>6 foot or over
>not fat
>exercises or at least is willing to start exercising.
>doesnt use social media
>likes to play video games
>not a liberal
Whats your ideal and minimum BF requirements?
Other urls found in this thread:
pls fuck me robot pretending to be a femanon
here's your (you)
As a tranny you really should take what you can get. Once you hit that 30 year old mark, it's all over anyways.
>not black
>any height
>not fat
>very slight muscles
>doesn't watch porn
>plays vidya with me
>sweet and caring
>treats me as an equal
>likes plants and animal
>is a virgin
>doesn't want kids
>wants to live on a farm
>wants a long-term relationship
>any height
>any race
>not fat
>likes animals
>has not slept with more than two people
>is not too unbearably ugly
>wants a long-term relationship
OP I fit yours, but they're not that specific
bollocks, i hate being a foreigner, matched ~90% of your requirements
Are you by any chance in Europe? Age?
>doesn't want kids
Sorry, but I am already taken by a qt virgin boy, user.
What race is he? What race are you too?
Enjoy that ldr you loser whore lol
i woke up this morning lighter than i've been in 5 years, and i can't fucking wait until i'm fully not fat anymore because there is no chance for me otherwise.
I want to be with you every step of the way femanon
too bad my tits are mantits, and my girlcock is actually a mancock.
I am all of these things, eastern canada femanons where u at
>Almost ideal
Sounds about right, almost good enough but not quite there.
hmu, faggot
Only if you tell me your dick size
>my height or taller
>rich or middle class
>dog hater
>votes lib dem
>thin or fit, not a bodybuilder
>no mental health issues
>not religious (except buddhism)
>at least 5 feet tall
>doesn't own a dog
>doesn't vote UKIP
>not fat
>no serious addiction or mental disorders (schizo/cluster B)
>no anger issues
>doesn't hate women, LGBT, or minorities
>six figure salary
>owns at least two cars
>owns a house
>doesn't play video games, watch sport or have other dumb hobbies
>watches some movies, listens to normal music. no weirdo who doesn't know about popular culture but can't spend too much time on these things either
>works out
>has social media accounts (it's weird if you don't) but doesn't spend too much time on them
>wants children
>wants me to raise the children while he works
>dog hater
what the fuck
dumb bait
Just have to ask... are you the kind of person who thinks "likes animals" necessarily implies being vegan?
Also, why don't you want kids? Are you incapable (infertile or trans), or do you have some personal reason?
>what the fuck
dogs are annoying, disgusting, and dangerous
I refuse to ever live in a house with one and I want my bf to be a dog hater so I know for sure he'll never subject me to that
You say doesnt hate women, LGBT and Minorities but you want him to be white. Isnt that hypocritical?
The only people who hate dogs are horrible persons themselves.
>East Asian or White
>5'8 - 5'11
>Must have something interesting or different about him that makes me notice him, romantic, good father material, generous, religious or at least open to the idea of spirituality, open minded but not a degenerate.
>Really into me.
>Tells me he loves me multiple times a day and makes me feel desired/wanted.
>Have good stroke game (it doesn't matter if is dick isn't big, as long as he knows how to please me)
>Must be confident and unapologetic about who he is.
>Have a cute smile/laugh.
>Doesn't watch tranny porn or loli.
Am I asking too much?
i dont want a dog but I dont hate them thats nuts
>6 foot plus
>9/10 attractive face and body
>at least $3 million in assets
>will never say no to anything i want
>treats me like a princess
>tfw I fit everything except for being 'dominant'
>Isnt that hypocritical?
I don't hate minorities, I'm just not attracted to most of them. I can't force myself to be sexually attracted to someone.
I was attacked by a dog as a child. How does hating animals that eat their own shit and attack people for no reason make me a horrible person?
>be me
>6'4 205~210
>Work out every day
>gave up vidya because was a waste of time
>very racist, from south africa so understandably very racist
>not a liberal
whats your number
You're still racist, you have been socialized under eurocentric standards of beauty and your sexuality is still racist. Therefore you're a hypocrite.
this is a fag isn't it
>That last one
Eliminated so many possible candidates. Tranny porn is infectious.
I am not a vegan and never will be. I'm not a big fan of animal rights activists, either. It's my dream to one day raise my own meat rabbits.
I don't want kids for two reasons. I think would be an awful mom and I don't I want the responsibility. I'm borderline autistic, so I think there's a good possibility I would screw a child up. I also think I would get more fulfillment from life by putting my time into my hobbies rather than a child.
I think it's still possible, however, that my thought pattern might change as I get older, and I might want a child. If that happens I might consider, with consent from my hubbie, having/adopting one.
Hrm... That's a bit more sensible. How old are you, out of curiosity?
>nobody mentioning dick size
>one of my only good qualities
I'm currently 23.
