Why do guys get so easily seduced by big boobs? I've seen guys droll over land whales with shit faces because their boobs are big. Why not settle for a normal boob size?
Why do guys get so easily seduced by big boobs...
I have a big dick, so I demand big boobs or a big ass in return, sorry sweetie.
Evolution I guess? Hips and boobs are indicators of mommy material
Men are retarded dogs, is why. They're not human, just some sort of animal who has learned to speak and write and dress in clothing. You should pity them. Their minds are entirely controlled by their penis.
Not even bitter. I'm 9/10 and have a thin waist and good sized assets. Just here to call a spade a spade. Men are horny animals entirely controlled by their erection.
cuz we need the big milkies for our future children
we dont want them to die of thirst, to have underdeveloped brains, etc.
if you dont have the big milkies, AT LEAST grow an ass and trim down the waist to a 0.7 waist to hip ratio.
it goes: face>0.7 wthr>ass>breast>vagina type
It's a socialized beauty construct that isnt even universal within our own society.
Women are the ones obsessed with their bodies and especially with our dicks for some reason
exactly, this user gets it
with an 8" bbc you better have a 50"+ ass or big breasts
is that way, sweetie.
>especially with our dicks
pft. Which is why every woman with a husband or boyfriend still keeps a dildo. A piece of silicone is a better fucktoy than a real penis, hate to tell you.
>obsessed with their bodies
Says the gender who builds their entire identity around their height, cock size, and how often they go to the gym.
bwc actually, I hope you're black and not a subhuman cuck
Most people don't want a fattie, OP. They do it out of desperation, and if you're gonna date a fattie. You might as well date one with large tits.
Normal sized boobs are fine, but slightly smaller than average is best.
>Says the gender who builds their entire identity around their height, cock size, and how often they go to the gym.
women are the ones who build men's identity around height dick size and muscles.
guys wouldnt care about that stuff if women didnt care
See how mad you are, it gets to you because you know its true. You even buy toy dicks you're so obsessed with them, men just jerk off with their hand.
We don't build our identities off that, its just the only thing you notice hahahah, stop exposing yourself
i think you misinterpreted my post user,
i have a 8" bbc (not black just hispanic with a dark penis despite having light brown skin tone), just like you have presumably a 8" bwc
I just like fat black bitches. Not even gonna lie to you OP
This. I gave up a long time ago, and despite being a fatass I have the respect of my peers and the admiration of people that can't even begin to fathom the things that I do.
boobfag here, a boob is too big once it's bigger than a womans head.
sticc>thicc, dont @ me
fat girls are gross and their fat nasty tits are even more disgusting. i dont give a shit about tits, yea they can look nice, but my last crush was totally flat chested but had a nice butt.
Because the vast majority of the population are shit people with shit tastes.
Big boobs can be nice, I like smaller and middle sized ones too if it looks good on the girl, though.
Girls tend to care way more about their own bodies than men do, desu.
I never realised how many guys care that much about big boobs until I went to my cousin's bachelor party and a lot of guys made such a big deal about the fact that a different, smaller-chested waitress came than the one who was booked. I kind of felt sorry for her because some of the comments were quite rude.
No one gives a shit about big boobs.
I lust after huge boobs. They are literally the meaning of life. I jerk off ten times a day thinking about big humongous boobs.
Some men have standards and some have none at all.
We're all just really fucking lonely.
>No one gives a shit about big boobs.
t. the big gay
>tfw you will never have a perfect gf pic related
I like flat chests, petite small bodies and really high pitched voices. Big boobs look weird and nasty, like having balloons under your skin and nipples, no idea why people are into that.
Girls hate short and ugly guys. So it's only fair. At least men still settle for chestlests and don't have crazy high standards, unlike with you thots
>I like flat chests
spotted the pedo faggot
no shit fampai, lolis are the best
the main difference between humans and animals is the brain size and the ability to think abstractly. women have smaller brains than men and they're shit at abtract thinking. women are definitely closer to animals. being horny is like being hungry. nothing weird or primitive about it.
i would be perfectly content with normal boobs attached to a girl who cares about me, especially if i could play with them
As a lesbian, I can confirm that I want to squeeze and jiggle her pillowbags and stuff my face in them.
