/Death Anxiety/

Death is so fucking scary. It could happen at any time. Your consciousness stripped away from you in an instant. And there is no way to stop it. It is inevitable, and there is no reversing it. How are most people not in constant fear of this prospect?

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You dont fear death but accept and make peace with it.

It's why I have severe health anxiety.

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All I want to do is to die but I dont want to stop existing because then I could not feel the peace of being dead.

I don't fear death. I fear pain. There are so many painful ways to die. But death is just peace and relaxation from this eternal struggle.

>check my pulse every 5 minutes
>freak out at every minor stomach sensation
>feel weak, feverish, and fatigued constantly
I am in hell.

There is no peace or relaxation. You are dead. Stuck in oblivion. Forever. You never come back. It is pure nothingness.

hey bro I understand. You tried any medication? It doesn't completely supress the anxiety but it does help.

While the cessation of your existence sounds dreadful when you think of it from the perspective of yourself, remember that that frame simply won't exist anymore and you will not exist to in any way contemplate oblivion, your matter freed from the horrible curse that is awareness mixed with a need to find meaning in a universe of the meaningless.

Existence is a nightmare abomination you're programmed to endure despite it's other futility.

It is inevitable.
exactly so id rather spend my time living life than being in fear of something i cannot change.
best case scenario we reverse death in my life time.

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The way of the warrior is to accept death.

once you come to the realization of how shit this world is you will welcome death

How the fuck are you gonna be afraid of being dead when you won't even be aware of being dead?
Like... would you be afraid of a guy yelling if you werent even in the same room? No cause you're not going to experience it. It's like it didn't happen.

I hope my death is so fast that I don't know what happened.

I've seen so many death videos where they hold the person by their scalp, and cut their throats like livestock, and let them choke to death on their own blood. I hate wondering what races through their minds when they realize that this is the end. I remember watching a cartel execution where they chopped off the dude's arms and feet and when they started on his throat, he made an instinctual attempt to protect his neck with his nubs.

Unless you have some genetic defect or familial cancer in your family you don't have anything to worry about for a few decades.

Instead of fearing death, you should fear not using the limited amount of time you have on this Earth to the fullest. This is where life gets tricky. What does a fullfilled life mean to you?

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It is the finality of it. And it could happen at any moment. Gone forever.

Everything in life is inevitable and final. It's just how time and atoms work my man.
If you want to overcome this existential crisis you can either turn to religion, kill yourself, or become content with the trappings of being a self aware biological machine. Or suffer in existential dread your whole life.
Or try it ignore it and hope the feeling goes away, there are pills to help with that one.

It really does happen at any time.
I don't know if I've had bad luck, but I've come very close to death several times in the last few years. I've been hit by cars twice and hospitalized from one. Once was literally 6 inches from death, hit on the ass by a grand am's side mirror while the fucker was going at least 65mph in a 45 zone. And most recently a housefire.
I was napping after my early morning shift at a gym. Woke up a few hours into the nap to my entire apartment filled with smoke and flame. Immediately ran through the fire in my underwear and down to the street.
70% of my body was covered in 3rd degree burns, and I spent four months in the burn unit at UC Davis. While in the hospital, I had a femoral aneurysm and lost a fuckton of blood, then the patch they used failed catastrophically while I was walking with PT, and was rushed down to the OR for an emergency bypass.
Luckily I'm out now, but the nerve damage in my right leg is absolutely horrible.
Death can arrive at any time lads, always when you least expect it.

>was in a motorcycle accident last year
>am pissed off that I didn't die

It would of been the perfect death. It happened so fast that it would of been painless. But here I am a year later still worrying about the same shit because my selfish parents wanted to bust a nut.

You only know you were asleep when you wake up. Death works the same way. So if you die and never wake up, You're never aware it happened.

That is crazy user. Hope you've spent all your bad luck.

