Fucking internet

Every damn retard on the internet will tell you something different when you ask him about a balanced routine for beginners. Most of them are shit and no one even does them. What the hell should I be doing at the gym? I got motivated and am ready to get natty but I swear every place that talks about lifting is full of idiots that won't even bother to give a good answer.

As a "beginner" (been lifting for a while but got serious recently) I know my shit and how to do the exercises and I know that DL, BP, Squat and OHP are fundamental and I'd add the BB Row to the group. So here's my question: is it ok if I basically do these exercises with 3x5 (or 5x5) reps? Because I heard (and I think it's true) that isolation exercises do nothing when you are a skinny piece of shit.

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You want a good beginner routine? Shut the fuck up and go lift. Simple enough.

You don’t need to get into technicals as a fucking beginner, just stop being a pussy and do these steps:

1: lift
2: eat
3: fuck off

Just lift retard whats wrong with you
Chill with the autism will ya

>ate first

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Yes, doing nothing but compound barbell movements with good form, low reps, and heavy weight is a good way to start.
It's important to be clear what you want though.
If you want to get strong, this sort of training will do that.
If you want to build muscle, this will do that, but not as much as hypertrophy training.
If you want to lose weight, that'll depend on your diet, and you'd have to be very exacting if you expect to make significant strength gains while cutting. But lifting heavy does burn a lot of calories in the long run.
>and am ready to get natty
"natty" means "natural", as in "you aren't using steroids".
One is natty by default, and loses their status as being natural when they juice.

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NIgger, there's three WONDERFUL beginner programs out there, that are easy as fuck to find. Stop listening to youtubers, they are only out to make money.


I personally went with SS because it is the simplest and seems to have the best LP, according to the testimonies I have found. Just swap BB Rows for power clean. (Fuck PC and Mark is retarded for still pushing it)

>DL, BP, Squat and OHP
these are not isolation exercises, they are compound exercises that work multiple muscles. they are a great foundation to build your workout off.

add isolation exercises (curls, calf raises ect) on top of your compound ones

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My aim is mainly to get stron af and have a bit of muscles too

I did SL for some time and it wasn't that bad but the dude that made it looks like a retard. SS looks good and Greyskull too. Why should I do cleans over rows?

Yeah I know they are compounds, maybe the post wasn't clear. What I meant is that people say you should stick to those and avoid isolation exercises until you get strong.

All of those programs are shit do 5/3/1 basic program and add more back work blackironbeast.com/

You SHOULDN'T do Cleans unless you are an under 30 athlete. It's meant to build explosive power and, in my opinion, is completely useless for most people and is just asking to get injured.

Do Barbell rows instead.

It's because it literally doesn't matter which beginner routine you do. They all work well. They're all the same fucking 6 compound lifts with 3-5 sets of 5-6 reps. Starting Strength. Stronglifts 5x5. Greyskull. Reg Park's. Ice Cream Fitness. "Starting Aesthetics." They're all just clones of clones. And they all work. Just fucking choose whichever one sounds the coolest to you or has the best app and do it.

Train your arms. If you want good looking arms shoulders, train your arms and do lateral raises. Do curls. Do pressdowns or some shit. Just add them after your compounds. You will look better and be happier with your physique.

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5/3/1, which is wonderful, is an intermediate program you fucking retard. You go to that AFTER SS/SL/Greyskull

1. Read the fucking sticky
2. Do ss + gomad

unless you're already fat, then do SS + CiCo lite

Bar Bell Medicine just posted a free beginner template -go check it out

Thanks dude, this is what I was looking for. Gonna go with Starting Strength then and add curls and other shit for arms.

Thanks to the rest too. I knew you'd help a nigga

read it

Stop questioning things you faggot. Do starting strength and eat your body weight in grams of protein. Keep your calories at or above maintenance. You don't even have to measure, just weigh yourself and see if you gain or lose weight over the course of the week(s). You don't even have to do that, just literally look and see if you are lifting more and if you are getting bigger.

Here's a redpill for you:
No fucking routine will ever be right for a beginner. A beginner will fuck up everything. He will fuck up (not in order):

- Proper form
- Range of motion
- Diet
- Rest/sleep
- Over/undertraining
- Too much/too little weight
- Ignoring compound lifts
- Ignoring important support exercises
- Expecting results in a couple of weeks/months
- Change programs too often

..and so on and so forth..

>Every damn retard on the internet will tell you something different when you ask him about a balanced routine for beginners.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>What the hell should I be doing at the gym? I got motivated and am ready to get natty but I swear every place that talks about lifting is full of idiots that won't even bother to give a good answer.



- Proven, effective exercise routines
- Diet
- How to lose weight
- How to gain weight
- Supplements


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Funny forget: barbell rows over power clean

chest compounds on day 1
back compounds on day 2
leg compounds on day 3
chest acessories and shoulders
back acessories and arms

>What I meant is that people say you should stick to those and avoid isolation exercises until you get strong.
That's how you get a T-Rex physique.

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