I got some criticism on reddit, but I think its fine honestly.
How do I improve my squat Jow Forums?
looking beautiful, coach
Why do his nuthuggers call him Coach anyway? I must have missed the memo
You don't. Uz si vymaxoval svoje shitove Ceske geny. Vzdej to.
just realized that's a hood morning
Good form on those good mornings user
Nebuď takový.
God good mornings are such a meme
Musel sem to zkusit.
Doporucuji tu hlavu jeste o trochu vic zaklonit, z tohohle uhlu to vypada, ze ji predklanis. Kam jde hlava, tam jde telo.
This is supposed to be a good morning but it looks like monday morning with a terrible hangover but you have to go to work and get stuck in traffic.
Looking strong, oatmeal
I raffed
First, do a squat.
Next, iron those flags so the creases aren't so visible, they look like shit.
I think it's the head, try not to lower it, keep facing straight ahead
guise it's a weighted Japanese bow, he is getting his form down for a cultural trip to a high gravity asian exoplanet visit.
rery hrevy ronor...
You know taking off that spandex outfit probably takes him like an solid hour. Maybe more if he sweats
He's a father and teacher to a generation of lost boys. He is our leader. We would be nowhere without his guidance.
>US, Czech, and Gadsden flags
Imagine unironically going to Jow Forums and not knowing what a good morning looks like
My boy hemmingway! I should've known... Looking REAL good. Thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us updated on your progress. I want see how swole and Ogre you get.
>Unironically lifting in front of an american flag
Lick those boots when you're down on the floor bro