The thing is, I don't think your consciousness ceases, because when people have NDE's or are clinically dead for a few minutes, they say the feel themselves floating upwards and looking down on their body, detached from it. So according to many of their experiences, your consciousness continues even after your death. Even people who entered that 'darkness' can still describe the darkness. I definitely believe in the existence of souls. It's just where your soul goes that you need to worry about.

Also this is why I am think murder or abortion are particularly heinous crimes. In Buddhism for instance, it's one of the worst things you can do, karmically. Although I am Catholic. Taking the life of another person seems like an awful thing to bring on yourself, no matter what religious/spiritual perspective you are coming from.

I came close to dying twice, both times I was terrified of going to hell and confessed all my deepest regrets/secrets and begged for forgiveness from God. Before I thought I was dead meat I had never felt guilt before

NDEs are products of the brain. That is a way more probable explanation than an immaterial soul.

NDE-like states are perfectly achievable with mind altering substances.
Try ketamine for a glimpse at grand void.

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Also a great way to experience permanent psychosis

Im not scared of death but Im scared of dying, imagine being in the worst pain imaginable from a heart attack and then dying alone

This is not true at all.
Psychedelics have side effects and can do much harm when abused but a PERMANENT psychosis... Where did you even hear about that?

I'm glad death exists, I couldn't imagine this awful mode of existence going on like this for eternity. I hope it happens any of these days

What would be the point of us not knowing that we have souls? Why would it be a hidden phenomenon?

>How are most people not in constant fear of this prospect?
It's simple. They distract themselves by living life. It's easy to live in constant fear of death when you're a worthless shut-in NEET. But, we all accept death sooner or later. Stop worrying about it and either ignore it, for now, or accept it. Live life as if you were told you have 6 months to live. If you had 6 months to live and you're still a NEET jacking off to your 2D waifus and playing vidya, fine, but accept it. Don't worry about it. When it comes, it comes. Hell, you could go the religious/spiritual route and delude yourself into believing there's life after death but that's up to you.
Remember, they tell us that when we're dying DMT in our brain is released. Might as well try some while you're still alive. Maybe it will give you a new perspective on life.

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Its because most normies have a vision of life after death, so rather they welcome it. Death is a scary thing but I noticed the people who have hope of an eternal happiness afterwards are more open to death.

This. OP, when I get depressed and sit in my room playing video games all day for months, I start to spazz out about death.

Just go outside and start doing shit and you'll forget about it. You'll get hobbies, friends, have goals, and have tons and tons of shit to think about so that at night when you're in bed trying to sleep, you'll be thinking about the new car you need to buy or some girl you want to bang or whatever, and you won't worry about death, you'll be too invested/interested in your life.

Well it works for me anyway.

I'm going to have a fucking heart attack OP. Fucking hug me.

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I worry about having one every day. I hope you do ok. Health and death anxiety is a curse.

What is there to even do? I have been afraid for so long. I have nothing I want to do or accomplish.

I actually do worry about having a fucking heart attack because I feel chest pain unironically without even having anxiety. ffs my blood pressure is also really high.

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start small.

Go out and get some food you really like. If the weather is nice, go for a walk, look at shit. Listen to random songs on the radio and find something you like, then listen to it and find more songs from that artist.

do you feel how your heart is racing? It's beating faster than normal why is your breathing so fast?

'Death anxiety' and 'existential suffering' go hand in hand with each other. Life is shit and every joy, hobby or goal is just a distraction from existence. But, despite that, you still cling onto it and the death is terrifying. If you try to imagine living a life till the old age too often, everything real will become obsolete pretty fast and you'll be left alone with crippling thoughts when there's nothing to be distracted by. Thinking about it is enough to convert people to Buddhism.

Death isnt scary in the slightest. Theres nothing to be scared of. Its just lights out

There's nothing scary about the sweet release of death my man, I've had cancer twice and neither time was it terminal or anywhere near it (caught it early both times) but I really wish it was because this existence is far worse.

