sex us women have DOES NOT affect how large, loose, or "floppy" our labia is. ITS ENTIRELY GENETIC
2) the hymen can break during rough physical activity and is not a useful measure for determining virginity
3) there is NO benefit to being a virgin female in a relationship
4) women DO NOT owe you sex
5) your toxic attitude towards women is dangerous not only to women, but also to the minds of men
6) not all women are whores
7) even if they were, there's nothing inherently wrong with being a "whore"
8) women hardly ever cheat
9) women hardly ever lie
10) men are entirely to blame for them being virgins
11) the memes are stupid, lies, and unfunny.

So. Now that we're on the same page, I'm looking for help in how to counter the incel propaganda machine. Why? Because I feel personally attacked everytime I come on the internet. This place wasn't always terrible but it's getting worse. I want it to stop

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I dislike the roastie memes as well but if you hate them so much why stick with Jow Forums of all places?

Because they're spreading everywhere. I know it's pointless to go to the real powerhouse (Jow Forums) so I'm starting small. Plus this is an advice board, so maybe someone will have an idea about how to combat this

You can't change mentalities so easily, especially over the internet when people aren't receptive of your input to begin with.
The anons who insist on those jokes are already mentally fucked beyond repair. Literally just go somewhere else if you can't handle it. That's life

Well, I'm what you might call a "sassy" bitch so I'm not going down without a fight

Just post this on Jow Forums, incels generally aren't welcome here.

this is a bait thread my man
sage or stop replying

>it's bait if I don't like it
A tale as old as time

What about the several 100+ reply threads about women "cheating" and contracting STDs? You don't think that was made by an incel?

Are you retarded? Or is this just bait?

>3) there is NO benefit to being a virgin female in a relationship
Yes there is if your partner likes it. For some men it's incredibly important. How can you not understand the extreme basics of attraction? Do you have a preference for something in your partner?

>8) women hardly ever cheat
Women cheat, just like men. There is no difference between the sexes in wanting someone or something outside the relationship.
>9) women hardly ever lie
Women lie more than men. Not because they're worse, but because they are less likely to resolve needs and problems by force or aggression.

>10) men are entirely to blame for them being virgins
Yes, in a sense. But right now the deck is stacked against them, a problem women do not have. It's trivial for a woman to lose her virginity; not so for a man. So yes, it's a man's fault for being a virgin, but he has to go through so much more to have sex than a woman will ever need. And all the pressure is on him, not her.

>11) the memes are stupid, lies, and unfunny.
You are stupid, lying, and unfunny.

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Small dick memes have been a mainstay since the dawn of civilization. I thought feminists were all for equality?

Sassy up byour ass. Let them rage and read with sympathy and understanding over the person, not rage. You are raging of their rage. That's no healthy.

All of this is true.

Also vaginal tightness relates to age, weight gain/loss, childbirth and other things. It's not entirely genetic.

Lol, what? The incel memes are getting tired as well whenever someone criticizes the behaviour of women.

The part that really matters is excitement. If I wake my gf up with sex she'll be tight. If I spend time arousing her, such as with licking, then she'll be pretty loose by the time I enter her. That has been far more of a factor than anything else I've experienced, and I have had sex with older/younger, heavy/skinny, moms/virgins.

The tightest girlfriend I had was one that didn't like sex and had difficulty getting wet. Her tightness didn't change at all from the fifth time we had sex to the hundredth time (first time she was a virgin and very tense so I don't count that).

Exhibits a & b
Well, I've seen them. They're not spreading like wildfire, but that they exist off this cesspool of a website at all is extremely scary
Thanks for proving my point
Have small dick guys been killed because of it by women??!?

Fucking Jow Forums mod moving this here baka. Talk about misogyny

Women cheat often and everybody lies.

>Have small dick guys been killed because of it by women??!?
Have women thought about not rejecting guys then??!?

>posting the same thread twice
what's wrong with you op

Until women get over their heightism against short men no one cares
you made a new thread because the otherone didn't work out
figure it out, get over it

This one was moved from another board, the first few posts are sequential numbers

r9k and b are just incel circle jerks
>boo hoo this bitch rejected me I hate women
fuck sake get used to it
maybe leave your mom's basement moron

>8) women hardly ever cheat
>9) women hardly ever lie


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>1) the amount of sex us women have DOES NOT affect how large, loose, or "floppy" our labia is. ITS ENTIRELY GENETIC
No little girl has ever been born with roast beef flaps. It is NOT genetic.

it does, sluts just don't want their secret out
it is huge benefit for both parties
all women are whores
there is everything wrong with being a whore. it goes for both genders
all women will cheat if they can
all women lie

fuck off roastie

>go to incel board
>shit talk believes held by community
>ask for help to counter the incel propaganda
herro, baito desu

get hogging f i hj

I don't mind the jokes, the memes. Its just there seems to be a retarded number of guys who genuinely seem to believe it and that is mind boggling to me. Actual retards

What the fuck, OP, are you postin the same thread twice? You're really hungry for (You)s, uh?
Well, I won't repeat myself, except for one thing: go fuck yourself

This fucking retard has obviously never heard of puberty. I swear to got, ever time i stop by here for a quick laugh, you guys never fail to get hearty laughters out of me.

Some if not most of the people actually discussing this or have a grasp of the actual world outside of internet propaganda and are ok, arguably sensible. I just love to laugh at idiots like this

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>Plus this is an advice board

Sure you are lady(man)

this. can' t believe the shit i read on here sometimes.. Same as they arent born with pubes or giant tits. same reason balls drop in men

Unironically agree with everything except 2,7,8 and 9

Second post with this exact same topic and image, bot evasion.

fuck off won't ya?

Man, this is some sad bait

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I agree with all this point, appart the 10). Our society is such that women tend to see hypersensitive men as the worse bf material, and that hypersensitive men tend to think there's a problem with themselves.

Reminder that if women are upset by this meme then that means it works. We invented this meme years ago solely to troll roasties

You've got the format down and the prose but something feels off and makes the b8 less believable. Try using a picture of something cute instead of a meme maybe?

>all women are roasties
Either your life is hard and your words overstep your experience, or your mom has lived an interesting life

What the fuck are you talking about, you dumb cunt. Jow Forums has become more roastie friendly than ever. I haven't seen a women hate thread in at least 6 months. Half the fucking posts on this board now are by femoids. Fucking kill yourself

you faggots are so dumb. such obvious bait and you fall for it. sage the thread

As a woman, 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 are true. There technically is some benefit to virginity on all sides of a relationship, at least socially, so 4 and 7 are wrong. As for whether women cheat, it's pretty equal between men and women. Of course, all women lie because every human lies at least 3 times per day. As for 10 and 11, I don't /really/ want to put 100% of the blame on men, but you are right about the memes being a little bit repetitive and unfunny.

After taking a dip into /b/ and Jow Forums, Jow Forums is relatively tame and you should leave them alone. They're 75% sane whereas Jow Forums and /b/ fluctuate between 25% and 50% sane.

Was about to agree until
>there's nothing inherently wrong with being a "whore"
>Women hardly ever cheat
>women hardly ever lie


I agreed with you up until 7 and beyond. Also Nice larping, retard.

Sounds like roastie is getting toasty!