Be wagie that works in a smallish office with about 15 other people

>be wagie that works in a smallish office with about 15 other people.
>everyone is either a 30-40 year old boomer normie that can only talk about work, sports, or the weather, or a roastie that is 20-30 years old.
>have been working there for about 3 months
>the dresscode is "business casual" but every male wears a dress shirt and tie
>I dont wear a tie because they're uncomfortable but I dress nice.
>not socially well developed.
>never really talk to anyone else and on break I always browse Jow Forums on my phone or look up random stuff online
>dislike talking to females especially.
>one day a roastie said "goodbye user"
>just looked at her and didn't know what to say because I thought she was messing with me.
>boss calls me into office after a break
>tells me I am making others uncomfortable
>tells me to stop being rude to roastie
>tells me I need to talk to my co-workers
>tells me to stop using my phone on break and to socialize
>ask him "why would I do that on break"? "It's my break"
>boss says "its company culture to be like a big family"
>also when I'm about to leave he tells me to buy a white dress shirt and to start wearing ties because I'm not "professional" enough.
>tell him I'm quitting right now
>"w-wha why would you do that"?
>tells me to give it more thought and if I quit I need to give 2-4 weeks in advance.
>ask him "why would I do that"
>he claims it's the law
>say goodbye and walk out.
>can hear normalfag workers whispering amongst themselves.

I'm never going to wage slave again. I'm a NEET forever now. Luckily I have no debts, a lot in savings, and a weakthy family to live with. I was already living at home when wageslaving anyway. Anyone else have any wage slave horror stories? How could anyone wage slave every day for 15+ years and be treated like shit every day?

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This fucking sucks mate. I'm glad I've never had to wageslave a moment in my life lmao.

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Just don't show up again until you are fired

wow user was it really that bad for you to socialize at work? like really you preferred being so alone that you couldn't even say goodbye to a roastie, i hope you run out of money you scum and have to wageslave again,because an office job isnt wag slaving a regular job isnt even that bad, cant even dress for a job holy shit cringe so many things wrong with this user

>>he claims it's the law
Why do retarded employers keep saying that when there's literally nothing they can do if you don't give notice? I quit my last 4 jobs without notice and told each of them too bad and they couldn't do shit.

I commend your selfish actions. Wageslavery is disgusting

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imagine if you had kids and wife and house to pay for, i imagine whats what the boss expects of most of his workers, so its easy for him - they are much more malleable and easy to control

i just feel sorry for the other retards working there under him

Yeah its definitely not, even in my bullshit ass state Virginia with right to work and almost every laws favoring the corporation or business over the common man.

We had a guy that worked for us for about 2-3 months. During the last month I knew he wasnt gonna make it. Kept only showing up on his short shift days, calling out almost every busy day - my office is a revolving door and chews people up and spits people out but...Its really not that hard he was just a lazy pussy.

Anwyays, he puts in his two weeks on a Tuesday, which he didnt come in for, he was scheduled Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Literally just shows up on Friday to collect his check. Doesnt call in or show up for any of his shifts the next week, comes in Friday to collect his check again.

Boss didnt say anything to him lol.

The dress code deceit is what pisses me off the most. You did the right thing not putting on the slave uniform.

Yeah its not the best but, Ive found a work place that lets me geniuely do mostly whatever I want, including tell off rude people - I also get 5 days off in a row every three weeks which is the best schedule Ive ever had, even better than school. I just couldnt not be a man though, or not be able to get chicks from living with mom

>be web dev, make $18/hr, hate it
>dad tells me to quit job, says i am "qualified" for "better job" with "better pay" (his exact words)
>8 months later, no job opportunities
>he is getting angry that i'm NEET (i quite enjoy it)
>it's 100% his fault i am NEET, i simply did what he told me to
>he is getting so mad he's basically saying i'm gonna have to get a mcjob (making half of my original pay) soon

what the actual fuck? i am being punished for taking a boomer's advice

the only good thing about this horrible story is it makes him miserable

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>taking a boomer's advice

LMAO, what did you expect? They're completely out of touch with reality.

