How much of yourself do you actually own?

How much of what you do is your will, not dictated by others?

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I own my hips, 8 fingers, my tongue, and one leg. Within the next month or so I should have enough for a down payment on my asshole.

That's great, user. But what about the most important part - your mind?

Currently on rental to mass media.

That's no good. Getting back ownership over it should be priority number 1.

The child is tricked into the ego-feeling by the attitudes, words, and actions of the society which surrounds him - his parents, relatives, teachers, and, above all, his similarly hoodwinked peers. Other people teach us who we are. Their attitudes to us are the mirror in which we learn to see ourselves, but the mirror is distorted. We are, perhaps, rather dimly aware of the immense power of our social environment. We seldom realize, for example, that our most private thoughts and emotions are not actually our own. For we think in terms of languages and images which we did not invent, but which were given to us by our society. We copy emotional reactions from our parents, learning from them that excrement is supposed to have a disgusting smell and that vomiting is supposed to be an unpleasant sensation. The dread of death is also learned from their anxieties about sickness and from their attitudes to funerals and corpses. Our social environment has this power just because we do not exist apart from a society. Society is our extended mind and body."
Copying a excerpt from Allan Watts. "Ownership" of one's mind is impossible and absurd as we only exist relative to the world around us.

How much is truly learned from the world around us and how much is just inherent to us? The reaction of disgust towards potentially harmful substances is an innate reaction all animals share, same could possibly be said with the fear of death - a natural self-preservation instinct at work. But I'm just nitpicking. I agree, your point stands to an extent. Be it the environment around us, or our natural desires, we are enslaved. The question remains - to what extent can we free ourselves? What are the limits of free will (whether it's real or just an illusion created by the incredible complexity of the universe notwithstanding)? I believe that it's possible to access a level of control beyond what most people are content with. That is my goal.

In my opinion it's a fools errand in trying to differentiate between inherent qualities and external. As we exist relative to the world so does the world exist relative to us. We can't not not influence each other and as such I think it's easier to view everything as part of the whole than separate entities. I like to think of myself as the universe experiencing itself but with the illusion of an Ego slapped on this meat bag of mine. So the idea of freeing yourself from - yourself - doesn't really make sense to me. At least from this kind of point of view.

Though I understand that, even though I believe the Ego to be an illusion, it's still a real and existing thing that defines us as what we are. I agree that exerting a certain amount of control on oneself is a noble and beneficial goal but I like to be careful with that kind of mindset as overthinking it too much can lead to unnecessary frustration and unhappiness.

When I go buy tendies at Mickey's on Friday when nobody is home, so I don't have share any of my tendies. I always hate being forced to share when people are at home. These fleeting moments are worthwhile.

What is owning?
What is me?
What is will?
I don't know what is me and what is others.
Do choices exist?
It's all just everything, there's no others or parts here.

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I own at least my body. I am not allowed to do whatever I want though. I have a super controlling family.

i own it at all
for now at least, soon i'll run out of money

>as overthinking it too much can lead to unnecessary frustration and unhappiness
It's really interesting to me that you came to that conclusion, as my goal seems to be the exact opposite. I sure hope I'm not deluding myself then. I'm forced to agree that we're just a part of a whole, but I disagree that this view is the best for one's well-being. It just creates too many attachments to various factors that are not only beyond our control but maybe even unknown. Thus, viewing yourself as a separate entity would streamline a lot of processes and create a worldview that's much easier to follow, getting rid of unnecessary thoughts and get emotions under control.
You can be assured that at least your mind exists in some form. That's all you really need.
Seems like you don't own your body then. But you can own your mind.

>Seems like you don't own your body then. But you can own your mind.
you're right user. I live an escapist life online that nobody in my family knows about.

Are there any steps you could take to break your body free from their control?

>You can be assured that at least your mind exists in some form.
I have no idea if it's mine. It could be everyone's.
It's just a thing that "exists".
And existing is a difficult concept in itself.

If it's everyone's, then you are everyone. The concept of existence is perhaps overcomplicated for its own good. It is, after all, only a thing because we deem it so.

Well, personally I think of it this way: I am my own person but not free from this world. I accept that I'm a product of my environment but don't deny myself the possibility of forging my own path. I try not to second guess my motives (e.g. if they are my own or if I'm only following trends) but try to stay critical of my desires. Life is full of contradictions and leaning too much towards any extreme (be it the belief in complete free will or deterministic fatalism) will give one a distorted view. In a way I believe one should find the magical golden middle by being conscious of yourself but not thinking too much and live life instead.

Imagine life like a trip to the beach. You could certainly try to count each and every grain of sand but none of us would live long enough to ever finish. Instead you can not focus too much on the details and enjoy the sun or go for a swim.

Will as a whole is a myth.

We're all ultimately just atoms and shit doing what comes naturally to them, some of them happening to make up our brain etc. which makes us do whatever the fuck they dictate under the circumstances.

Even if there were other possibilities nothing anyone does is really their choice because it was the only thing they could have done in the specific circumstances they found themselves in.

>inb4 but we can't calculate it so it's basically free will
Yeah, no. Just because you don't personally have the information of computational power to calculate wave propagation in the Pacific Ocean doesn't mean the waves are moving of their own free will.

There is no reason to believe if we knew every little detail and had the ability to calculate for everything, we couldn't predict everything meaning there is no such thing. Even quantum randomness doesn't generate free will because it's just another factor you'd have to account for.

>inb4 but that means we shouldn't send people to jail etc.
Also no. The only actual point of jails should be to protect the majority from the minority who can't control themselves. Someone who can't control themselves shouldn't be in the general public but they're no less human than the rest of us. They no more chose their lot than those of us not committing violent acts did.

If you're not going to second guess your motives, then wouldn't it be better to assume that they're all yours? I agree a lot with your point about contradictions, as I am one. In theory I pretty sure that the deterministic viewpoint is true, but in practice I lean to the complete opposite extreme. I don't think there's anything wrong with extremes as they are a result of false dichotomies anyways. But I get your worldview, it's a good one to follow, especially since you said that you stay critical of your desires, since it's something that's very important to me.

Nothing wrong with what you say. I see you're a strong believer in determinism, as am I, but I'm looking for a more practical approach. As determinism has no practical use. As far as we're concerned free will might as well exist, since belief in it, and life according to principles based on it wouldn't contradict determinism anyways, since every action can be explained away with "it was predetermined so".

Money controls my life. If I had enough money I sure wouldn't be here. I'm 0% my own person. My life possibilities are dictated by whether an HR roastie wants to give me a job or let me starve in a gutter.