Is he lying ? Is it possible to get that jacked with workouts and vitamins?

Is he lying ? Is it possible to get that jacked with workouts and vitamins?

Attached: terry-crews-natty-status.jpg (520x225, 20K)

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Dat der multivitamin

Its possible he's not on steroids but he would have to be on several other performance enhancing drugs.

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He is literally marketed as the most wholesome man alive

Do you really think all the studios and companies that he works for or endorse him would keep doing so with how demonized steroids are in the media?

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what's the purpose of lying about being natural?
are all roiders mentally ill?

Is this clever bait?

I believe him

maybe when he posted this he was off cycle.. thats how they getcha

So were Jimmy Savile and Rolf Harris.

There’s a lot of reasons, but for the sake of arguments celebrities lie about it because it’s part of the appeal to them. People like to think their favorite actor is genetically gifted and all around superior to normal people.

Oh right, and don't forget Bill Cosby.

ALWAYS have been, ALWAYS will be is pretty damning language.

a slight stretch comparing admitting to the use of steroids to being a sexual predator
but exactly right

As soon as a damning truth comes to light, especially when your career relies on being perceived as wholesome your career is over.

Vitamin S

Maybe he is, maybe he isn't. Hard to tell because he might have been training for 20 years.

On top of that, theres millions on the line urging him to tell everyone a white lie that he is natural. So yeah, theres that.

But in the end, who cares?

I don't see the point of these threads. If you want a steroid physique, do steroids. Just know it doesen't become any easier to attain just because you hop on the gear. Chances are if you look like shit natty, you'll still look like shit on gear. Then theres all the health parts to factor in. Are you okay with fucking up your heart, blood pressure, getting bitch tits, losing your hair, back and arm/ shoulder acne, possible erectile disfunction and so on? How about shaving off perhaps 10's of years off the end of your life? All for 10% more gains?

Might be actually better to just train harder and eat better. Plus you get to learn some important life lessons, like self-discipline and hard work.

Really easy ways to guess if someone is roiding

>roid gut
>Massive traps
>massive shoulders

The latter two terry has for days because those are huge receptors for steroid juice so they blow up when you get on gear.

I don't really give a shit if he's on gear tho guy looks great shame he couldn't fight off that rapist tho

Attached: terry-crews-the-social-man.jpg (800x400, 90K)

The general public thinks steroids are cheating. "Oh his physique isnt impressive because hes on roids!!". They ignore the fact that 98% of normies couldnt get a physique like that if they had all the juice in the world.

>t. Coping roidlet

Why do his forearms look so small here? Shit's freaky.

Steroids are cheating. You have to workout with them still, sure, but it's still cheating. It's like an exam. If you have the answers but don't fill out the exam, you're going to fail. Same goes for steroids. Cheating is cheating.

If you're tired of me saying it's cheating, then stop cheating.

>Eating right is cheating
>sleeping more is cheating
>Using a advanced routine is cheating

ok retard

Are those things considered steroids now?

Those would be equivalent to studying in the test analogy and thus wouldn't be considered cheating, you fucking brainlet

They are the exact same concept as steroids

Steroids and good sleep are one in the same the former is just more expensive and requires above 50 iq to do.

>Giving your body the best nutrition possible is cheating !111


Wrong. You can literally sit on your sweet ass and still make gains if you're using anabolic steroids.

it is natty look at his arms compared to his core and chest, also niggas are known to be gifted in the trap area

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That study often cited doesn't differentiate water weight from muscle volume when calculating "lean mass gains." Basically all the guys in the study bloated up like clouds because the study didn't include AI protocol.

>best nutrition possible
>slew of adverse health effects regardless of who you are and how you take them
Ok retard

Didn't know steroids made you gain water. Besides, it's very easy to assume that isn't the case since the same thing happens in sedentary teenage boys, which put on way more muscle than adolescent girls just because of the drastic difference in endogenous testosterone.

>Steroids which can fuck up test production, cause balding, acne, infertility and requires you to inject shit up your ass are the same as 8 hours of sleep

Solid argument. 10/10.

>thinking gains keep progressing linearly forever
>muh 20 years

he's absolutely on steroids you ugly deformed baboon

Getting a good amount of sleep actually requires work if you're not an unemployed nigger. Roids require basically no effort and will make you get bigger and stronger even if everything else about your training is fucked up. Nutrition and good training also actually require effort. They are in no way comparable to roids.

sleeping well doesnt shrink your balls and give you woman's breasts you big faggot

>the black scooby

Saw a thread the other day where Jow Forums was posting their 1rm on bench, the average was 225-240
If you think anyone here knows what steroids looks like, you must be one of them, because 99% of this board doesnt even know what intermediate stage natural looks like

225 is 2p8, which i consider intermediate. you disagree?

