Jow Forums humor thread

As many edits of this comic you have editon

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Other urls found in this thread:

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btw im gay haha


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post the real version faggots

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Did her quad pop loose?

Attached: charlottraining.webm (576x720, 1.46M)

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post something I haven't seen before I fucking dare you

I don’t have a pic of your penis, fat boy

Give me your email address

cant post vaginas on blue boards buddy

Attached: 1559518838068.jpg (1100x971, 308K)

all right fair enough

she ruptured it

>last frame isn’t lifter being the color red

Redpilled but not based

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Jow Forums in a nutshell

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Based and 40kg gf pilled

Kek'd at that last panel

kek, when will they learn

everyone in that threesome looks like they are having so much fun, even the girl is having a ball just recounting the story. Must have been a really fun time


I bet you wish you were the girl you homosexual

I could probably get off to the thought of self-inserting as any of em tbqh


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That's just fucking hilarious

Entertaining but your have to be pretty dense to believe this

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look at their faces!

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this but no people at the table
I ... miss him...

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based old man

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>this is what nofappers actually believe

Normalfag gtfo

what I have in my Jow Forums folder comes from Jow Forums, don't blame me for others' filthy sources.

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read up on datura moron and stop making ignorant posts, it is a deliriant plant that actually does make you hallucinate things like that, it's not like lsd or weed

Wtf is that dent???

What is that last part???

>that core strength

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heroin is a fun time, you should give it a try

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Attached: elevator.png (1894x1280, 633K)

>I’m a normalfag with no standards

No its not. Stop.

why are they making fun of him?

This isn’t funny. This is Facebook tier

Do you have the "Sorry you had another stroke Carl?"

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Because despite owning the strength to defend having the work-elevator all to himself, he basically kept doing it everyday for four months, not taking in the fact that his coworkers would like to be on time as well.
It's not even even his fucking elevator, he made his colleagues late for four months because he didn't like to be touched and had the size to make them back off.

this is actually pretty great

Oh fuck, that got screencapped?

something similar happened to my grandfather, I saw someone had screenshotted it somewhere but I didn't screenshot it myself (why would I, it was my story?), basically came down to "implying this f*male will beat me in endurance lmao"

would be cool if someone who had it posted it though, I'd like to have it saved as well actually

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the only right one

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how'd e get taller by lifting?

nah i just recreated it from memory in paint

You must be 18 to browse this site.

No homo, right?

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Fucking idiot nofappers. Yeah nofap changes lives. Now you're a faggot

this based


Attached: 60868686_2557323797817356_5842568120123785216_n.jpg (768x914, 113K)

>scared, potter?

Attached: 66a6b00cd0798989d4447d4540d78f66.jpg (800x1000, 197K)


Is this loss?


I detest and adore this image like Smeagol hates/loves the Ring.

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Also can someone post the original fatty cope

Attached: Swole Mole.png (1165x979, 159K)

beggin ya ta have sex

You can hate women and not be a faggot


to be honest she was just pissed and probably got over it after a week or so and they probably ended up having sex

He's actually alpha



jesus fucking christ imagine the balls on this guy

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Attached: through nourishment of life life is also taken.png (1066x1004, 291K)

Straight face gang