Got myself prescribed testosterone gel after anorexia shut down my testosterone production for nearly two years...

Got myself prescribed testosterone gel after anorexia shut down my testosterone production for nearly two years. I never actually used it though, and thankfully my natural production restarted after I gained weight and now my dick works again. However I still have a prescription for testosterone gel, basically for life. My natural level is ~950 ng/dl in the mornings, but I'm skinny and struggle to gain muscle. Can I use the gel to bulk up and get big and strong?

Attached: 09-04-2017_01_Testosterone_Gel_831652840.jpg (600x399, 140K)

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>My natural level is ~950 ng/dl in the mornings, but I'm skinny and struggle to gain muscle.

Just eat more jesus christ

If you ingest it orally then yes.

Attached: 4.gif (400x400, 3.47M)

I don't want to get fat, even thinking about eating more triggers my eating disorder really bad

>950 ng/dL
Lmao at anyone not anorexia testmaxxing in 2019

So you want to gain weight and gain muscle but you wont make an effort to eat enough?
No amount of testosterone and shit will help you dude, there isnt some magical solution.
Just work on fixing your eating disorder before you bother trying to gain muscle. Its fine to take things one step at a time.

Attached: 1.gif (500x500, 3.45M)

If you dont eat more you wont get muscle simple as that

Who is this bug eyed qt?!i4VyFSRa!h35zHABFdFPuNN6FAbWAmg

Youll have to turn in your natty card.

I don't know if this mentality will work for you, but as long as you are working out routinely, remember that your body is going to use that food to make you stronger. I don't have sources, but my understanding is that if you are lifting routinely while gaining weight, the proportion of muscle to fat gained is much more favorable.

And, since you are skinny, it will take a long time to gain enough fat to make you actually look fat, unless you are gaining at a silly rate like 5 pounds a week. If you shoot for like half a pound per week at first you should essentially just get more muscular for a while.


weird but okay

You have to eat to build muscle. Period.

Eat big to get big. Stop being a whiny bitch faggot OP.

bruh you have a mental disorder why would you come to Jow Forums to treat it? Go see a therapist or something.

I'm a specialist. If you want to drop a burner email I can give you some free advice after work. Not on here though

Climate change and you want to have higher testosterone..China could have stopped there dicks but they didn't and look where they are now.

Weedlmao, particularly indica strains, cured my anorexia

>testosterone gel
never heard of a more beta shit

>Find yourself a gf
>Rub the gel on her clit

euroslut kinda hot desu

You're welcome