I want a small tiddy goth gf. That is all.
I want a small tiddy goth gf. That is all
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Are you fucking 12?
Stop talking like a fucking child.
Listen to this guy, stop being a cunt, OP
I want a femdom goth gf. That is all
Not OP but have you two seriously never seen the "big tiddy goth gf" meme?
You'll never get a small tiddy goth gf with that attitude.
I have, I just don't see the appeal in it. To me it just seems like purposfully spelling like a retard for teh epic lulz tier humour.
fuck off what are you the dictionary police lmao
Most people on r9k does not seem to be able to see how heavily edited that face is. Look around/on the eyes, around the nose and mouth. Is extremely obvious that it isn't real. If you zoom in and look under her lip in the first pic you can see that even the lipstick is edited.
You seems a bit... dare I say... jealous.
I had a smol tidy goth crush once she was adorable and smelled like strawberries but she unironically was dating a boomer satanist at 17 so all I was able to do was some kisses and cuddles.
This went on for months and we loved each other.
I hope you didn't let her get sacrificed to Baphomet.
what if she was black origorig
>0 punctuation, "lmao" and dab pic.
Way to show you room temperature iq.
>not begin retarded
what are you a normie
Explain yourself, retard.
I left that "you room" instead of "your room" to give you some face and have a comeback.
>proceeds to admit that its retarded and shame me for not being retarded.
What did i even expect from posting in this thread...
>caring about sounding smart on Jow Forums of all places
The only retard here is you
What you want and what you will het are two very different things
>we loved eachother
>she was literally sucking boomer satanist dick before kissing you
>literally swapped his cum into your mouth
I dunno. Maybe you loved her, but she definitely did not love you.
Fat people disgust me so no.
we have, it's just fucking gay (not to mention it's like half a decade old now)
>small tiddy
Goth girls always have huge tits.
No she's married with some dork and has 2 kids now
What are you even trying to argue, she was in a pre-existing long term relationship.
She was loyal to him so never cheated.
Also we kissed (chastily) like 5 times, most of the time we just held hands and talked and hugged and such.
*steals your bf your path*
Right, so make fun of him for using a stale meme, not for spelling something incorrectly when that's how the meme is spelled.
Black girls trying to wear anything other than ghetto normie shit is so offputting. It doesn't look good.
>white roasties getting toastie
No joke she looks 100% like this bitch in my class who called me a 10/10 and told me I could get laid easily.
I'm the OP, retard. That girl looks like trash too. Only asians and white girls can pull off alt fashion.
I want a small tiddy scene gf
black girls are the robots of girls. nobody wants them. robots should get black goth girl gfs.
Imagine being so insecure you turn unrelated threads into racebaiting garbage.
What you on about? She looks 100 times better than what you are posting. Your looks like a ps2 game character.
Can't have hwite goth babies with a black goth gf.
Maybe if you like buck toothed men. It's also not goth so it doesn't have any place in this thread.
It is more goth than your anime version of goth
What are you talking about? Who is racebaiting?
both look like trash one looks like some weird fairy cgi garbage the negress just looks like a orc from wow
Are you fucking 12 dude?
Go back to plebbit you fag Jow Forums has always been like this you fucking stick up the ass normalshit. I bet you snitch on your coworkers to your boss every chance you get
Next time OP call your thread
>shit tier photoshop whites and asians only goth girl thread
That's just because you are blinded by your stupid racism.
her tits are really fucking ugly
ant hill tier and
nipples look all dry and cracked
0/10 would not suck
I'd take a fairy over an orc any day.
Yeah, and?
I'm not obligated to find your shit tier babboon ape boy women attractive
When did icejjfish transition?
You just have to have your baby with someone else.
What is that ugly ass bicep tattoo
I really hope that's temporary. This is like 90s cringe tier not goth tier
You are not able to enjoy all the things there are to be enjoyed in life because Jow Forums taught you how to think about people with different skin color and you are fine with that?
>implying Jow Forums taught me to think that and not interacting black people
sweatie i was racist far before i started coming here. sorry your waifu is a svu
*shit tier pre-pubescent jungle boy
How have you interacted with black people?
>blinded by your stupid racism.
this shit is not attractive nigger no matter how much you try to meme yourself
barely looks humanoid
yeah considering the amount of racebait threads and "black girls are goddesses" "latina girls are goddesses" "how can white girls compete" what you're saying is outright false. why do i feel like you're the girl in that picture trying to shill herself? why do you feel the need to get validation from what you called "racists"? strong independent black wohman my ass
I live in an inner city. You fuckhead. Do you really think that if I had interacted with a nigger I would suddenly like them? Have YOU ever interacted with a black? Lmao
This. It looks cringe when white people try to emulate black culture and the same goes for vise versa.
wow black person who constantly says "fuck whitey" doesn't understand how someone could dislike them
Yeah, I do all the time. People like any other. Some are good some are bad. It's scary to me that Jow Forums can brainwash you soo much that you don't know that.
lol pic related or ??
her body is actually great lol bros she's actually hot why are you acting like you could even get close enough to smell her anyway...? id worship her.
