Blackbots cannot be incel

You are the wests epitome for masculinity rn. There is nothing stop you from getting a white girlfriend, no excuses they love you.

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>he actually fell for the blacked memes
user please

After 3 months after a "tinder consultant" helped me with my profile, bio, and picitures. I had 5 matces, 3 are bots, 1 is fat and left me on read on the first message, and the other was trying to gain followers in instagram. She deleted me after i talked to her.

Everyone wants to be white, no sane person wants to be black.

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Did you offer to show her your BBC user?

do male blackbots really have it that bad?
Even I got some matches after a few days. Most were from fat feminists but at least it was something.

I know no one wants black females, but I thought males would be at least neutral.

This is as stupid as the idiot who says whites can't be incels, you're both wrong.
Individuals are individuals, not their entire group.

But groups are made of individuals who are bound to have common traits. That's where stereotypes come from.

Wait, if i show it to them and they are not attracted to black males, they would be as disgusted with it as a pol member finding a blacked thread on /gif.

As bad as short dark indians, no joke. I have the same luck with women as my indian friends.

Plus liberal/femanists want a black friend, but not too black as in the color, not personality wise. I know, that was my main target audience.


Jokes on you, I'd rather date a cute smol sissyboy and do lots of very gay and sexual things to him. Not that it's ever gonna happen since I despise irl socialising and have no friends, but a nigga can dream.

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hng. destroy my bussy daddy~ uguu :3

It's hard as fuck on tinder if you're average looking AND black. My uglier white friend literally got 28 matches in one night and I have a grand total of 6 over 3 days(most live far away or have yet to respond). This is the second time I've seen an uglier white friend of mine Chad it up on tinder. Most women on tinder are white. Most people stick to dating/fucking within their race, being white in America makes getting women on Tinder a fucking breeze.

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>When your fat,ugly,short, white friend brings over an emo gril from tinder and gets a blowjob from her.

That was the only think i wanted in life, and he got it in under a day.

Also, ill never trust what women say again, ill trust their actions only.

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I hope non of you blackbots take this the wrong way but you are trying to get with black women right. Like I mean, you arent avoiding them. Because if you are.. then youre kind of a hypocrite

I'm not Incel but virgin though. Can safely say white girls liking black guys is a big meme. I'm 6'2" "fit" (not your giga nigga steroid meme) and have a visual job where I get to talk to a fuck lot of different people everyday; the result is that indian/middle eastern girls CRAVES for black cock. All other races are pretty much indifferent. Still waiting for my promised white wife you fucking liars.

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Thanks for your input Black Chad.

No, you wait your turn

Trannies arent real Nibba

I'm lightskinned and I have no better luck with these girls than you. I don't want to be some dumb bitch's "friend" either.

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Same question as I said before.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself and convincing yourselves you lost because youre black. Its just a convenient lie not to try. Its the same victim blaming my dad did and my community does.

T. Actual black person

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Based Uncle Tom. Fuck niggers and their we wuz victims shit.

I'm black and I agree.

Yes, in other words a stereotype can give you a general idea of what to expect for a larger population, or for an individual you don't know, but it doesn't define what is possible in a given group for individuals.
There will ALWAYS be outliers, and if you're on r9k, chances are you already are one, so you should know better than to assume that other people are within normal ranges for their groups every time yourself.

>he fell for that jewish meme

Just go after black/African women. Most white girls are lame anyways. This is right. Sticking with a black girl is more relatable on a whole lotta levels. If anything it's media brainwashing us non whites into liking white people and so called "white features".

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fuck, your hands are ugly...
still, based nigger
I love you

I personally don't care what race the woman is, and probably 60% of my matches are black girls. Although, I must say black girls rock with me a lot more on Tinder than in real life, unfortunately. When you're a 5/10 nigga on tinder shit is not gonna go your way, I can probably count every left swipe I made in the last few days on one hand

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>we destroyed the race mixing meme


Have you looked into black nationalism?

Fair enough, God speed mah Nigga

>What did he mean by this

No I havent why do you ask that?

prostitutes don't even want to fuck blacks

None of that shit matters when you're the exact opposite of black standards of masculinity.

Also, white males have the most success with women of all types anyway.

It seems like you've got the right idea as far as black self improvement and you'd go a lot farther there than you would as a token among whites, especially the kind that browses here.

Plenty of woke groups are cancer so you need to really judge these people by what they get done, and not their words. I'd reccomend NoI.

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why does she have asian eyes and a nose ridge, is this kohisan artwork?

He's not an Uncle Tom, just a cool black guy.

It's interesting to find that that blacks post here. It seems Jow Forums has the most blacks of any board I've noticed. I just assumed they would like /b/ or /v/ though.

I meant part of that for

>lost because you're black

No you didn't loose cause you're black but being black puts you at a great disadvantage just like being short , ugly etc.

There's a reason people all over the planet bleach their skin. way more people want to be white than black.

But you have to be chocolate chad just like vanilla chad. It's not for the average ones of either group

Just beeeee your seeeeelf !!! When will this platitude stop.

That's one of the many famous ife heads user and no she is not khoisan she is from Nigeria, the ancient Yoruba kingdom to be exact.

Many west African carry what you call asian features. People get surprised when they hear I'm not mixed

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>Tinder Consultant
What fucking times we live in lads. They made the app, created the fucked up dating scene, and now profit from it indirectly.

Tinder consultant? Nigga what?

u said something?

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