I did a poll once, and took the first 30 answers to trickle in. IIRC, the average bench was like 170 lbs. This was done like 4-5 years ago. Average squat was like 250, average deadlift was ~300.

Attached: Jack.gif (600x338, 3.64M)

225 isnt intermediate. Jesus christ you're either a girl or a idiot

It's certainly not beginner

Why would you admit that you use illegal substance, online of all places, while being a public figure ?
You put on a fucking small t-shirt and people at work call you no life "anabolic steroid" abusing gym rat, while you fucking weight 180lbs. cmon be reasonable

Look you duel. A 1rm of 225 is achievable in like 4 to 6 weeks as long as you aren't 135 fucking pounds and like 5'7. 225 isnt impressive, its "I go to the gym 3 times a week and know what a barbell looks like"

Nigga that shit advances, go to gym, how many fucking lads are working with 2 plate

You can get big traps being natty, I think that's a bad indicator. Mine have always been like this. Roidgut and cannonball delts seem to be better indicators. Also being sub 10% year round while still making gains for years is pretty obvious. I'm sure there are some freaks out there that can do it but they have to be a tiny minority.

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bruh its all about dat dere CellTech

He's a black dude who has been lifting pretty much forever and he's not like mr Olympia levels of massive so I could see it.

seeGenetics determine shoulder/trap size far more than roids ever will. I was vblessed with large traps and boulder shoulders and have never touched a roid

1/2/3/4 isn't intermediate. You might be fat.

according to exrx 1/2/3/4 is intermediate, depending on your weight.
>inb4 exrx is not a valid source
it is objectively the best online source when it comes to most shit for weight training. if you disagree you a trolling or retarded.

Weight dependent is the key words there. An adult Male should weigh 200lbs and be at least 5'11. Otherwise you're just an over large child

Not for one rep, no. That is not intermediate

>depending on your weight
You just fucking obliterated your own argument retard

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If you unironically think you need steroids for this physique you have absolute DOGSHIT genetics. His fucking biceps are wider than his delts. He isn’t vascular, dry, or lean. His body fat is 14% yet he still doesn’t look big. Also his skin is fucking black, so you are musculature easier

This board is legit all fucking dyels

Obviously lying. On PEDs of some kind.
Obviously Crews can NEVER admit to doing steroids openly and keep his gigs. That's strong motivation for him to lie.
Advertisers don't want to sponsor people who openly use steroids

200lbs 5'10" 225x1 after a year. You are either dyel or don't remember.

except you dont have to do any of those to make gains on steroids

You have either been roiding from the start, had extensive physical activity prior to starting lifting, or don’t actually lift. Which is it?

the source is exrx and the fact that everyone from the ipf to NASA recognizes them as credible if you could learn to navigate a site or read. it's all there.

>something something me right something something insult

Why would you believe someone that lies for a living.

My guess is HGH and other stuff.

His arms aren't that big. But he seems bigger than he should be for that age. He's taking something. I don't think it's traditional roids though.

Black genetics desu

Absolutely natural. Anyone who says otherwise is a fag

i believe it

>Also his skin is fucking black, so you are musculature easier

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Hows the bulk going supermang, you went MIA for a while?

>He is literally marketed as the most wholesome man alive
kek, he almost got CANCELLED when he implied fathers should be relevant at all in the lives of kids

>are all roiders mentally ill?
75% of roiders end up becoming traps, judge for yourself

a trap with roid muscle ?

Attached: kroco.jpg (1280x720, 100K)

how can u find this shit attractive is beyond me

what, we were talking about mentally ill test takers, not about fucking men

there's nothing roidy about his physique though

>people actually calling roid gut

come the fuck on lads

ik i was not talking about you bro, I was just thinking about how this thing can be attractive to someone

>Also his skin is fucking black, so you are musculature easier
You're legitimately a mentally limited person, or this is the best bait I've seen in years.

Also, why are you so jealous of his biceps?

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>people ITT actually think he's natural
Oh how naive you are..

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it still has a mouth and its a cock enthusiast, on top of that, it'll be in the gym all the time so youat least get plenty of time away from it.

but, imagine the bathroom smell.

there is nothing natural about sub-humans living in western society....

Whew, the redpilled of of nowhere.

he dosnt look like he is on roids

Flat delts, no vascularity, not lean, training 20 years, nigger. I’d say he’s clean.

Categorically, he's closer to 'Amy' the Gorilla from the movie Congo than he is to any mutt white person

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You see all of that, yet you miss the disgusting protruded belly button.