Dunno man I like large breasts and wide child bearing hips. I want to have a large wholesome family one day and those are positive traits for having a lot of kids. But to be realistic I'll settle for anybody without a shit personality and roll with what choices life gives me to take.
Based cunnyposter.
Thank you /tv/, very cool!
>women have smaller brains than men.
>they're shit at abstract thinking.
>women are definitely closer to animals.
Go back to the 1800s when measuring the skull was the height of science.
>the main difference between humans and animals is the brain size
t. this user's ass
so whales and elephants are the dominant species on earth, I take it?
You do realise that only applies to women with breast implants, right? Try looking at normal breasts.
holy shit is that a rare female pepe?
All of that is true butthurt roastie. Google who's brain is bigger men or women then Google who is better at abstract thinking. Women do all their thinking with their emotions
Titlets, when will that learn, I'm sure plenty of pedo incels would still hit it.
I'm average american male height and have an average american dick size, could you settle for me?
>implying that anyone who disagrees with you has big labia
>refers to brain size as a measure of intelligence despite the fact that this has been refuted by 2-3 people on this thread since he mentioned it
>refuses to give citations for these ridiculous opinions
>"Google it"
>thinking that 4 billion people only feel and never think like this would be beneficial to any member of society
>ignoring the fact that men have bigger amygdalae and are therefore proven to be more hyperemotional than women
It's nap time, son.
Nah I've always had big boobs. Gay guys like them more than straight ones. Medium boobies are always for the win.
Complimenting fat gf's tits is just a way of coping with inability to find someone more attractive.
Every girl has roast and a mini dick you roastie I can smell the fish from here
i'm sure i would enjoy your boobs a lot if given the chance femanon.
>resorting to insults because you've just been proven wrong
>tfw no big boobs gf
in relation to size you fucking retard. and no it's not that men are bigger so they have bigger brains. women have smaller brains than men in relation to size.
no one refuted it that's a very dumb point that i took down in a second. and i didn't say they don't think at all. i said men are better at abstract thinking. and idk about men having bigger amydagla but that's probably because they have bigger brains you fucking brainlet?
your small brain is showing just stop...
also i don't need a citation when i state a simple fact i don't walk aroumd carrying scientific papers with me. you can check it if you want but you don't want because you don't want to know for a fact that you're inferior mentally and physically. i'm not your teacher try learning something for yourself it's very useful.
I forgot that there are people who actually think that brain size says anything about the contents of the brain.
at least try to make a point. the brain is a physical organ so ofc the bigger the better and all the smartest animals like dolphins have big brains in relation to their size. you can just google it you know. or nvm your little brain won't be able to process the information anyways :/
>Women have smaller brains in relation to size.
Consistent with findings in adults, average cerebral volume is approximately 10% larger in boys than in girls. However, such differences should not be construed as imparting any sort of functional advantage or disadvantage; gross structural measures may not reflect functionally relevant factors such as neuronal connectivity and receptor density. Moreover, brain volumes, even in narrowly defined groups (e.g. children of the same age), may vary by as much as 50%. Young girls have, on average, larger hippocampi, whereas young boys have larger amygdalas.
>No one refuted it.
One told you to go to the 1800s, one mocked you by saying that you probably think that elephants are smart, and one greentexted you.
>I didn't say they don't think.
>"Women do all their thinking with emotions."
>Not knowing that emotions aren't thought.
>I said men are better at abstract thinking.
Provide sources.
>Idk about bigger amygdalae (You misspelt this btw)
>Not knowing something that is crucial to neurology and yet acting like you're an expect
>That's probably because they have bigger brains
Parts of the female brain are on avg bigger than parts of the male one. It's not related to size. For example, women have more white matter, etc.
>Your small brain is showing.
