For young american robots, how are you not voting for him in 2020?

Seriously, hundreds of thousands of dollars for a degree you can get for basically free (and of quality) on many european countries.

Why are young americans so cucked? They don't deserve it.

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LOL. thats not in his means to give.

Are you talking about the college tuition thing?

I have a high paying job I got without a degree and I don't want to lose all my money by the government forcing me to pay for shit head kids to go to college and smoke pot all day.

Our taxes could be doing a lot more for us with what we pay.
Fuck your uneducated dumb ass, and an eternal curse on your dumb family.

>our taxes
>believes he can just spend taxes on handouts


the solution to all our problems is to cut the boomer menace off from entitlements

Sorry, I couldn't hear your cursed ass through the reddit spacing, newfag.

its all a lie. democ rats always lie and make promises, only to do a 180 and sell-out completely by taking donor money.

u guys are idiots for believing those minorities

Don't you think you are largely simplifying?
Don't you think it's opportunistic and disingenuous to pretend anybody else could do what you did (assuming it's true)?

>reddit space!!!!

isnt a thing. stay deluded, if you want free shit just move to one of those countries u talk about. american politics will never change.

Alternatively, kill yourself. :)

they target desperate fools like you for votes to get elected. then u dont get a penny cus ur gullible

So let's keep Trump in office, who is literally 10 times worse on what you mentioned?

>reddit space! i cannot break the sacred no space rule

that never existed

He lost any chance for a vote from me the moment he let those two blm protesters walk all over him.
Honestly it should have been earlier, but how could you want a president who would budge so easily to pressure?

Donald is a good and wise man. yeah hes getting another vote from me.

You're just being argumentative for no reason. Must be part of the two-shilling curse.

Bernie is a dumb old man, he's also racist and sexist af
His protectionist policies would hurt the global poor in order to provide more free gibs to mediocre white dudes
Also college will never be free; the American public university system has too much administrative bloat and too many luxuries provided to students for the government to cover the full price

>money in politics is corruption!!!111!!!
>raises $1 million in 4 hours

Leftists are some of the biggest faggots around. Everything is bad and evil except when they do it.

And free college is a joke because college degrees are already worthless because of all the people already getting free college through scholarships and they major in feminist African studies.

Free college and healthcare is reasonable if you consider that (((they))) run the student loan and medical companies.

Let me get this straight.
You'd rather vote for someone who doesn't give a shit about a policy that could help millions of americans, because the person who could help those millions of americans had a few teenagers speak at a fucking rally for a few minutes?

I thought facts didn't care about your feelings.

So you think that Bernie, who refuses to get corporate money, and is funded by the grassroots, would be more dependent on donor money than Trump, who is basically doing everything they want? Can you explain this to me please?

Why the fuck would you be pushing for free college when 60% of students graduating high school can't even read, write, or do math and science at a 10th grade level?

Trade wars is not doing what they want. In fact, that's the exact opposite of what they want, which is why the mass media always paints it in as large a negative light as possible.

Why the fuck do you want everyone to be dumb?

desu I'm gonna vote for him. Memes aside, Trump is deranged and the rest of the Democrats still insist on a bizarre form of centrism that's really just "cater to everyone who disagrees with us" and ends up fucking us over. I don't know if he can win, but he's the only one I trust to actually have the population's best interests at heart.

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hell surely win this time bros just sold my car to donate to him who else will match me?

>Leftists are some of the biggest faggots around. Everything is bad and evil except when they do it.
Dunning-Kruger effect in action.
You do realise that the problem with money in politics is that it comes from a selected few (for their own interests, which often go against the interest of the people), as opposed to the people? If the money is raised by regular people, there is no problem anymore.

Jesus Christ.

Anyone who supports this guy is a redditor. He is the Reddit candidate

How did so many middle class and upper middle class people let themselves get duped into thinking taxes on billionaires were going to somehow mean taxes on them?

This. When will middle class Americans realize that a 50% tax rate for everyone is beneficial to all americans?.

Because even if you tax every millionaire and billionaire 100% of their income, you still won't be able to afford all the programs leftists call for, which means they will have to raise taxes on the middle class.

he bought a house with donor money in 2016. cant trust democ rats, theyre just there to talk nice and collect a fat check

Oh, you just don't like how other people give. It's only okay when you do it, right?