>That study often cited doesn't differentiate water weight from muscle volume when calculating "lean mass gains."
where do you think all the "water weight" is going?
your muscles are mostly composed of water
look at studies looking at nitrogen balance and steroid use
the mere oral administration of testosterone or progesterone increases muscle volume
>Basically all the guys in the study bloated up like clouds because the study didn't include AI protocol.
notice how all the steroid fags keep coping with the fact that roids literally make you build muscle without doing anything? they keep coming up with excuses and baseless explanations as to why studies keep finding over and over again that steroids build muscle by themselves lmao.
>Testosterone increased muscle protein synthesis in all subjects (27% mean increase, P less than 0.05). Leucine oxidation decreased slightly (17% mean decrease, P less than 0.01), but whole-body protein synthesis did not change significantly. Muscle morphometry showed no significant increase in muscle fiber diameter. These studies suggest that testosterone increases muscle mass by increasing muscle protein synthesis.

Shut the fuck up you dumb roidcel.
Steroids literally make you build muscle without doing a fucking thing, that's what they're made for, they're used in all sorts of scenarios which involve bedridden patients and people with degenerative diseases who don't train and can hardly move in order to maintain or build muscle.

Seriously just fucking stop with that "steroids barely even do anything they actually make it harder on you by making you bloated hehe" fucking bullshit, stop coping and just accept the fact that roids completely change the game.

What you retards aren't getting is that simply adding 5lbs muscle, let's assume it was muscle added in that study, doesn't make you aesthetic instantly. Put 5lbs of muscle on a fatty, he'll look the same, a fat ugly piece of shit. Put 5lbs of muscle on a skeleton, he looks slightly better but still shitty. And how much gains do you think you'll get by just juicing and sitting on your ass, do you think you'll just pack on 45lbs of muscle just watching TV? If that were the case, why do juicing bodybuilders even work out?
>In conclusion, testosterone injection resulted in an increase in net muscle protein synthesis that ameliorated the catabolism and net amino acid efflux of fasting. However, this increase in skeletal muscle protein synthesis was not supported by an increase in tissue transport of amino acids, but rather a reutilization of intracellular amino acids.

Do you know what this means?
Injected testosterone literally makes you grow MORE muscle, prevents muscle BREAKDOWN and also requires no more amino acids for this to occur, meaning that your diet doesn't even need to provide extra protein, your body just becomes much more efficient at using amino acids.

Steroids literally make you grow without doing a fucking thing.

>What you retards aren't getting is that simply adding 5lbs muscle, let's assume it was muscle added in that study, doesn't make you aesthetic instantly.
good thing no one here is talking specifically about steroids making you look like a bodybuilder overnight then, you fucking retard
steroids DO however make you BUILD MUSCLE without doing a fucking thing which is demonstrably fucking proven over and over again hereliterally, building muscle, preventing muscle breakdown AND ALL THAT without a higher need for a bigger amino acid pool.
meaning that diet doesn't even need to be changed, if steroids are taken.

if you do at least some level of physical activity, alongside the steroids, you WILL look better than any natty though.
>Put 5lbs of muscle on a skeleton, he looks slightly better but still shitty.
steroids make you build muscle by just taking them short term, they also improve amino acid sensitivity, lower protein catabolism, lower fat mass, improve recovery, and increase maximum muscular long term potential
now have a guy juicing for years straight, he's not simply gonna have a "5lb" of muscle advantage over the natty with similar genetics, stop coping.

of course working out will cause you to gain more muscle than not when on roids you fucking neanderthal. but when on roids, you can gain more muscle sitting on your ass than a natty lifter on a proper regimen

That just proves his wholesomeness.

I'll bet my nuts he's on 'hormone replacement therapy'

>tfw when everybody belive you are natty

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>good thing no one here is talking specifically about steroids making you look like a bodybuilder overnight
Except we are. I know you're extremely asshurt about this subject but please do follow the reply chain, alright sweetie?

>if you do at least some level of physical activity, alongside the steroids, you WILL look better than any natty though.
Incorrect. I realize you're very ignorant, but you should surf some roids forums sometimes. There are many people who look like total garbage.

>but when on roids, you can gain more muscle sitting on your ass than a natty lifter on a proper regimen
And for how long is that the case? The study was only a few months and a few pounds of muscle. Will you still keep gaining linearly sitting on your couch eating chips vs the natty who continues to lift for years?

sweet summer child...

He is not competing in a professional sport, so the companies that he works for or endorse him are more probably encourage him to take them, so he looks better and better.

Understand, if someone is not competing, than there is no way to catch him for PED... no one cares what he is doing in his bathroom alone.

If he was competing, this is another story.

It's shunned in society. Others say they're natty so they can sell snakeoil bullshit and shit tier routines

>sweet summer child
What are you, a faggot?
Jesus christ dude.

we don't know how long that is the case, further study is needed. but, at least over the short term and for beginners, inactive people taking 600mg test will gain more muscle than a natty lifter.

Fatty damage control lmao