This is what making it looks like
This is what making it looks like
Having a negress is not making it.
Having whatever bitch you want us making it faggot
Man l wish l had a pet monkey
the fuck are those lines on her ass lol
I don't know OP.
I would classify making it as atleast having a woman with real hair om her head. Not a plastic mop wig.
No he meant being the twink for the hot gym chad
Harmful laptop sitting right near genitals.
I think not OP.
>have to raise arm to reach keyboard
Yeah no.
Stretchmarks, normal skin
Also dude is scrolling pc while could fuck.. doesn't seem that smart
i hate touchpads, so yea OP had already lost me there
>she wouldn't fuck me so I'll reject her first
pure undistilled cope
Hes taking a break to check his memecoins obviously
meant to reply to
The bitch is supposed to stay like that ?
He's making a quick shitpost on Jow Forums you mong
staging pictures like a faggy social media normie so you can show your instagram followers how cool you are? count me out, losers
why the fuck are there threads like this? 99% of Jow Forums doesn't look like this, even if completely looksmaxed and aesthetic
Note that a third person took the pic
>Having your woman sit on you clothed while you browse on your laptop unstably perched on her back
Taking retarded pictures like this is not "making it"and I hate seeing it.
>"my girlfriend and I fuck while playing Mario kart"
WOahHh your girlfriend likes Mario kart and having sex? What a charmed life.
>inb4 have sex
My gf and I fuck and play video games, but not at the same time, because why would you?
ever left the house in your life?
stretchy butt Latoya is nasty
Wanting that is the opposite of Making it
yea. making it to the aids clinic
skinny negresses make my peepee hard
We get it, you'd rather have a man dressed a a little girl you sick faggot
That‘s not how cellulite works
Being this concerned about what other men want will always prevent you from being able to make it. That’s p gey actually
>cookie cutter haircut
Thats gunna be a yikes from me
You never saw real girls in your life did you
no, this is what making it looks like
>browsing fit like that
>This is the most comfy method
>not Jow Forums on the laptop
Never making it bro
This is making it
>Using steroids to fuck nigresses.
Wew, lad.
So edgy.
This is the unphotoshopped ass of every thicc black girl posted here
Till she farts
Pedo projection.
Sorry I don't browse Jow Forums.
pinning gear weakly like a 60 year old diabetic boomer so you can date black chicks lmao. What a clown world is this.
>Dodging the statement.
Knew it.
>not cuddling up to a beautiful and wholesome woman who loves you for who you are
fuck you mean making it?
Lmao as if incest pedo glorious nippon panty sniffers weren't localized in Jow Forums
>muh loli von military
this is what making it looks like
Anyone else see a smiling pepe within the ash?
God I wish that were me.
I see it but I'm not proud about it.
>trusting pics more than reality
>making it
Pick one, brah
lol you're the kid in the playground that says "No you!" as your only argument. You should kill yourself. Make daddy proud for once
Jow Forums is anti pedo /tv/ is what you're thinking of
lol no
This is what making it looks like.
>guy on the left
*absorutery disgostin*
shes not getting fucked doggystyle while she runs her draenei paladin into a wall though
>implying Jow Forums is one person or that even a single person unironically supports pedos
Either really good b8 or you're a really retarded plebbitor
Am I the only one who finds that zebra striping hot... Even on white chicks?
>not at the same time
So you’re an actual cuck then
this is what making it looks like
Learn to read the reply chain before you meddle in someone else's conversation, no life autist. Insulting black people has nothing to do with pedophilia. The guy is projecting or baiting, and keeps typing the same thing using different words.
No. No, you are not.
anyone dating a nigger is pathetic lol
>muh Jow Forums
Someone shop a Jow Forums thread about SS+GOMAD on his laptop.
here comes the cuck.
You have less testosterone than the buzzfeed guys
based and orthodox wizardpilled
who is taking the photo?
You actually got so assblasted you spent time making that pic. Cringe...
Having a taxidermy chimp to put your laptop on does seem pretty nice.
Jow Forums is not what you think it is jesus christ you're a faggot
I am.
Go back to red-dit fucking loser
haha holy shit