Which one is better for anxiety, weed or beer?

Which one is better for anxiety, weed or beer?

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You shouldn't consume either desu. Try water.

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THC is known to reduce anxiety, especially if used daily for long period of time user.

beer, those are both shit options though
SSRIs are most effective for general anxiety and benzos are most effective for panic attacks

Indica and CBD based products can be good for anxiety, but anything with THC is it is still going to cause some cerebral effects which for many people (normies/brainlets) will be anxiety inducing. Alcohol is only good for anxiety in the short term, but the rebound doubles your level of sober anxiety, especially over the long term.

Also it amazes me that you namefags have no problem building up a really cringeworthy persona between all the drug threads, gay threads, and generally shitty opinions you spout. Talking about ET and samson and anyone else as well, you all really need to drop the names/trips asap

Exercise, a regular day-night cycle and time spent outside.

Fuck you I need the trips to easily track down my past posts.

suicide if male

quitting your career if female

Weed long term and beer short term. If I had really bad anxiety, I would rather smoke pot daily than drink beer daily. ssri's are awful for nearly everything.
>Talking about ET
Why? Who cares?

Neither. In my experience, both can give the illusion of helping with anxiety but in the long run are damaging to your healing and mental health overall.
Anxiety can only be dealt with by confronting it directly completely sober. Preferably with the help of a therapist for guidance if its particularly an issue in your life.

You can't run away from your feelings forever, either you turn and face them or they'll catch up with you. The former is more painful in the short run, but in the long run is the only solution.

Benzos imo. It's autopilot mode.
But between those two beer. Weed is double edged and might just make it worse. Beer is pretty one dimensional in comparison.

>ssri's are awful for nearly everything.
They're one of the only drug classes that's proven in double-blind trials to work on anxiety and depression long-term
They've helped me immensely

Weed sends my anxiety through the roof. Like someone is coming to kill you and your house is haunted sort of thing.

What are you talking about lmao. Weed calms you the fuck down. It isn't supposed to give you anxiety lol

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the just make me sleepy , they done shit all for my anxiety

it didn't when i was a teenager. not sure if it's just stronger than it used to be or if it's me being a schizo. whatever
it happens to others as well. some people just react to it with really bad introspective anxiety

It's paradoxical anxiety. The psychological effects are perceived as alarming rather than interesting. Some people smoke weed and find the effects so overpowering that it sends them into paranoid thought loops. It can get as frightening as a bad psychedelic trip. See the "I was just paralyzed" guy.

I'm afraid it's actually Love user

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for me weed works like this. the first 5 minutes after extremely anxious and paranoid and after that first wave I become extremely relaxed and happy. it's like it gets it all out at once which I don't think is an unhealthy thing. it's better than having a low level of anxiety 24/7 like I do while sober

Those are not trips you fucking idiot. Also did you finally realize how much of an idiot you are so you dropped the pretentious "Kierkegaard" name?

Fuck off to a place where you can have an account then faggot. Or better kill yourself.

Kierkegaard and Ritalinbot are the same person? What the fuck I liked Kierkegaard and I hate Ritalinbot

opiates or adderall.

weed and beer do nothing at all. other than make you tired.

I don't know but I remember Kierkegaard posting in drug feels being a smug ass and talking about Ritalin as if it isn't a drug. Also why would you like that guy? He is just another pseudo intellectual who got his first philosophy lessons and used this place as a soap box to stroke his ego.

Alcohol makes me want to kill myself so weed.

sativa doesn't. sativa acts like a stimulant on me.

Depends I guess, for me weed gives me anxiety not take it away. alcohol gets rid of all my anxiety but you'll be more anxious the following day when you're hung over though.

Weed is my favourite drug simply because of the cerebral effect it has on me. I love the way it affects the way I think and how I can see the same thing from a thousand new perspectives and broadens my mental horizons. I've noticed people that don't like weed tend to be primarily like drugs that make the feel physically good like opiates and dislike weed because it's physical effects are mild at best. to me the best aspects of drugs are not the physical effects but the cognitive. for example I did lsd with a friend who was like this and the entire time he was just obsessed with how it was making his vision etc different and completely missed out on the best thing about acid which is the internal cognitive shift.

I just thought he was a funny guy. His posts always seemed to be reasonably thoughtful. Ritalinbot sounds pretentious and know-it-all.


join our server hello

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Fuck you.

>What the fuck I liked Kierkegaard and I hate Ritalinbot
Yeah it's the same person. How come you liked me then but don't like me now lmao. Maybe it's because I used to do Ritalin back when I went by the name of Kierkegaard and now I don't anymore even though my name is Ritalinbot now lol.

Fuck you.

>I just thought he was a funny guy. His posts always seemed to be reasonably thoughtful.
I used to do Ritalin back then and my thought processes would be different as a result lmao.

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I used to smoke weed in highschool and did a shit load of it in college
since my family is rich
everytime i got the munchies i'd just order a fucking meal of pizza with breadsticks and the cookie plate from pizza hut

Neither, get help and stop turning to substances retard

Neither to be quite honest with you.
CBD will help, but a lot of the time the strains of weed you get are high in THC (which will make you more paranoid) and less CBD, which lowers paranoia.
If you drink too much beer you can get the "beer fear".

weed also you're gay as shit. also you should just fix them instead of going to substances. also you're gay as shit btw.

>talking about Ritalin as if it isn't a drug.
Ritalin is definitely an addictive drug, but speaking as someone who's been prescribed a lot of stimulants, it's closer on the spectrum to caffeine than it is to a true addy/vyvanse high. Even modafinil is stronger.

>tfw drug test is over
>tfw waiting for the edibles to kick in

it's a wonderful day

What is your lQ?

No they aren't. Go read "the emperor's new drugs" by Irving kirsch.

It was 142 when I got tested a couple years ago, I may have lost some brain cells since
Why do you ask?

Hey thanks for confirming that you're the same person. Now I can block you too.

From the abstract:
>Nevertheless, they all show the same therapeutic benefit.
This guy's complaint is that the drugs are more effective than a standard placebo, but they're bad because... reasons, basically.
As someone who deals with chronic illness and depression, I can tell you IDGAF if my doctor knows the drug's correct pharmacological mode of action or not. I just care that it works.

You're welcome bro. No problem.

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Read the book you sperg, it's on libgen. It dives into the placebo effect and how the side effects present in antidepressants put them a step above inactive placebos since the side effects themselves allow for a slight break in the double blind nature. The pharmaceutical companies that test these drugs don't care about efficacy, they care about sales. Because of this, they pull a lot of different tricks to make them seem effective in studies.
Also, fuck you and fuck your doctor. I had a doctor AND a psychiatrist give up on me because the 5 different SSRIs they used on me didn't work. I wasted years of my life on pills that were statistically not going to work.

>the side effects present in antidepressants put them a step above inactive placebos
I understand his argument. I'm saying it's not a good argument because a heightened placebo effect is still better than nothing, i.e. it's beneficial to let people pretend, since as you admit, SSRIs are "a step above."
Your doctors should have transitioned you to tricyclics or RIMAs/MAOIs after the 2nd SSRI; that sucks that you received such substandard care.

>I wasted years of my life on pills that were statistically not going to work.
SSRI treatment leads to full remission in nearly 50% of people with depression.

Alcohol will only worsen your anxiety on the long run. A bit if good, but getting drunk too often will generate tolerance, you will need more and more. If you stop, you get the shakes, and be painful if you already are an anxious person.
In my experience, beer is one of the worst if you drink beyond one pint or a can per night.

Energy drinks neither, because they have a lot of caffeine and whatnot.