>I don't need a citation for a simple fact
>Acting like the genetic inferiority of 4 billion people is a fact
>I don't walk around carrying scientific papers with me
>Floundering when you don't even have a tiny shred of scientific evidence
>You can check if you want
>Expecting people to make a case for you
>You don't want to know for a fact that you're inferior mentally
If I was, I would accept it but I'm a neurosurgeon and I have done the research.
>and physically
This is biased. Women are built for giving birth; men are built for killing cheetahs. I wouldn't say that either one is inferior.
>I'm not your teacher
>Saying this to a neurosurgeon who knows more than you do
>saying "the bigger the better" like this hasn't been proven wrong by things like 12-inch penises and macrocephaly
I whole heartedly hope you find a man that quells that anger.
there is nothing you can do about this
Tldr get the fuck off my board
>thinking that you own parts of Jow Forums
>hating thinking
>tfw no insecure small tits gf to help solve her self-esteem issues
Why are you arguing with guys on fucking Jow Forums?
Do you really care that much?
are you really that insecure?
holy shit this is riddled with logical fallacies, ambiguity, cherry picking, ignoring stuff, and emotional and moral talk. it would be too much effort for me to take all of this down one by one and i can't even copy on the app i'm using. you basically fell for the equality meme. you like the idea that everyone is equal. if i said a child is weaker and not as smart as an adult, it's not inequality or cruelness, it's just a fact. also jfc if you're actually a neurosurgeon and you're that dumb that says a lot about women... and btw i'm not the guy that said it's true and called you a roastie. i'm the first guy who talked about the difference between animals and humans.
Hey at least you tried A for effort
Men are pure, we love women for their bodies. Women are digustingly complicated and confuse sexual attraction with social security, financial security and so on
No, I just get a kick out of sending Channers into panic attacks.
>Calling someone an brainlet
>an brainlet
>This is riddled with X, Y, and Z.
Provide examples.
>You fell for the equality meme.
People are not equal, but there are no extreme differences between groups. Unfortunately, you fell for the superiority meme.
>Comparing women to children
>If you're a neurosurgeon and you're that dumb, that says a lot about women.
I literally remove tumours from people's brains for a living to great success and I am rolling in money from it. I'm sorry that you can't comprehend basic sentences like, "The size of a brain does not reflect on its contexts."
>I'm the first guy who talked about the difference between animals and humans.
That's very nice, dear. Call me when I care.
Take a nap.
Point out where he owns Jow Forums.
This is why feminism was a mistake
Because large breasts get glorified by anime, so most neckbeards will love them. I wish i wasn't part of that bunch, my gf is literally perfect but has A-cups which makes me way too sad. Kill me
>take a nap
This is easily the weakest response I have ever gotten on this site, and I've been here for 8 years. Is this what passes for a sick burn on Twitter?
I love big anime tits but actually prefer small breasts in real life. Don't know why.
You get the response that you deserve. I'm not going to refute dogshit. At least, the last person's thinking fell somewhat within the range of forgivable misunderstanding. You're just throwing words at a void and expecting them to come together and mean something in a way that permits your hatred of women.
i just feel sad whenever i see them because i will never get to touch large tits for my gf is way too good to ever break up with.
Point out where I don't own Jow Forums
Just think of her tits as a yogurt lid
Touche, touche, mon ami.
>You're just throwing words at a void and expecting them to come together and mean something
Ironic. Women selecting mates based on the factors I listed is well documented, I know Twitter hates any arguments not based on feelings so I guess I must've really struck a nerve.
hahaha you're so dumb that's enough effort spent on you. but "call me when i care"??? bitch you used someone else's words like they're my own to show me what i said. i'm clearing it up. you're a fucking brainlet.
I'm not saying that it's not documented, but women also care about physical attraction. Otherwise, one-night stands wouldn't exist. To think that only men care about bodies (and nothing else) and this somehow makes them /better/ is such a ridiculous notion that I refuse to even entertain it.
