Do you eat protein bars? Any brands that are objectively better than others? Are they worth it?

Do you eat protein bars? Any brands that are objectively better than others? Are they worth it?

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piss poor protein content for the price and loaded with sugar.
no thanks

I used to but its too expensive IMO.

I used to get Quest Bars as my favourite.

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One brand near me is 0.30$ at grocery outlet and has good macros

Pure protein cheap and bretty gud
Chocolate Peanut caramel is GOAT, tastes like a shitty snickers bar
Red velvet is good too

they're just candy with a bit of protein and a shit ton of sugar, m8

Literally this. In the words of Luxurious Keyboard, eat real food.

theres brands you shouldn't trust, the one that mainly comes to mind is clif. they're literally candy bars, worse actually, people buy boxes of them and eat 3 in a day because they're "healthy energy bars".

Make your own

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