As much of an incompetent, retarded sperg as he might have been at times... he was fucking right about so much, man...

As much of an incompetent, retarded sperg as he might have been at times... he was fucking right about so much, man, and he inspired so many killings and an entire Uprising.

Is it fair to say Elliot was just an alpha entombed in the body of a beta? And why the fuck do I mourn this dude like a brother and a friend and wish he was still alive today?

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No. He was a retard entombed in the body a more attractive retard.

Elliot was alright, but he failed. He couldn't overcome lust. He was brainwashed by society into thinking sex mattered. He was naive in thinking killing anyone would make his life better. He was naive in thinking a woman would approach him first. I know he spent a lot of time on the internet, he probably watched a lot of porn. That will fuck you up too. He grew with some money as well and then his dad was a dumbass and spent a lot of money on a shitty failed project. Being materialistic. Too many issues. Wanting to belong in a shitty shallow society instead of being at peace with himself for he was.

Dude he did try with women, he tried a fucking shitton. Read his manifestos and look at the screens of all his old online dating profiles.

He fucking tried man. They had literally zero fucking interest, and it wasn't his personality it was the fact he was a 5'7 skinny manlet.

He killed himself, ultimately.

His death was caused by his own hand, he wanted to die because he couldn't win in society.

Other people suffered with their lives too, but he ultimately couldn't make it out alive.

I remember the first time I watched his last video. It made me laugh, but at the same time chilled me to my core because I can't tell you how close I was to being that. If I hadn't cleaned myself up and started focusing myself on film, I'd have probably pulled this shit myself. Ironically, the video of the Columbine killers attempting to remake Natural Born Killers has a similar effect on me.

Fuck Nik Cruz though. Fuck that guy.

Sounds like this nigga just didn't have game.

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He shouldn't need game was his entire fucking point. He didn't want to have to be a performing monkey for women putting on the shitty asshole obnoxious caveman persona that you need to in order to attract if you're not the toppest of Chads.

He just wanted a woman to love him and want him as their FIRST CHOICE and only choice. Love him for him.

He was right, women are fucking cancer and their attraction is warped, they are mentally flawed.

Because he was one of the only men at the time to challenge social norms like that, it sparked a debate and a whole community to rise against the said social norms.

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I mean if he already saw women as subhuman then it should have been easy for him, right? It's all a game of manipulation, you want the bull to charge you wave the red flag.

I personally couldn't ever do it because I still think women are humans but for someone without morals it shouldn't be too difficult.

>It's all a game of manipulation

Yeah and some just don't want to play the game of manipulation or are beyond tired of it, bro. Elliot was an intelligent gentleman and he wanted a woman who wanted an intelligent gentleman.

But no women want intelligent gentleman, they only want obnoxious slobs, and this was not something Elliot could reconcile himself with.

You fucking assclown. The unabomber was someone challenging societal norms. That was someone with purpose and conviction. Elliot was a sperging nigger who killed chinese people because he wanted a blonde 10/10 girlfriend and nothing less than that.

>*starts stabbing chink*
>"Elliot why?! What the fuck man?!"
>>"I'm a virgin!!"
>"Ow, Elliot! What does that have to do with me?!"
>>"I haven't had seeeeex! DIIIIIE!"
>>"... I want to have sex with a rich blonde girl, you brute..." Looks for me chinks to stab

You know how much of a fuckin moron you have to be to consider this idiot a "hero" who "rose against social norms"?

>and it wasn't his personality it was the fact he was a 5'7 skinny manlet.

It was definitely his personality. Don't kid yourself into thinking this little faggot wasn't a completely shitty entitled piece of trash.

>Elliot was an intelligent gentleman and he wanted a woman who wanted an intelligent gentleman. But no women want intelligent gentleman, they only want obnoxious slobs, and this was not something Elliot could reconcile himself with.
This is true. All the female humans I have made interactions with are giant whores who want equally giant slobs.

Dude he was literally redpilled as fuck before it even became a big thing. He knew female desire was destroying civilization and resulting in the degradation and regression of humanity.

>All the female humans I have made interactions with are giant whores who want equally giant slobs.
In this case, nothing of value was lost. Everybody wins.
The sad thing is that even "valuable" women want giant slobs, and it's not even because of looks, it's because they like guys who treat them like shits.

>it's because they like guys who treat them like shits.

This was his entire point. Read his manifesto dude. Women should not be allowed to choose who they breed with.

He wasn't your brother. If he have met you, he probably would have killed you as well. Stop worshiping this piece of trash. He was an enemy of mankind.

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There is (was?) also an unreleased video where he said he tried to talk to a couple of girls, but they ignored him.

Source: Isla Vista Investigative Summary

Did he try to ask out women? I thought he didn't? Remember that in western society, that men are expected to ask women out. You might point out that women will only ever ask attractive guys out, but you have to remember that these cases don't actually happen very often, and even attractive chads are expected to ask women out. You also have to take onto account the demographic the women asking out a Chad belongs too. Are they confient Stacy sluts, or are they low confidence shy types, or do they have normal amounts of confidence. I can assure you that shy types will not be the ones asking out men, and although some normal women might once in a while ask a man out, these cases are rarer.

>Did he try to ask out women?

Yes, he did.

what the fuck is up w/that photo?

holy fuck you're mad

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RIP General Cho RIP Elliot RIP Dylan. I'll never forget you guys

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Years after his Day of Retribution, people are still discussing his actions and debating the ideas presented in his manifesto.

How many people you know have had this much of an impact after dying?
You could go to medschool, become a doctor, get rich, and after you die, no one will give a shit except for your immediate family.

Elliot achieved immortality.

He's a mass murderer and failed member of society.

The only thing her proved that the weak can either get weaker and perish like dogs, or they can continue to fight and push through. Elliot couldn't push through and crumbled.

He stabbed one of his friends/roommates' friends approx 90 times.

>implying those chinks weren't subhuman
chink detected.

>Is it fair to say Elliot was just an alpha entombed in the body of a beta?
No. No it isn't. Elliot was an alpha in the body of an alpha. He was the perfect specimen. There was nothing wrong with him. He didn't fit in because there's something wrong with society.