You're a fucking liar. Shitholes can make it work. We're not better than a shithole? Fuck you.

Bernie is the clear choice over Trump but would you really vote for him over Warren or Harris, who are both much more qualified IMO?

I can't tell if you're being obtuse or got all your tax information from meme infographics.

even if he can't do that i appreciate if the bernlord can hand me more gibs me dats
that alone is enough for me to upgrade from tyson brand tendies
>t. legit neet

Who knows. Trump was talking about raising taxes on the wealthy on the campaign trail.
Then once in office he flipped and did massive tax cuts (which don't even benefit the economy) for billionaires, which is totally fiscally irresponsible.

What are you on about? What do you think politicians do?

I've got some sad news for you. America is the biggest shithole on earth. We have 40 million illegal immigrants, and we take in 1 million plus new legal residents every year, vastly more than any Western nation. I shouldn't have to tell you why this is a problem.

I think Warren is also a good choice but I have zero trust for Harris, Harris just feels like they're pandering to the "cool hip leftist" crowd by bragging about smoking weed in college (and then going on to prosecute and hand out sentences for smoking weed). I'd vote for a Sanders/Warren ticket for sure.

Kill yourself, shit for brains.

>believes he can just spend taxes on handouts
What? Taxes are spent on handouts constantly, every day, in basically every country

Of course. Once Bernie and the democrats raise the tax rate to 60% we can finally get back to fixing America and the economy that has been destroyed under Trump's leadership.

Congrats on buying fox news propaganda.
Medicare for all would actually save the american people money.
How to pay for free college, like many european countries?
1. Don't do Trump tax cuts
2. Slightly raise taxes on the wealthy.
3. Decrease already bloated military spending

You get all the money for all those programs and then some

I'd vote for him if he kept with the anti-white rhetoric until the end

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There's no point in being disingenuous here. A higher marginal tax rate on people with more wealth than the rest of the country combined isn't a "50 tax for everyone."

>thinks America can just hand out tax money in the form of gibs

all democ rats are like this.

How much money do you need for Medicare for All? Where are you getting your numbers from?

And of course you have to pull numbers out of your ass.
Are you talking about AOC MARGINAL tax rate. We are not even talking about her, by the way.

I know you are probably a troll, but in case anybody else is reading.
You do realise posting that quote like that is extremely disingenuous right?
Bernie has a long voting track record proving he cares about the poor people and the middle class, whether white or of color. In that quote he was talking about ghettos, and he obviously mispoke.

>Medicare for all would actually save the american people money.
It's kind of surprising that this is so controversial, even though it's literally the whole principle behind insurance in the first place. The more people you have sharing the pay, the lower each person pays AND the lower the overall overhead is. In addition, private for-profit insurance has every reason to increase costs for their own benefit.

I wonder how america could afford single payer.

It's not like countries like Canada, Australia, Germany, Sweden, Norway etc already have it, SPEND LESS and get BETTER HEALTH OUTCOMES.

It's just unbelievable what these leftists are up to.

then move there. none of those have the titanic milcorp industry America has.

Canada is our neighbor just move there bro. they can afford it because America's military protects them.

Why the fuck do you want to pay for educating brainlets that already spend twelve years being taught under the education system? If they're so smart or need it so bad, they can get a scholarship, and if they can't even do that then they should pay/borrow for college themselves. Higher education is an investment in their future that they should decide and be responsible for themselves, not something they are entitled to.

wow, some old fuck with white guilt
no, thanks

will this old fucker ever give up? holy shit why does he keep coming back

Listen to the fantastic Sam's franchisee's questions she asked him. I'm not voting to downsize my already small small small business and lose the couple workers I finally have. All this idiot will do is cause unemployment.

i vote for whoever pisses the most people off

I hope the other guy stops replying you. You're too damn stupid.

Andrew Yang 2020

He's not old and he has most of the same values except he'll actually deliver on them

nope. hes trying to bankrupt the country.

No he's a fucking cuck

you're entitled to nothing then you dumb nigger, if you can't be guaranteed a good education and as much as an opportunity to succeed in this life and in this country as some bumble fuck Bezo's kid or Barron Trump downie then this shit hole of a nation will be devoured by it's own greed, bigotry and fucking ignorance to it's real problems. Neck yourself you worthless fucking degenerate.