>what did you expect
he said i can stay with them "as long as you need"
so i expected them to not lie and deceive me

i guess i was wrong. it was just a diabolical scheme to get me closer to them and dependent on them (i lived on my own for 7 years, paid all my own bills) so they could constantly criticize me.

like i said, the only silver lining of this is that i get to make my dad miserable on a daily basis by being NEET and loving it

"Half of my original pay" my older brother dropped out of highschool and has only worked mcjobs. He's always made more than minimum wage.

i was making $18/hour and also not paying any taxes.

minimum wage here is $8/hr. Say I make $10-12 an hour, but pay taxes, my take-home pay would be half.
at best, i make 2/3 of my original pay. still: not an improvement in the slightest

my old job was comfy too, i sat around and shitposted most of the day

>Be manager at smallish office
>We get by but a lot of my employees are aging and don't have as much energy as before
>Find a nice young kid, seems relatively smart and knows what he's doing.
>Onboard him, and he seems to be working out
>Notice he doesn't seem to excited here, not asking a lot of questions, just kinda doing bare minimum of what's in front of him
>Isn't really putting too much effort in appearance
>Feel bad for the kid, maybe I'm not engaging him enough.
>Worried he won't be a good long term investment when retirements start
>Coworkers start complaining, saying he's being rude
>One girl is very creeped out by him, he seems to be openly hostile
>Last thing I want is a shot up office down the line.
>Call him in and try to see if everything is okay, ask him to lay off the phone a bit, maybe take more initiative and see what others are doing.
>Try to tell him about taking pride in your work and appearance.
>He gets very flustered and defensive
>Mumbles something about quitting
>Ask him if he should reconsider
>Says something snarky and walks out.
>Coworkers all look at me very confused, immediately assume I fired him

>be phd student at research institute in experimental physics in eastern yurop
>institute is understaffed and underpaid
>everyone is being overworked
>bother with the phd because I can afford it and it allows me to have a carreer later and rack up experience and qualifications
>in academia, corruption and gangster like practice of hoarding grant money, pushing off competing scientists and general political hell on earth
>still bother with it out of solidarity with other people who have been at the receiving end of the vile ways of these euro-fund mafia gangsters

Pay is 9$/hour and no paid overtime. Only temporary contracts. Joined the workplace union out of spite, because such conditions suck.

>be me
>living with mother
>she nags me to get a job
>apply all over town
>no calls, no emails, nothing
>weeks go by
>call from local subway
>go in for interview next day, got called and hired 30 minutes after
>told i would start off at the main subway for training then would be moved to the one closer to my house after 2 weeks
>learn the job
>work the job
>its a shit job
>really over complicated jobflow
>managers and franchise owner dont give a rats ass about the official subway rules and how shit is supposed to be done
>get constantly flooded with work
>my shift consist of opening up store
>have to be there at 6 am, work till 2 pm every workday on my schedule
>get odd days off like sunday and tuesday
>getting tired of working so damn hard with no help
>no other worker comes in till 12
>some mornings manager comes in for about 30 minutes, does paper work and has to "make a quick trip to the bank"
>bitch leaves me alone to handle rush hour by myself
>cranking out orders as fast as i can to slay the gigantic line
>manager comes in at the end of rush hour with food from another store and sits and eats with husband taking her sweet time
>see that bitch laughing and having a jolly old time while i was being worked like a slave
>finish the line
>decide to go to the restroom
>had to take a dump
>do my business
>wash hands and walk out to the back to get started on prepping more stuff
>hear manager say "oh user you cant take restroom breaks if you are working alone"
>i reply "but i always work alone except for the last hour of my shift and its too busy then to do anything"
>"well too bad user, ms owner makes the rules"
>had enough of this shit
>paychecks were ever two weeks
>i somehow earned exactly $280 and exact change every fucking paycheck

based and NEETpilled. I wish I could just quit my job and be a NEET. Once my porn games and porn art and porn literature patreons start to take off I'm fucking out of the wage life

It's threads like these that make me feel better about my retail wagie status.

Good on you for not taking that.
Not everyone really has the options you have though, good thing for you I guess.
Makes me glad I haven't had to deal with that.


