Tfw 122 IQ

>tfw 122 IQ
I am a God walking amongst sheep. What should I do with my superpower?

Attached: Tfw+too+intelligent+_4a7ed86248e54530947e0c3d8fdfb100.jpg (207x244, 21K)

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steal peoples chromosomes to gain more power

I dunno, maybe try to cure your own autism?

get a stand ability

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what bout dick girth?

try to make your own universe and fuck an escort

This is like the average iq of anyone in STEM and all my peers are brainlets (including me probably). Its nothing to be proud about

Youre basically just smarter than wage slaves and third worlders, doesnt mean much

You're above average. You aren't even in the gifted category. Shut up retard

Are you seriously bragging about 122?
Woah, that's sad, user

>Shut up, retard.
Tremble, brainlets.

I have some questions OP
>do you eat meat
>do you have sexual thoughts
>do you believe in god

Get off this terrible board
>Mode: 0 replies/thread, 14 occurrences
>Threads less than 10 replies: 83, 58.04% of all threads

You would merely be average in my country my fair shinned friend

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Yes, without guilt.
>sexual thoughts
Some, but Aldus Huxley said an intellectual is a man who has found something more interesting than sex. In that sense, I am an intellectual.
Very disturbing concept. Something I think a lot about. Still am unsure.

T.110 iq
Thanks for answering my questions

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>getting your iq tested and bragging about it
You are still a part of the herd. Pathetic

Become a theologist and finally prove that all religion is a broken, irrational concept.
Or otherwise.

Not giving a shit about my grammar makes me a brainlet lmao. I called you a retard because my IQ is 134

I'm 147

The diagnosis made me suicidal and now I have more mental problems than a maths textbook

Nigger its so simple.
How are puppets made? Who are they made by?

God made us. How? If god made us, we are puppets.

>inb4 Reeeee this makes no sense. Muh brain huurt

lmao what a pussy
t. 106 IQ

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>what a pussy

I'm a literal genius and I hate myself because of it wahh

>???assuming possibility is equal to a fact???
Anyways, just put it into simple words and let me convert the world already, retard

I don't understand.
And it was good.

It's not that, is just that people expect more from me than from others and that makes me sick because for some reason I don't have coherent thinking.

All the religions believe that God created the world and also mankind. But if you are created by someone, you are only a puppet, you don't have your own soul.

And if you are created by somebody, he can uncreate you any moment. He neither asked you whether you wanted to be created, nor is he going to ask you, "Do you want to be uncreated?"

God is the greatest dictator, if you accept the fiction that he created the world and also created mankind.

If God is a reality, then man is a slave, a puppet. All the strings are in his hands, even your life. Then there is no question of any enlightenment.

Then there is no question of there being any Gautam the Buddha, because there is no freedom at all.

He pulls the strings, you dance; he pulls the strings, you cry; he pulls the strings, you start murders, suicide, war. You are just a puppet and he is the puppeteer.

Then there is no question of sin or virtue, no question of sinners and saints. Nothing is good and nothing is bad, because you are only a puppet. A puppet cannot be responsible for its actions.

Responsibility belongs to someone who has the freedom to act.

Either God can exist or freedom, both cannot exist together. That is the basic implication of Friedrich Nietzsche's statement: God is dead, therefore man is free.

No theologian, no founder of religions thought about this, that if you accept God as the creator, you are destroying the whole dignity of consciousness, of freedom, of love.

You are taking all responsibility from man, and you are taking all his freedom away.

You are reducing the whole of existence to just the whim of a strange fellow called God.

>Implying that we have a soul
What a whashed brainlet you are

I'm an atheist and i know we have souls. You never talked to higher dimensional beings or any kind of extraterrestrial. I know god doesn't exist.

I'm 130 and I'm a faliure.
Output of success is more important than IQ.

What is the proof you have for souls

Absolutely relatable

People mystify high IQ for whatever reason, sorry you've had stupid things put upon you because of it.

Stop the hat tipping.

You aren't a rigorous person. Logic and
evidence is one dimensional. Life is multidimensional. You are stuck on this brainlet planet lol

After some years you learn to live with that, and I don't really care much about it now.

Do you even know what a dimension is, you smooth brained faggot

>don't get the joke

yeesh, and you guys are smart?

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1. a measurable extent of some kind, such as length, breadth, depth, or height.

2. an aspect or feature of a situation, problem, or thing.


form or shape (something) to particular measurements.

Does that description match the way you used it in the last post, user?

>an aspect or feature of a situation, problem, or thing.

Yes, you illiterate fucking nigger

Now we know you're a brainlet

Of god made us, where did god come from?

You are just stupid. That's what the verb means but you didn't used "dimension" as a verb. 11 years old shouldn't be here, you know?

Ok, you answer the questions. I'll enjoy this.

grugg hate cube head tribe
me feel dumb

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How is that original?