So why the fuck do so few people live together

>Millions, if not billions of depressed, isolated young adults across the world
>Yet they all live alone or with just their partner, or an unloving family

What's stopping groups of friends banding together, renting/buying a large house and always living in friendly company?

Attached: hmmmmmm.png (817x920, 112K)

Because we would end up hating each other and it would fail. Communal living goes against our nature. Most of us talk about how lonely we are, but in reality we are mostly introverted and prefer to be alone. Or at least, have personality traits that make us hard to get along with.

Next question?

you need a certain minimum of affect to garner positive social rapport with people that would make a decent relationship sustainable. Whenever I've lived with other people, by the end of the lease, we don't speak or interact unless absolutely necessary, and we can't be in the same room at the same time.

>Communal living goes against our nature?

Does it, though? For a lot of human history households and 'extended families' were interchangeable. Hell, pretty sure that that was still the case in Southern Europe and East Asia up only until recent decades.

Because everyone is different and incompatible with each other.

>move in with friend about 4 years ago
>we had previously been friends for about 6 years
>close, get along well, laugh a lot, yknow friend shit
>I move there and she immediately invites her boyfriend to live with us without letting me know ahead of time
>he isn't on the lease
>they take up the bathroom every morning for like an hour
>have to go to the lease office to pee
>hear her getting railed every night, can barely sleep
>she turns into a complete bitch
>move out 2 months later

We don't talk anymore

Yeah but they used social norms that everyone hates in order to enforce communal living.
What's happening now is that we're breaking free from the idea that we have to accept the community we were given as our community, but we lack the ability to hone in on who should constitute our community because everyone is mysterious and because it's frankly easier to be alone if you can manage it because then you don't have to deal with the needs and motives of whoever.

>What's stopping groups of friends banding together, renting/buying a large house and always living in friendly company?
Because that would be communism. Illegal in uncle sams home of the free and the brave.

Does she know you can hear her having sex?

I brought it up with her and she just basically smiled and shrugged it off. Still continued.

How did you bring it up? What did you exactly say?

I wasn't talking about human nature. I was talking about our Jow Forums autistic subhuman nature. There's a reason you spend time here instead of with real people.

Your fault for relying on a femoid for physiological necessities like shelter, sanitation, living space, money.

I mean I wasn't a dick about it, I just said hey it's a little weird hearing you and your bf banging, can you be quieter about it or something? She just smiled and nodded. I guess she was embarrassed, but me being on the lease, I think I had a right to say something. If I wanted to be a dick I could rat out her bf to the leasing office but I'm not a snitch.

I didn't rely on her for shit, but I learned my lesson.

because we live in hell

Even best friends who move in together even up resenting and hating eachother after living together long enough

If you think earth is a living hell, why haven't you killed yourself? I know why.

In fact, you cling to life more if you are miserable. The more miserable you are, the more you cling.

People who are suffering are always hopeful, optimistic. They always hope that something is going to happen tomorrow. People who have lived in deep misery and hell have created heaven, the idea, the paradise. It is always tomorrow; it never comes.

It is always there, hanging like a bait in front of you somewhere in the future.

you type like a gay faggot

It's easy to criticise but you don't offer any new paradigm whatsoever.

>There's a reason you spend time here instead of with real people.
Because I prefer to be alone.
>inb4 you never hung out with others or have gone to social gatherings before
been there and done that and I still prefer being alone.

Muh new ideas.
Thoughts aren't original you insufferable cunt.

T. has the reading comprehension of a 3rd grade sandnigger

My point made no reference to whether or not thoughts as a phenomenon had any originality whatsoever. I'm pointing out that it's easy to criticise people for falling into unavoidable cognitive traps, all the while hypocritically offering no help whatsoever. It's like criticising a surgeon's operative methods when you refuse to practice yourself. Kill yourself because you're much more stupid than you think you are.

Would you really trust someone from this board not to rape you in your sleep, steal your things, discuss your private life to strangers and be a general fuckhead about everything?

>offering no help whatsoever
Muh help
Muh mental health


As opposed to a straight faggot?

Sick burn dude, have an upvote