How do I deal with a suicidal gf?

How do I deal with a suicidal gf?

I used to be a good bf and try my best to help her, but her constant negativity has really got me down. I noticed that now I just get mad at her whenever she brings it up. What do Jow Forums?

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Stage a dual suicide with her

As the suicidal gf, you have to let her go. That is honestly the only thing you can do. Stop trying to save her, you only have so much energy and patience. You are not her saviour, nobody is. That is not your fault. Get her some professional help.

Beat her up. That is the only help she needs.
She needs to feel alive again and she only can do that when you break her nose

>How do I deal with a suicidal gf?

suicide pact

Choek bitch til almosg dead yhen she will apreciate life of beat her til almost dead domunate yhat roadyie gucking bitch whore and then kill houfself faggot

>I don't want to go home
>can I sleep here tonight

Fucking hell.
Knowing I made somebody feel that way would mean so much to me.
God I just want to be a source of comfort and safety for a girl.

No, you don't really. Like user, you would mean well at first but eventually get sick of dealing with our shit. Pursue normie girls for your own health.

try to get her to read Feeling Good by David Burns it'll teach her cognitive behavioral therapy (like having a therapist in a book) don't know that it'll cure her if she's suicidal but might help with some symptoms

nigger ur having a stroke?

>you would mean well at first but eventually get sick of dealing with our shit
Well yes, if you were legitimately batshit insane or an unreasonable person, I probably would.
Most people aren't like that, even if they have some problems.
Besides, a girl preferring to stay with me rather than go home would suggest her issues might be situational, and she'd improve in a better environment she felt more secure in.

>Pursue normie girls for your own health.
I have nothing in common with them, we have a fundamentally different understanding of the world, and I get sick of their shit immediately.

>Well yes, if you were legitimately batshit insane or an unreasonable person, I probably would.
Have you met someone that's suicidal? We're all batshit and unreasonable, why else would we be suicidal?

Your entire reply is delusional. You have no idea what you're in for. It's not like the movies where a hug and a fuck is going to make someone not suicidal. If anything, a relationship will make it worse.

Get her into therapy. She's got to learn to cope with her depression. If nothing else she'll at least have someone else to talk to about that shit.

>If anything, a relationship will make it worse.

Definitely seems this way. Whenever we argue she gets REALLY bad. I blame myself for it, but arguing is natural and unavoidable in most cases, so it's difficult. If I don't raise my concerns I feel like she's walking all over me, but if I do then she might self harm and this will make me feel like a piece of shit. I do love her very much, but it's not easy being with her.

user, please don't blame yourself. It's just a shitty situation for everyone, it's not anyone's fault. I know that leaving her will be extremely painful for both you and her, but honestly, it needs to be done. She is not in a good place for a relationship. After I was broken up with, I was upset beyond words to start with, but eventually realised that he did the right thing. You can still be there for her as a friend. Being in a relationship just adds to the stress.

OP, i've been been going out with a recovered self-harmer and suicidal girl for 3 years now. And even though she has recovered and doesn't do that shit anymore, it's still a fucking rollercoaster with her. Who knows if it won't get worse again with things like post-natal depression or menopause. Unless you're interested in a lifetime of constant fear about what she might do, then get away from her. She'll be fine and you'll both move on from each other, but she may never move on from the suicidal tendencies. Everytime I pick up the phone theres a chance she'll be telling me she wants to kill herself and more, usually over the most mundane shit. Just get out of it quick, you're not doing anyone any favours if you stay

>We're all batshit and unreasonable, why else would we be suicidal?
Making an accurate and lucid assessment of life.
Everything fucking sucks and the closest things get to positive is when things are slightly less horrible than usual for a brief time.
Yes, some people are suicidal because they're insane, but to think a person has to be insane or unreasonable to think life really isn't worth continuing isn't accurate unless you use the normie "not happy 100% of the time for no fucking reason" definition of insane.

Besides, I was referring to that image, which doesn't suggest suicidal ideation.

All of my friends have been telling me to break up with her, and now you guys too. I don't want to be without her, when it's good it's really fucking good with her. I never loved anyone like her, but that constant fear really is there user. I'll share a story. She doesn't like me smoking, but I'm addicted. When I was at her place one time she said I shouldn't do it, but I couldn't take it any more and got ready to go out and have one. She started crying, being pissed at me. I though she would jump out the balcony by the time I got back. If even my thinking has gotten so warped by being with her I think you definitely have a point. It's just not easy, I don't want to be without her.

Me with the ex suicidal girlfriend again, OP. This sounds like typical stuff my girlfriend, and her old suicidal friends, would do. She's not doing it because she cares, she's doing it because she likes to have control over something. She probably doesn't even realise its abusive, she may when you bring it up but even then she'll find a way to guilt trip you into staying, or make you want to stay.

Suicidal gf here, can unfortunately confirm that user is correct. Once I realised that I was abusive as fuck, is when I understood why I was broken up with and stopped freaking out over it.

You're both suffering. The great moments are great, sure, and you love her a lot, sure, but neither of you are thriving in this relationship. Isn't that what relationships are for? To bring out the best in each other? It's going to be extremely difficult, but I truly believe you need to pull the plug on this.

Give her the D. A good D fix this problem. If you don't have the magic stick, watch more porn and develop your game.