Wish I had the guts to off myself but I'm too pussy and I can't do that to my family, at least if I died of something I had no control over I could go with a clear conscience.

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I think I'm the only fag here who has never been afraid of death, so I can't offer advice how to stop what I've never really experienced. Death itself seems peaceful, I'm only more concerned about the means in which it ends. I've nearly suffocated before and have also had been dehydrated so bad my organs were giving out on me. I can't imagine having a pain even more intense than that, if that alone was not enough to kill me. My grandfather had a severely drug out death from sclerosis of the liver. His organs filled with liquid months prior to his death and was bedridden, screaming in pain most nights. As long as I'm in control of when I die, I don't fear it. If my health ever gets to that point, I'd take a bullet and make it as peaceful as possible.

Fear not user

We are already dead,all we have to do is crawl in a pot,sleeeep.

When the release of death comes you will barely feel any physical pain,you will only feel psychological relief.


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"I have been dead billions and billions of years before I was born, and yet haven't suffered the slightest inconvenience from it"

The reality depends on our own perception of it.

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>not using the limited amount of time you have on this Earth to the fullest. This is where life gets tricky. What does a fullfilled life mean to you?
This is a fucking meme.
When I'm dead I won't be able to rember my life and reflect on it. Why would I care if it was shitty or not? If I died young or old? Because of the 5 minutes of regret before I die? I won't remeber it. Also my life was full of shitty emotions. Why would I care about the last?

Genetic engineering will have made us immortal before I die of old age so I don't worry about it.

Then you don't want to die, you want to disappear

Jesus, calm down user
It's not like from all of a sudden god will decide to murder you and that's it, you're dead
Death requires time or certain circunstamces, but you guys act like you could be taking a shit or something and then you fucking stop breathing and that was it

me too but mine is form a massive hernia that doctors wont touch because i have no money

Cope. Unless you are extraordinarily rich, you will almost certainly not have access to this.

I think we are in a similar place. Losing consciousness is preferable to being alive, but the survival instinct fucks with me. I just cannot go through with ending myself.

How, motherfucker? How do I make peace with it?

I was like you. Then i got depression. Now im just biding my time until the end. However it may be.

hey lets not thinka botu that

and chat insteaed

please join our serber

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It not really is unavoidable you brainlet.
But why be afraid?
Everything that makes your life shitty will go away like magic.
Be afraid of reincarnation being a thing.

Shut. The. Fuck. Up.


Genuinely asking: how tiny is your cock? Seriously? In inches how small is it?

i have the exact opposite problem i cant wait for death to swallow me whole

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There is hope, user. Aubrey de Grey is trying to cure aging, and you may be able to reach longevity escape velocity in your natural lifetime. If aging isn't cured in time, you should sign up for cryonics for another shot at immortality.


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It might even be possible to survive the heat death of the universe.

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Buncha deathcucks in this thread. I deal with death by doing everything in my power to contribute to its eradication. I picked an academic field that I thought would contribute most to overcoming death, I spend my non-recreational spare time working to improve the scientific publishing process in the hope that it will expedite longevity research, and I regularly give money to institutes working to defeat death.

I might still end up dying - I'm under no illusions about the improbability of reaching longevity escape velocity before my natural lifespan runs out. But at least I gave myself a fighting chance, unlike you sadsack fucking deathcucks.

Do lsd and mushrooms. Unironically

It's actually not inevitable. Science will eventually enable us to live forever. Thus, the only moral good is for you to devote yourself to that research as much as you can.

Put your faith in Jesus Christ and you can exist forever in paradise.

lmfao you're a fucking meme.

It's not about the last moments of your life. It's about your life as a whole. You know who WILL remember you life and reflect on it? Your friends and family.

Everyone's life is full of shitty emotions, life isn't a dick measuring contest. I'm sorry you had to go through bs, but you have to keep struggling and get over it.

Death anxiety?
Death is the only thing that will save you from this life