Thisthisthis. Niggers and spics need to realize that goth shit was never meant for them and its the equivalent of a white girl wearing corn rows and rapping. Whites created rock and metal black girls look like shit goth like some kind of rottweiler dog. I want my goth gf to be super pale with cute pink nipples.
Blonde goths (Google: white goth) are equally as attractive.
based!!!! very based nonny!!!!
I was racist and voted for Trump before I even started coming here. I was raised racist. Get over yourself and please, why are you trying to shill yourself to so-called racists?
Some people here prefer black women and some don't. You trying to force someones attraction is extremely unattractive.
t. niggerella samefagging
I wouldn't go for a girl like her and I actually prefer black women.
There is not one qt3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679821480865132823066470938446095505822317253594081284811174502841027019385211055596446229489549303819644288109756659334461284756482337867831652712019091456485669234603486104543266482133936072602491412737245870066063155881748815209209628292540917153643678925903600113305305488204665213841469519415116094330572703657595919530921861173819326117931051185480744623799627495673518857527248912279381830119491298336733624406566430860213949463952247371907021798609437027705392171762931767523846748184676694051320005681271452635608277857713427577896091736371787214684409012249534301465495853710507922796892589235420199561121290219608640344181598136297747713099605187072113499999983729780499510597317328160963185 goth girl in this thread. Not one. Today OP was a faggot.
There are huge differences in how people from different races (on average) act and behave. It's scary to me that school and media can brainwash you so much that you don't know that.
looks like some sort of beast/dog
I doubt it's the girl in the picture, (((they))) feel threatened by the existence of white people, and they come here to shill their propaganda.
were all the same guyz Tennee don't look at black crime/rape/employment stats plz
Contribute to the thread and post some then.
its true, psyop racebait threads here are common because the globalists know that trying to influence us here is the only way to really reach our demographic that doesn't use the social jew. Its all psyop, we don't want your ugly women shills
>I was racist and voted for Trump before I even started coming here.
God, I remember Jow Forums before the redditor election boomer tourists came. They were like a retarded, hateful, racist little brother. But they were our little retard. You fucking election tourists ruined it. No wonder this thread went to complete garbage. Go and stay go, redditnigger.
black/latina goths always look like some sort of beastly dog. and they always cry appropriation but they have played no part in creating any aspect of the goth scene.
No this thread deserves its slow death.
but i have never used pol and still don't. I like /news/ and always have. Sorry niggerella
You're still a redditnigger.
Don't think about complicated issues from multiple angles Jow Forumstard. You say it's all dem iq that you don't know anything about. Don't read studies till the end. Just read the titles
Never thought i'd see a robot talking about cultural apropiation on a weeb based site
So first I wasn't attracted to this "black goddess" (beastly mutt) because "Jow Forums had warped my brain".
Now you're saying I'm not racist enough? kek sorry I will never find her attractive also you have no idea what you're even talking about also me leaving ain't gonna happen so find a new angle yourself you uptight cunt
Doesn' t change the fact niggers have the highest incarceration rate
Not enough qt goths ITT
>Now you're saying I'm not racist enough?
I've never said anything of the sort. You're talking to two different anons.
basically all normies talk with this niggerish ironic babble talk now, get out of your house
His Jow Forums brain can't handle this.
>tfw used to regularly start fights with the goths after they rejected me even though I had the same style, taste in music, and long term sense of dread
Am I a nigger for this?
>No she's married with some dork and has 2 kids now
>What are you even trying to argue, she was in a pre-existing long term relationship.
>She was loyal to him so never cheated.
>Also we kissed (chastily) like 5 times, most of the time we just held hands and talked and hugged and such.
pic is @vivadrag a fucking disgusting thot
I wish I could have a goth gf. Big tiddy or smol. Me last goth gf made that impossible.
>pic is @vivadrag a fucking disgusting thot
>outing yourself as orbiterscum
Why do you retards always misuse the word orbiter. Following a girl online and finding her cute does not an orbiter make.
>Following a girl online and finding her cute does not an orbiter make.
okay orbiter
Orbiting implies you're friends with the girl or interact with her in hopes that she'll have sex with you.
What a fucking toothless and pathetic reply.
You've shown your age and immaturity in a single post.
I'd hate to be your parents, to know they spent years of their life bringing a child up, only for it to end up as you.
>Hung out with the goth crowd in high school, wore a lot of similar clothes myself
>would often get flirted with at parties by hot goth girls but was far to beta to ever seal the deal
>Missed out on so much hot goth girl sex
Oh well, I guess it doesn't really matter now.