>be robot
>college becomes free
>college becomes high school 2.0
>become neet to avoid social pressure
>no excuse for not going to college

>millions of people fail college
>oh vey everyone is equally intelligent this shouldn't be happening
>no college student left behind policy
>college degrees get so dumbed down the average pavement ape could get a degree
>everybody in the work becomes completely incompetent
>degrees become meaningless and give you no benefit in finding a better job

What is the end goal here?

Most people have no value and do not deserve education, healthcare, etc.

>this kid truly believes that our government will just pay for everybody's college

they already do, in the military. bitch

I'm voting for him OP. don't expect mucy sympathy on Jow Forums,this webstie is full of conservacucks.

people that promise free healthcare, free college, free citizenship, free 1k monthly cannot be trusted

theyre taking advantage of your gullibleness by telling you theyll give u stuff for votes.

If you think a bachelors degree allots you any amount of competence in any field, you're mistaken. It's a ticket that says that you know how to manage your time and answer multiple choice questions. They still need to train you as if you never knew anything. And they're only going to train you to do menial, entry level work.

>t. biology degree -> accounting job

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UwU wow so I can just join the military sign away my life for a couple of years sitting on my ass in some air force base as opposed to taking some of the money out of that inflated fucking budget and set it aside for people who just want a chance at a good education. Give yourself a shotgun enema, you trumptards talk a lot of people being NPC's and not having an opinion for themselves but you advocate for joining the largest propaganda pumping hell hole on the planet piss off.

yang is based and he actually cares about the people. also yang doesn't believe in free college though, because he say only 39% of the population goes. his suggestion is to force colleges to limit administrators to 1990s levels lowering cost

how did you flex biology to accounting?

HAHAHAH exactly you dont want to serve for it. yeah dude lets just give everybody their taxes back, you know nothing and want free stuff without knowing where its gonna come from.

why do allow rich bastards to profit off our health, prisons, and education? at some point it has to stoo and there are some things that only the government should be responsible for.

>he will lower tuition by reducing teacher's pay

idiots. you are all idiots crying for free stuff.

And for other people, government loans aren't that hard to get.

The problem is we're doubling down on the current education system instead of backing off of it and thinking twice about continuing the practice of college and public education in general. Just like with Medicare for All, Bernie's plan is only a slam dunk if you agree with the general direction of the healthcare/education industries but think they should be more accessible.

I'm with Yang on this one, fuck college, not everyone should have to waste their time there.

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>our taxes
>Bernouts don't even pay taxes
I want either a refund of every single student loan payment I made plus interest or permanent exemption from the """free college""" tax if that ever passes.

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>wealthier people should pay us poor people for being poor

fuckin democ rats

you dumb dumb. yang will forces to cut administration not teachers

Are you afraid the propaganda is going to work?
Why do you fags shill this shit on Jow Forums instead of Jow Forums then bitch about Jow Forums thinking Jow Forums

Pure cancer
>caring about normalfaggots wellbeing
Get off

>it wont be the teachers! i swar

youre the idiot.


Didn't we all get tired of this line of reasoning in 2016? I don't care how "qualified" you are, I want a leader with the right values and a strong vision.

How do you know they are bastards? Why do you give a shit if normafag criminals are raped?

Nothing is ever free.

college, like healthcare, is a for profit system in America. thats just how it is and how its gonna be.

he talked about forcing schools to abide by admin to student ratios

>employees having more education and training is actually bad for the economy!
>as proof, here is a scenario I imagined in my head
interesting point, has anyone actually been convinced when you told them this?

My country already has free education at all ages. It's worth the try, americans. Don't be so afraid to vote for someone who wish to use public money for something other than paying their own wage.


"waaaaaa get off my board normie!!!!"

leave the fucking thread dumbass don't you have a roastie thread to go join you fucking loser.

meaningless. hes trash that wants to bankrupt America.

yes because we all live in a society and benefit from higher health and education. besides we know the wealthy take their shit off the backs of the poor

Otherwise Canada would be invaded by .....?

Keep people dumb and just healthy enough to keep showing up to their shit jobs for slave wages.

see thats the thing fella - he IS in fact trying to pay his own wage. bernout bernie took donor money and bought himself a house. democ rats are liars