In this dead baby thread there are literally immunity dog memes and people unironically typing amen. Blacks are literally animals, they do not deserve rights.
He could not even be bothered to spell check the dead baby post
In this dead baby thread there are literally immunity dog memes and people unironically typing amen. Blacks are literally animals, they do not deserve rights.
He could not even be bothered to spell check the dead baby post
Other urls found in this thread:
Niggers are the fucking cancer of humanity, we need to get rid of them our ancestors made the mistake of enslaving them that was a poor choice the best choice to save humanity is to kill them we need to keep our world white.
The mistake wasn't enslaving them you cuck. The mistake was freeing them.
This. Blacks and virgins must be segregated.
That's not very sympathetic, guys. Imagine if you had to go thur something like dat.
based trips of sympathy
you speak truth
Is this real or did they really dress up a dead baby to take a picture with it
>Blacks are literally animals
in a way all humans are animals since we have fur.
Too lazy or incompetent to spell through so he tried to spell thru instead. It autocorrected to Thur (as in foreshortened version of Thursday) TWICE but he didnt bother to fix it.
What would they be faking exactly by going to a hospital and dressing up a dead baby
All this guy does on his Twitter is post images and videos of people and children who are either getting injured, killed, or that have severe deformities
But the thing is there are so many niggers like this. Like those on worldstarhiphop who perform and watch violence for entertainment like literal gorillas. I just cannot understand why anyone expects me to respect these beasts as human when they are clearly not
You know people on this website literally believe their posts have magic powers if they have repeating numbers at the end, right?
>ayy lmao comes out of you
>dress it up in a pink frilly dress
so true those rekt threads on /gif/ mostly consist of niggers
furry nig-nog sympathizer detected
not sympathisizing, i hate all humans anyways
>post real gore, real cp
>probably possess webm of man shitting on baby
>draw funny pictures like pic related
>a silly board culture joke is equivalent to using dead babies for likes on twitter
Should the baby be naked? Maybe dressed in some jeans and a t shirt?
>implying I don't report and hide those threads
>implying spic and asianbots and blackbots aren't the ones posting those too
>implying Jow Forums users represent the average population of any group more-so or equivalent to the amount than twitter users do.
>implying there aren't fringe retards who do stupid shit on Twitter
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