Hrm, I suppose your are still a bit young. Got Discord?
I'm sorry, but I am currently in a relationship. I do not want to mislead you, so I cannot give you my discord.
Nope I can meet all of those things, want to talk?
Can I have a gf pls even though I'm bi and have some ED? I just kinda want a weeb gf and we can cuddle and watch anime and stuff. I can give her the d I'll just have to pop a Viagra before hand.
>is somewhat religious
>wants children
>has a job or is in school
>not a racist
>not a sexist
>not an anti-semite
>just not a hateful person
>has never cheated
>doesnt believe that the ends justify the means
>friendly and well adjusted
>has a good relationship with his parents
>catholic or protestant and goes to church at least twice a month
>wants at least 3 kids
>brown eyes and hair
>somewhat left leaning
>not too conservative
>pacifist (by nature)
>somewhat altruistic
>believes that intent is more important that the result
>went to university
>positive and healthy person
Ah, fair enough. Although it begs the question of why you decided to post in this thread, knowing you would be hit on?
Can I ask how old you are? And whereabouts are you?
I fit, the sad thing is that we live in different countries, unless I get accepted to do my masters in US
20, East Coast US, you? ori
>blue eyes
>good jawline
>body like pic related
>120+ IQ
>relatively high-ranking in some type of skill, trade, or career
>wants to have a bunch of kids
>wealthy enough that we can maintain a high-status lifestyle with many kids and put them all in private school and i can be a stay-at-home mom
>owns a house in a good neighborhood
>owns at least 1 car in good condition
>politically neutral but morally conservative
>believes in God and the bible
>travels a lot
>shares my kinks
>not black
>at least 2 inches taller than me (so 5'5 and above)
>any color hair, as long as its well-cut and hygenic, will also accept bald if the facial aesthetics are there
>fair jawline (maybe not perfectly chiseled but not receding either)
>decent body, BMI good muscle/proportion distribution
>105+ iq
>has a career, skill, or trade
>wants to be a father
>middle class
>either will be able to afford a house after we get married, or currently lives in a decent apartment
>owns at least 1 car
>shares my beliefs about God, nonwhites, and in general jives with most of my moral stances
Oh, I'm 25. And I live in Europe. So if you're not interested that's ok. But if you are you can always drop your discord. You seem nice, it's up to you.
>preferably not black, not my type
> taller than me idc how much, wanna feel smol and cute next to him.
>kind and loving
>can take care of loser me
>not racist
Your ideal is quite the ideal, but your minimum is decent. Hope you find your man.
Broca#7281 I don't mind talking either, you seem pretty cool yourself
I don't live in the USA. Probably should have mentioned that before.
I'm gonna bite and ask for location.
I have one requirement.
>be an aquarius
Who wants to be my weird aquarius bf?
doesn't matter I'm underage anyways.
I live in Uruguay, where are you from?
I'm 24.
Age of consent is 16 here desu.
jk, stay pure and cute please
>translation: I do not like men with high testosterone
why are my countrywomen like this
UKIP is practically left wing hahaha
Don't worry my virginity is protected.
>believes in God and the bible
what the fuck
if i fit your ideal or minimum i'd probably cheat on you
>not fat
that's all i want in a bf, i'm horny and desperate
>UKIP is practically left wing hahaha
doesn't matter if they're left wing or right wing
only a complete troglodyte would vote to leave an extremely profitable single market for no fucking reason whatsoever
What the fuck no it isn't. That's a tranny cope
>Kind to me
>Genuinly loves me
>Likes skin contact
>Won't mind holding me when I'm anxious
>Will teach me about stuff he likes so we can spend time together
>Libertarian/constitutionalist/right leaning centrist (no extremist or liberal)
>Will wait until marriage
>Hold my hand
>Wants kids/pets
>Will play vidya with me
>Will scifi with me
>Will /tg/ with me
>Let's me pamper them Will pamper me sometimes
>Jow Forums
>Will enjoy conspiracies with me
>I have one requirement: have a subpar IQ
That's such an Aquarius thing to say desu.
Also, Newton was into astrology and studied star charts everyday.
Sheer boredom and a desire for the men of r9k to see an actual woman's preferences and opinions. That, and I'm neglecting doing my college homework.
>will /tg/ with me
God please be real
>not a racist
>not a sexist
>not an anti-semite
what are you doing on Jow Forums you niggerfaggot
>being told what to do by EU kikes
>immigrants (when we're at absolute breaking point, regardless of what you think about them)
>but muh profits
not a very good argument sweetie
>Newton was into astrology and studied star charts everyday.
you're fucking with me, surely?
aw youre watching idubbbz thats cute
I'm curious if you have anything ideal about yourself to be worthy of wanting that minimum.
Are you a fatty and/or ugly with no job trying to get chad?
