How do i rid myself of all sexual desire?

how do i rid myself of all sexual desire?

My desire for female companionship is constantly interfering with my goals
>too horny to lift properly
>too distracted by gilrs to study
>too awkward to befriend females because I can only think of them sexually

The thing is deep down I'm not even that intersted in anything sexual but it's like the instinct is just that strong. How do I remove this powercap?

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also trying to get rid of my sex drive op.
the only two things i can suggest is nofap and anytime you see a woman just tell yourself in your head that "they're nothing but parasitic, honorless, holes".
seems to work for me

Your primal energy is directly wired to your sexuality due to a lifetime of exposure, probably through pornography. Learn to channel those thoughts into longer time frames, be conscious about it and control the animal instinct. You will learn to observe things through a renewed eye and be capable to admire beauty rather than seek instant satisfaction.

antidepressants or chemical castration

I've tried nofap and it works to a degree but I can't last longer than 1-2 weeks my instincts are that powerful
>they're nothing but parasitic, honorless, holes
This doesn't sound healthy and is basically what I'm trying to move away from, I don't want to put them on a pedestal but I also don't want to embrass what amounts to incel mentality. At worst I want to be volcel

confirmed for straight up average IQ

Interesting, how would you suggest I transfer that energy? I haven't been able to form any long term goals due to various distractions and generally being a short sighted person

I'd consider myself lucky to have an IQ above 60

>rid myself of all sexual desire
You can't get rid of it, it in a way keeps you alive as it is in effect an expression of vitality.

moderate Fasting, Sublimating, Meditating an hour per day

You can control it and convert to a higher form of energy. If you don't it will just be an issue.

Visualize and try to grasp the kinaesthetic sensations, and anything you can perceive related to it, and convert it. Try daily until you succeed.

It is inevitable that you will.

Easy. Limit your female interaction to the bad apples in the barrel. See the worst of women to see the worst in them. I used to obsess over the need to be in a fulfilling relationship. After meeting the worst of the worst and being kicked in the teeth, I started taking care of myself. I gained results that I never got when I was lifting for attention.
I still fantasize about my version of the perfect girl, but I no longer look for her in other girls. I figured if I can't have the girl I dream about, then all the other girls are a waste. Past experience has proven that to me painfully. Get yourself scarred so you won't forget that most women are pointless

go over to adult gif and watch rekt videos your sexual desire will go down quickly

also any screen cap?

I usually watch rekt and gore after jerking off, best /comfy/

>also any screen cap?
Of what?

Yeah, that's actually pretty based

/sig/ things for getting rid of suxual fantasy and wanting to jerk of at critical time.

Just get a girlfriend and have sex with her. Your entire reason of being in a biological view is procreation. You can’t supress that.

how do i get a girlfriend, I am broke and obese.

Get job and don’t be obese or lower your standards

>have gf
>haven't had sex in 3 weeks
Would rather be single tbqh

how do I cope with girls being shallow and talking like a brainlet all the time.

Take the Brahmacharya pill,user.

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>too awkward to befriend females because I can only think of them sexually

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based swami ji poster.

where you are from faggot

>gf isn't fucking you
Is she even your gf at that point? Lol

these posts were written by someone who has seemingly never interacted with women who weren't bimbos. kind of shitty perspective, desu; highly reductionist broad brush-strokes.

Whoever wrote it is probably still very unhappy.

Realize that all womem are ugly without make up (kinda worked for me because every pornstar looked ugly after that but then you see real women that have good bodies and you struggle for a while)


This. It did nothing for my depression but it completely and utterly obliterated my sex drive into nothing, and that effect has turned out to be really useful so I've stayed on it.

Get a prostitute and have sex you fucking faggot.

Become an alcoholic and then quit drinking. I've been sober for three months and have had zero sex drive.

3 years sober, still no sex drive.
get used to it.


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What causes this effect? I'm an al/ck/ie looking to quit and you have me concerned.

fried brain chemistry.
I was also a heroin/coke addict to boot, so results may vary.

Thats the nether pill. You are definitely ugly, so realize you were not intended to breed. your path forward is rape. You can ask me what this means if you do not understand the mindset but im working atm so

>Whoever wrote it is probably still very unhappy.
I agree

Bump, I am in the same boat as you here. It’s damn hard to figure this out because most of the people giving advice on this topic just try to dehumanize women across the board. I also can’t find an mentor-like advocate on this either like I did with pre-2015 elliot hulse for growing/manning up.

>this whiny bullshit
I used to be a somewhat friend of some 9/10 girl. Despite acting all happy and bubbly, she was insecure and jealous of her uglier friends, never had a lasting relationship, and didn't seem to have real friends she can count on. Pretty girls are not princesses with everything given to them, they live a "use or be used" life, where gossip and insults can fuse at any given time. It happened to her, not that I care anyway.

Yeah, men are independent entities who have to fight to get their place in society, but it also means they can exist by themselves. Women have to gain and keep social esteem to exist because their normal state is to live in society, which is far from being pleasant. Both have shitty lives, and both can make it better. Stop whining.

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Bump again

Just quit the sauce

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Switch to jenkem

Attached: Alcohol.jpg (1279x960, 140K)

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>Implying alchy poster is me
>Jenkem is an inhalant and hallucinogen created from fermented human waste.[1] In the mid-1990s, it was reported to be a popular street drug among Zambian street children. They would put the feces and urine in a jar and cover it with a balloon then let it ferment out in the sun,
That sounds fucking disgusting

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>he didn’t so much as even know about mississippi mudsliding
Cringing very much right now

That isn't literally shit alcohol though. Gives the a whole new meaning to the words "tastes like shit"

Man i wish i had a sex drive. I think antidepressants fucked me up even though im off them now

practice stoicism

read Marcus Aurelius

I'm angry
I'm horny
I'm tired
My balls ache

I've starred at a girl that may or may not be legal with what i found out later was an obvious semi.
She smiled back and I was going to approach but her friend turned around turned red and grabed her and ran.

I was honestly going to give chase.
I stared a hole through the ass of the girl at the counter of the fast food resteraund and was later said to be hitting on her hard.

I was moments away from throat fucking that twink who all but throws him...her...itself at me at the local sprawlmart.

I need to kill my sex drive yesterday.
I'm going to do something or someone I'm going to regret.

That's why it's there user lol

Not the OP but...masturbation only makes me angry.

Who was drinking fecal alcohol?

Me in the center left looking confused haha

lots of heroin

You don't want that, trust me.
Fighting against your desire with all of your might and channeling it into a higher purpose is one of the most rewarding activities in life.

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Look up sexual energy transmutation

>"they're nothing but parasitic, honorless, holes".
literally have sex brah

This is true. I am so good looking I even intimidate the women who did modeling. I’ve been called gorgeous and beautiful. Women assume I am toying with them or will just use them so they put up a wall to protect their egos. The truth is, I’ll bang any woman that’s at least a 7/10. Perfection can be a curse.


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I had forgotten about /jenk/. God bless chan culture. We are all going to make it.

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