>one day get pulled aside by the manager to "talk"
>she says im taking too long doing stuff the right way
>co workers complain that i am not doing stuff the owners way
>co workers angry because when customers come in they ask for me by name and refuse to let anyone else make their orders because i make their shit so good
>tell manager that co workers been stealing my tips
>manager gives no fucks
>i took my chance to ask about being moved to the store near home
>store near home is in the sticks, very little traffic, and a friend works there
>realize ive been working over 2 months here and never got moved to the store near home
>manager says i wont be moved because im needed at that location because customers have been giving great reviews for my service
>internally boiling at this point
>ask about my lousey pay
>manager replies "oh you actually got paid more but owner charged you every lunch you got because your shifts werent over 8 hours"
>i show her my schedule to prove i work 8 hr shifts
>manager says "well if you clock in a minute or two late or clock out a little early, you wont be given the free 6 inch"
>whatever im done talking, my shift is done, im going home
>go outside, 112 degrees fahrenheit weather
>tired as shit
>truck is piping hot due to no ac
>gas needle is on empty
>emotionally imploded
>died on the inside
>go home and have an epiphany
>im working and suffering for slave wage
>all so my mother can have nice things to say about me
>have an office space moment of mental liberation
>write a letter to resign my position as sandwich artist, just like nixons
>wake up next day. two hours late
>phone blowing up
>take my time to shower and have breakfast
>show up to work 4 hours late, out of uniform
>see manager with huge lunch time rush hour line
>she is panicking and fumbling about
>she sees me
>"oh user you are finally here, i really need your help"
>leave my letter on the counter
>turn around and walk out
>flip off everyone and drive off

You should try once. There is no better feeling in the world than being a former wage slave.

You should have known better than to listen to a boomer's advice on work of all things.
He's completely out of touch with the world and used to an actually functioning economy.
Being a NEET sours eventually, I'd really suggest looking out for something at least.
Unlike me, you actually have hope.

BASED and neetpilled
Sound like you slayed that thot. did you hear anything from her afterwards? An apology?

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>he claims it's the law
Hahaha. Boomer faggot BTFO. I really, really hope this story is real, OP. The only legitimate point your boss has is the tie, but if you're not meeting with clients then I don't really see the point. Otherwise, he's a fucking faggot, and I'm glad you quit on him. I hope you left a bunch of shit undone too to cause chaos in the office. If I knew you in real life I would literally buy you a drink or dinner someplace, and I almost never say that on the internet.

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call your dad out user. you're probably another one of those faggots that gets yelled at but doesnt go well stupid father I took your advice.

when my dad pulled that shit on me and started bitching 5 months later I did that. I said well maybe if I wouldnt have listened to your bitch ass advice i'd still be making 15$ an hour instead of getting bitched at by the guy that convinced me to quit.
he tried to fire back with some bs and I told him no no you got me to quit with your im worth more lies and now you're mad it didnt play out. so either you pay me 15$ an hour or you fuck off cuz im jobless cuz of you. so until you pay my way you can stfu about me being jobless.
he walked off and hasnt said much to me in 3 days. I still respond salty at him since his bitch ass caused this.

Why should OP be obligated to say hi to some woman? They work together. That doesn't mean they are friends. Also if OP isn't meeting with clients a tie is pretty pointless, and even when I met with clients I didn't wear a tie, they are outdated Croatian shit no one cares about.

This. You're a fucking cunt but you are within the law to do so. The balance is, they won't give you a good reference if you ask for one, and they are in the right in doing so since you quit unprofessionally.

Yeah imagine being a cuckold. Glad OP isn't one.

There are loads of jobs right now, nigger, at least in America there are. Shut the fuck up faggot, if there's a time to quit and move up in the world it's now.

no, but the owner personally called me plenty of times to get me to go back to work for her. i always sent her to voicemail lol
i still have ideas on how to fuck with her, gonna make fake orders and other shenanigans
am not neet actually, i actually tried getting assistance but cant get jack shit. i only got offered $12 a month in food stamps, the fuck am i supposed to do with that? lol
i just work a bit now selling cannabis to normies at more than twice what i pay
any advice on getting neet bucks?

What kind of npc program do you need to have such a fantastical imagination?

walk into the welfare office in sock and sandals, a Che Guevara t-shirt, fingerless gloves and a Naruto headband.
Walk up to the counter and say "I'm autistic"

Worked for me in New Zealand at WINZ

an npc wouldnt have the imagination to come up with that.

Why would I be a cunt unless I ethically owe a notification to someone immoral? Just because someone is an employer doesn't mean they're infallible.

Not to mention an employer doesn't have to give notice to an employee where I live. To care would be arse licking.

Well, seeing as you've had work recently that went decently for you, your chances are probably down a little bit.
You have to apply multiple times from what I know, they tend to reject people the first time almost all the time where I live at least.
A lot of it is about persistence and the help you have going in.

That's becuase you actually are autistic

Free money tho senpai

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kill yourself leech

10 For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.

Something tells me the bible wouldn't look kindly on people suggesting others kill themselves.
He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone and all that.

