What makes modern women act like this?

what makes modern women act like this?

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attention and nonjudgmental environment

guys literally beg for us to do this? It feels good to have people congratulate and cheer you on for the way that you look. If you could get that kind of attention you probably would too.

she subconsciously wants to signal to viable mates she's ready

she doesnt even look that good tho

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please don't do this femanon, come back and be my wholesome girlfriend who holds me at night and makes the coffee in the morning and kisses me before i go to work. I wanted you to have better than this.

Entirely your opinion, I garauntee you the guy putting his hand on her butt thinks otherwise.

In the past our society used to be more strict, now women can be whores thanks to feminism.

he's probably just some desperate horny loser lol

>It feels good to have people congratulate and cheer you on for the way that you look
You look like fucking monkeys who get bananas for dancing.Fucking pathethic sluts.Are you THAT desperate for some sense of validation that you're willing to put up with being treated like meat?

>guys literally beg for us to do this
>has a guy begging her not to do it
can roasties go one minute without being wrong and getting btfo

Cakes and pies?

The same thing that makes Chads go around fucking everything in sight.
Leave people alone. God damn it.

>women always complaint about getting objectified
>yet act like sexual tools

>If you could get that kind of attention you probably would too
Being the center of attention make me uncomfortable since I'm not a stuck up cunt

I can get what you mean, I know that feeling.
Though I'd never do anything like that in public.

Women have always acted this.
Why do you think every civilization of importance has suppressed female behavior?

What makes modern black men act like this?

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their BOIholes were meant to be filled with BWC

Why are modern black bois doing this behavior?

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I do not do things like this because I know that it is wrong. Nevertheless I do understand the appeal

Desperate horny losers may still congratulate you and egg on this behavior

Not all women are the same user. I would despise this. She loves it. Surprise surprise over 3 billion people do not all act the same way

Yeah well if you would do that as a guy who probably is never encouraged to do so think about how she would when literally every day horny weird men ask her to do things like this maybe 10, 20 times

lack of father figures in the homes

very wholesome femanon. You would be a good wife and mother to a modest working class robot or cyborg user

Modern black bois...geez louise.

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Women always were on the path of degeneracy but were kept in check by having less say in society, but with the explosion of social media it was like throwing gasoline on a degenerate camp fire.

They just try to 1 up their friends to get up in their twisted social ladder.

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Not all femanons are like this

Nigger bois so sissy though

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Oops that was an asian.

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shes actually a playboy model my dude.


>can't live w/o acting like an attention whore
Imagine giving this much of a fuck what others think of you, this is why i can't take most women seriously, most of them are pathetic drama/attention whores.

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>shes actually a playboy model my dude.

fucking seriously??

nigger culture being promoted by jews

What is happening to black guys?

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Social media and feminism

based uncomfortable femanon

The good old #NotAll bait.
>*Most women
Are you happy now? Or do we need to to also use #notall when discussing about groups of people?
Stop showing your room temperature iq, its embarrassing and cringy.

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What's up with blacky boiois

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Thank you, this is the dream I wait on...

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there's no need to wait any longer. I am here to claim you as my woman.

Let us talk more, but please allow me a few months to save up for your ring. I must also show you our house, because there are undoubtedly lots of furnishings you will want to fill it with.

Benjamin Franklin's.

Can't believe I have to use this phrase in ironically, but if your friends told you to jump off a bridge, would you do it?

muh dick because they like it

this is the only good answer unironically. the obsession with big asses, a huge waist and all around visually promiscuous culture with women dancing and flaunting their asses and tits and that kinda shit comes from africans.

>You look like fucking monkeys who get bananas for dancing
kek I've always noticed that the more sex a person has, the more they behave in chimpanzee-like manner.

Because it gets them attention. And attention can mean an investment of time or money.

That's lara rhoades, a pornstar who suck dicks on camera for dollars.

-whispers- this is what many of them secretly want, but only from high status males

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Is that Marie?


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>only observation of women's behaviour is roasties and actual pornstars
>thinks all women are whores

No wonder you've come to that conclusion. It's like me only watching movies about rapists and serial killers and thinking all men are either or. In fact, lots of girls are fascinated by serial killers and true crime yet even their dumb asses know that not all men are like that. Some of you bots need to learn to think with some nuance.

Yeah and I bet you'd rather get your dick sucked by a 10/10 Scandi elfin qt than Hillary Clinton. People are shallow, and would do things with people they attracted to that they would never want to do with people they are not attracted to. That applies to men and women. Fucking deal with it.