What do women mean when they look at you this way?

What do women mean when they look at you this way?

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the wh*toid look

thats a white people thing

>he's not black and wants to fuck me LOL

I thought that was the "Jim"
doesn't it convey a sort of 'meh' feel?

She's trying to fake a smile but she's so disgusted that she just...can't

Yeah. Pretty much. A girl would never look at Chad like this.

>please don't shoot up the school
>please don't rape me

I'm 100% Native European, get this look occasionally.
Its quite simply because I'm anti social, desperate to get home whenever I have to leave the house.

It's the equivalent of the onions boy look where guys have their mouth open. They're insecure about the way they look.

Contempt, with a side dish of "I can barely tolerate looking at you".

you're not above 6'

The "uuuuh about that..." look.

It's the face you might see if you ask a girl out.

t. Normie

it's a look of contempt

i.e. you're ugly

the hell would I know
I don't look at women

"You must be on Jow Forums"

i use that face occasionally.
it just means "ehhhhh..." "uhhhhh..." "maybe" or when something happens and then you look at someone when i was in middles school and something bad happened and you look at someone i dont know anyone here watch that new plane anime i havent i like the hat the girl wears its cool i dont really like 3d women am i right haha who know haha ?

Attached: retewtwetweeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.jpg (300x169, 11K)

It's the "I want to be polite, but you disgust me so much it's hard to hide" face

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They hate you or don't want to interact with but are too socially aware to cringe or recoil outright.
This expression never takes on a positive interpretation.

It's called a "pussy face".
They make it when you're being too dense to their advances.

>when you see niggers behaving like niggers in public and make eye contact with another white person