Jesus said people that offend children should be killed

2 It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

Are you saying you're an underage poster?






Get diagnosed with something op

You're addicted to pressure-free socialising, to the point you actively avoid any other type and even intentionally sabotage such opportunities. This will get you neetbux

I'm proud of you user you didn't deserve to be treated like that, you're better than that.

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Thank you for sharing this story user, it filled me with shameful joy.

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go back to webdev and move out of your dad's house, even if you'll be poor

Based and originally too user

Fuck, I need a cigarette agree that user. Based.

I can only say :-) to that, user.

>Being a NEET sours eventually
i fail to see how it is. because i am a hard worker and there's loads of hard work for me to do, but i simply won't get paid for any of it. but just doing that work is payment enough, in my case, to justify it

>I'd really suggest looking out for something at least
unfortunately i am looking for a "real job" ... my days of happiness are coming to a close, probably

Boomers are now in their 60's. Gen X are in there 40's/50's. Only 30 something year olds left are millennials

i'm basically in no position to criticize him. i lived alone and paid all my bills for 7 years. i was independent. now i am not, because of his "advice" i am entirely dependent on him and would be completely homeless otherwise.

you fucking rocked that resignation

good job OP. That's a really shitty boss and a horrible work environment to treat you like that, tell you there's something wrong with you as a person.

I got criticised by mr.shekelstein for having a bad attitude because I was so negative all the time.
It's strange, really, since I was no more negative than the other cynical, sarcastic cunts we worked with. Maybe it was my tone? More likely it was because he had issue with my friend and dumped it on me.

>Being a NEET sours eventually
It really doesn't. Dwindling resources can put you on edge and take a certain joy of freedom out of it. But if you've got enough, then it's the real lyfe.

It's not healthy, though.

>It's not healthy, though.
what? there's literally nothing unhealthy about being NEET

if you refuse to exercise and only eat junk food, that's your fault

i was very unhealthy from wageslaving, NEET improved my health by a lot. of course, i exercised and got sun and ate healthy

I was going to say that I meant mentally healthy but then I realised I'm conflating neet and hikki again.
If you've got friends and you go out normally, then there is no issue healthwise.

Alternate scenario
>say goodbye to roastie the wrong way
>get called in one day
>"user roastie told me you were sexually harassing her"
>only talked to her this one time ever
>"i'm sorry user, but please pack up your things."

All 5+/10women have that option. Few realise the power of the privileges they're allowed.

not really unless to meet people everyday the isolation gets to you since most people u know are at work

>the isolation gets to you
on the contrary, i hated having to be around people all the time at work

i'm an extremely introverted person, so i flourish better when not forced to interact with normies

don't try to fuck with her, you won't be able to top that badass resignation. be happy you won

> the only good thing about this horrible story is it makes him miserable
Grow the fuck up fucking manchild. You make me think to those students who get bad grades but are happy with it because it makes their teacher go mad bro.
> with your im worth more lies and now you're mad it didnt play out.
He didn't lie to you ; he trusted you user. Why does it seem you're happy to be a disappointment

>tfw when I worked as a wageslave as a barista, had a reasonable boss that listened to what employees had to say, encouraged them to take breaks when it wasn't too busy because she didn't want to burn us out, constantly stayed late with us if there was a lot of work for closing

where do you find these awful employers

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As much as I hate medicine its far better than an office. Fuck that normie bullshit.

I think you should have played your cards better. Like blackmailing your boss with shit like : " do what I asked you otherwise I quit ". You wouldn't waste anything trying at least

>Grow the fuck up fucking manchild. You make me think to those students who get bad grades but are happy with it because it makes their teacher go mad bro.

but how? i'm improving my life, and he actively gave me shit "advice" and gets mad at me for taking it. how pathetic!

there's no benefit to getting bad grades, but NEET isn't inherently bad at all

Jesus, I'm somewhat similar at my job, but I don't think anyone would ever complain to management about it. I think the vast majority or normies don't really care about someone being quiet.

Ignore him. He is an angry man who came here to get angry at losers. He is looking for a fight and a reason to vent stress. Don't give it to him.

surely, he is an unhappy wagie. miserable from his pathetic "career" and his cope is simply to try and make NEETs feel bad by calling them names. it doesn't work, but it makes me happy knowing he's miserable

>Being this new

I'm not one to blindly hate reddit like most of the screeching autists in this board but you need to fuck off back there