Then again, if you want to have a legitimate discussion about this, provide sources.
>Twitters hates any arguments not based on feelings.
I'm actually laughed. Do you think that "man like titty, woman like bank card (kill all women)" is a statement that isn't rooted in emotion?
>you used someone else's words like they're my own to show me what i said.
Come back when you can type English and understand basic concepts like anonymity. Kek. I'm sorry that I didn't let you rock in the corner and think that women were inferior. I'll do that next time, so that you can still live in your delusion, unchallenged.
Never said women don't care at all about looks.
Not him but women are inferior at everythig besides getting fucked and having babies
it's not my first language as long as i get the point across i'm fine. yea i'm clearing it up because we're anons.... jesus bitch just shut up you're embarrassing yourself.
Is grammar in Jow Forums really that important.
you really are "AN BRAINLET" (fuk you lady, take a joke)
"I get a kick out of sending channers into panic attacks" you're the one going sicko mode
Sereously go back to r/iamverysmart and choke on more dick
Go back to your first comment, print it out, and read it out to yourself in front of a mirror.
>It's not my first language.
Imagine a (euro)nigger calling someone a bitch.
>Is grammar really important?
Grammar is what we use to understand meaning. I am being mocked for not understanding their meaning, but they refuse to make that meaning clear.
>fuk you lady, take a joke
>You're the one going sicko mode.
I'm sorry. Is getting a kick out of fucking with incels somehow worse than thinking that 4 billion people are retarded?
>Go back to r/iamverysmart
That's not what you think that is.
I think you are the one that needs help with your reading comprehension. Implications are a 6th grade English concept
what's that origamily supposed to mean?
You know when you open a yogurt and some of it gets stuck on the lid can you can lick it off. Just lick her breasts like that. Big breasts are for sucking on like a baby bottle, small breasts are for licking like a yogurt lid.
you keep going on about how can 4 billion people be inferior.... why not??? who told you that all humans are exactly the same and anyone who says otherwise is wrong? see that's one of the logical fallacies i told you about. take a xanax and chill you just don't have the ability to have a logical argument it's ok. you get a hole instead to manipulate people with.
The bigger they are, the more they will drool. Not worth long term investment, plus breast reduction is expensive as fuck.
>Implications are a 6th grade English concept.
Hmmm. Implications don't apply in debates. That's a nice try though.
>Why not???
I'm rolling on the floor, laughing.
>Who told you that all humans are exactly the same?
No one told me that. There are minor differences, but I work in neurosurgery and I looked at the evidence and there's not enough evidence to conclude that one sex is inferior to the other. Women have better spatial memory, but men have better mental rotation except for when women are exposed to androgens in the womb or later in life. Furthermore, men have bigger amygdalae, but women have bigger hippocampi on average. Women have more white matter, but men have more grey matter. You have been lied to about "the intrinsic inferiority of women."
>That's one of the logical fallacies that I told you about.
You don't know anything about logical fallacies and I say this as someone who has been on a debate team before unlike yourself.
>You just don't have the ability to have a logical argument.
I want you to look at all of your previous comments, you brainlet, and repeat that sentence. Ask yourself whether something seems amiss. Projection maybe?
>You get a hole instead to manipulate people with.
I'm shedding tears of laughter. It's just too much for you to think that someone might be smarter AND sexier, huh? Then, you have to deal with the fact that you might have just got, I don't know, nothing out of life. You lost the die roll.
Because we aren't some pedophiles that find flat chests attractive.
i just want large breasts to rest on my face while laying on a lap, but i can't do that, which sucks. i enjoy playing with my gf's tiny boobies too though. idk dude, just fuck my shit up
also wait why are you so against calling women inferior when you just called me a nigger?? i thought you were all about equality. i'm disappointed in you :/
What is your preference in men?
Butt > boobs
I'd date a plank-chest if she had a nice ass.
I'd actually date anyone help
not him, but i'm pretty sure you are a nigger
You are the one making implications you fucking tard. At no point did I say women do not care about looks.