ITT: we post class photos and discuss which girls are the cutest and the best
If you go into google translate and type "class photos" you can get the Japanese word for them which will give you better results
ITT: we post class photos and discuss which girls are the cutest and the best
If you go into google translate and type "class photos" you can get the Japanese word for them which will give you better results
is this a boy or a girl? I can't for the life of me figure out why people find these insectoids attractive
Is that sagawa-san top row 4th over?
I mean I find most of them to not be completely hideous but the only ones I actually find cute are bottom row 2nd from left (mainly for the cute smile) and middle of the picture (again smiling) Imagine not even have one stacey in your class
I think that we can all agree that she is the cutest.
Female top row, first starting from the left.
not even close to objectively the cutest
New photo
Second to left middle row is the reincarnation of Elliott
it actually is. good spot
why are there so many girls and not a lot of guys?
yep, no wonder Japanese boys don't want to have sex anymore. just look at those things
jesus i want to fuck all of these girls
I would have loving hand holding sessions with all those dork looking grills
>picking out best girls from class photos
me on the right with the glasses
>All that jap pussy
Why do western schools allow girls to wear make up?
imagine the stench
it must smell like a fish market
Great, now I have a boner and have to fap. Thanks a lot user.
it is uncanny
good find
yo, its not often i think the jokes gone too far on here, but using that pic in OP is still a bit too soon
for anyone who doesn't know, the empty seats in the middle were reserved for 2 girls who didn't show up that day, their bodies found weeks later, and eventually discovered to have been murdered by the girls waving victory signs over their ghosts
really horrible story i just made up there now but still, not cool OP
not cool
ITT: we pick out the school shooter
these girls are so cute xD
Obviously her
Found the nog