>not religious (except buddhism)
kek you're ridiculous
are you blue eyed and at least 5/10? also what state
Nope. He studied astrology in depth was also very into alchemy and theories of the soul and the oneness of the universe.
As someone once said, Newton was not the first of the age of reason. He was the last of the magicians.
he studied astronomy
not astrology
>implying I don't know the difference between astrology and astronomy
No, he studied both. There are documented natal charts drawn up by him. Natal charts have nothing to do with the science of astronomy.
There is also an anecdote where apparently the astronomer Sir Edmond Halley talked about how he thought astrology was bullshit, and Sir Isaac Newton replied Sir, I have studied the matter, you have not!
A bit over 7
Drop a throwaway email?
wtf is wrong with you hippy weirdos
you know it's not real, right?
but the ends always justify the means
arguing otherwise is simply arguing in favour of weakness
...but I suppose that's to be expected of women
>>being told what to do by EU kikes
Consumer and worker protections, the horror!
>>immigrants (when we're at absolute breaking point,
The UK doesn't have and never has had an immigration crisis in any measurable way.
>Consumer and worker protections, the horror!
>implying the UK cant set their own standards from a bottom approach and need to be dictated to by foreign technocrats that decide everything for you
>The UK doesn't have and never has had an immigration crisis in any measurable way.
>implying your grandparents who fought in the second world war would not have given it a second thought if they new their capital would have a muslim mayor and be majority foreign ethnics
fair skinned
no brown eyes
not a neet
straight - no bisexuals, traps, attracted to anything with a dick regardless if it looks feminine
no outlandish leftist ideals
183cm? dunno about height
slim fit
green/grey eyes
wears black/dresses nicely/has nice aesthetic
eastern orthodox/Christian
wants several children
speaks at least two languages
enjoys being pampered
driven to become successful in whatever he pursues
Dammit you're a yuropoor
>foreign technocrats that decide everything for you
>muslim mayor and be majority foreign ethnics
Crippling the UK economy for decades and inciting a corporate exodus because you're afraid of economists and brown people
>no one can afford a house
>shit paying jobs for 99% of people
>NHS is failing
>prisons overcrowded
>schools overcrowded
>massive congestion
>one of the highest population densities in the world
>everything is just shit in general with them here
>culture: destroyed
>crime through the roof
>the immigrants themselves only come here for work or benefits, they don't even like the place
>UK doesn't have and never has had an immigration crisis in any measurable way though
rly makes u think huh
>implying the EU or immigrants are responsible for any of those problems and not Tory austerity programs combined with low housing stock
I would happily see our economy hit africa levels of poverty if it meant everyone fucking off
>Crippling the UK economy for decades and inciting a corporate exodus because you're afraid of economists and brown people
Oh the economists who tell us that a 90% percent debt to GDP ratio and running a deficit every year is a good idea and have zero skin in the game or experience themselves? Ah yes those geniuses, wherever where we be without them, lmfao. And yes let's just destroy our entire country and let anyone who wishes abide here as long as they contributed some productivity because all that matter is material wealth. What a strange mix cultural marxism and capitalism is, if only Marx knew how relativism would play so usefully into the die hard capitalists of our era maybe he'd kept his mouth closed...
concerning the amount of middle class socialist scum like yourself that unironically buy into this delusion
>And yes let's just destroy our entire country and let anyone who wishes abide here as long as they contributed some productivity because all that matter is material wealth
Lmao. How does the EU "destroy" the entire UK?
You seem very triggered right now.
Well just during sex I mean. Honestly I have never had consensual sex and all my thoughts about it involve some form of masochism.
Why would you cheat on me?
>well groomed as respects hair and clothing
>decent body (110 iq
>in college, posess several skills, career prospects
>want to be a mother and actively work to be a good one
>middle class
>saving money in order to afford a house
>believe in God and the Bible
I think I deserve my minimum, truly
Yeah see that kind of condescending bullshit is why I wouldnt date u. Also no sense of ethics 11/10
we are mostly arguing past each other
if this video doesn't feel like getting repeatedly stabbed in the heart, I strongly suggest you go live in Africa/Pakistan since you'd much prefer it there
The soul of a nation is it's people and it's culture when you rob of it of both it and enter it under a constructed identity (read european) of supra national organization (read EU) what you have is not a nation but a wheel in a machine. Even worse the average person has even more of their power mitigated away towards those above him who are neither elected nor have any common background with him, in fact they may even resent him. Do you see where this future inevitably leads the UK? It's not just not totalitarian, but also absent of a true UK and it's people.
Also it's funny how you ignore how inept these big wig economists are and you dont seem perturbed that the UK will soon have more debt than GDP it can produce, instead leaping into an ad hominem? I am triggered, well I hope I am considering the state of the UK
noooo please forgive me princess
I am not
yes sorry