Will you at least give blacks credit for being better dancers than whites?
Even white women tell you themselves when asked why they prefer black men they say "they have more rhythm, they are more fun, just better dancers"
Will you at least give blacks credit for being better dancers than whites?
Even white women tell you themselves when asked why they prefer black men they say "they have more rhythm, they are more fun, just better dancers"
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Black people are indeed better dancers on average. Obviously the rest of the post is just race-baiting, but w/e.
There's not many things in this world I care less about than dancing.
heightist dicklets btfo'd in every possible way
Why did God make niggers the same color as shit?
>They will breed with your daughters
Good thing I don't live in the United States.
We are the greatest country in the world. Not sure why people hate us.
>Muh capitalism
>Muh hedonism
>Muh corruption
All human nature you may as well let it all out instead of hiding it.
I don't mind capitalism, hedonism, or corruption - they're ubiquitous. I do appreciate being able to have children in the city I grew up in without fear of niggers raping my daughters or outcasts shooting my sons at school.
>muh pleasure above the survival of the species
>human nature
Huh? Not him, not racist, but Death to America
What country is that exactly? You guys don't name any countries but bash us Americans.
Australia. Am I supposed to identify myself whenever I accuse someone else?
>Us Americans
You're not an Anglo-Saxon for sure, posting shit like that. Don't call yourself America.
>You're not an Anglo-Saxon for sure, posting shit like that.
God, you're stupid. Have you ever left your basement? Reality will hit wh*Te nationalists hard.
You're clearly a nonwhite, a kike, or possibly even Irish.
Name 10 reasons why being white is superior
if this wasn't a shitty racebait thread maybe
but because it is
fuck off kike
Why is he holding that gun?
muh bbc
why is that the only thing niggers have going for them? it's not even that big lmao
i remember meeting some groid off grindr and i see this shit lmaao
yes they are, but latinos are even better than blacks. blacks are good hip hop dancers but those latino guys dance salsa and all that stuff which is more body-to-body oriented.
I know because my oneitis throws herself to latinos every time she goes out because their dance moves are great and sexy, according to her
First of all you're a faggot
nice cope lmaao
Imagine actually caring about sex
we dont rape ya daughter honkey. they want us and do it willingly
This pretty much. You think we are forcing these white bitches to fuck us?
white women are literally MADE to be fucked and bred by black men. this cannot be argued.
Yeah no search up black on white rape statistics and then vice versa.
you know american women don't count as white right?
>implying they need a guide
>implying it's not part of their instincts
Tell that to the white men that live in this country as I am black.
they don't count as white either
just as you don't count as african
amerimutts have no racial identity
they're all pathetic
low iq low test mutts
Nobody is 100% of their racial identity.
most people aren't a disgusting ugly mutt either
imagine being so insecure and self loathing that you feel the need to constantly racebait
and use your dick size to reasure yourself you aren't a pathetic waste of sperm
apart of a race that never achieved anything of historic significance as much as other races have
im black and I cant dance for shit. I also cant play basketball, in fact im horribly unathletic and uncoordinated. im not sure if this is because of my genetics or because i never played any sports or did anything active during my childhood. I have heard someone say once that the rhythm and athletic prowess is somehow related to melanin and i guess that would explain why i am not so athletic. im more of a light/pale black, and i notice the darker ones tend to be more physically tuned in. better athletes, better dancers, and even socially they sort of operate on a different level. very charming and charismatic in a way.
nice lowkey racebaiting