Financial Stats ITT

>job title
>credit score
>rent, own, or live at home
>vehicle(s) and other assets

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>live at home

>No clue
>live at home

>assistant grocery manager
>$32,000 per year after tax
>$7050 (I save $150 every week)
>living at home, buying a house next year
>own car, paid off, in great condition

Attached: 1547702486971.png (1100x733, 746K)

>job title
Junior Accountant
$45k per year
See chequing detail.
>credit score
I don't know, but I'm debtless and never have a problem getting approved.
>rent, own, or live at home
Rent with my wife.
>vehicle(s) and other assets
Nothing significant other than $6k worth of jewelry.

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>6k worth of jewelry
aspiring rapper

How can you buy a house with that salary?

>downpayment anywhere from $15,000-$20,000
>payout at most $1200 per month for mortgage
>get paid $500 per week
>wife is paid $600 per week
>combined income is more than enough to handle it

Ahh he's not alone that's why

Right, but do you have enough savings in case either or both of you lose your job(s)? Because then you'd be fucked.

We'd be okay for at most three months with 0 income, but due to our work history (I work in a city and retail is always always hiring, she works as a CNA and is studying to be a RN) that's really unlikely

Oh okay, perfect. Hope it goes well user. I was just surprised because even though I make a bit more (), I couldn't afford one any time soon. Here the regulations are that we have to put a 25% down payment and pass some sort of stress test, though. So even though I could make a way bigger down payment and lower my mortgage, since I have a housewife, I'd be screwed if I lost my job for a month.

Curiously, how much is the property you're looking to buy?

>chief analytics officer (startup)
>car, 800 in retirement fund

Airfield Maintenance Operator
55k income
180k (investments)
813 credit
own house in full (value 220k)
3 vehicles

(All figures in CAD)

network engineer
never kept track
vacation bungalow I never get to visit, rural property with no buildings, vintage currency collection,

holy shit I didn't know this was the failed normalfag humblebrag thread jfc. better stop slacking off before schlomo sees you on a NSFW website

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>I feel intimidated, stop posting!
You should get working on your life

It's just a starter home, around $100,000.

can you really say you even have a life if you're a wagecuck?

>job title
>credit score
>rent, own, or live at home
live at home
>vehicle(s) and other assets

>unemployed, no gibs or bennies
>monthly expenses 2500, 1000 of which can be deferred to a credit card
>monthly income 300 from odd jobs
>savings 5k
>savings rapidly depleting
>no assets
>own nothing
>credit score is beyond in the toilet, that nigga so far in the sewer an alligator already shat it back out
>job title: fucked beyond reckoning, PhD in being fucked over and an A level cert in getting screwed
>don't even own a gun, have nowhere to tie a rope

Computer Engineer
Rent, closing on a house next month
Own a car

why are all those richfags on my fucking board go kys already

>job title
>credit score
>rent, own, or live at home
Own, 1.2m mortgage
>vehicle(s) and other assets