Whores and LGBTs are Ruining Jow Forums

ITT: We discuss how we deal with the degenerate scourge of this board.

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Why would you use Jow Forums instead of another imageboard in 2019?

Jow Forums is not the problem. Just look at the two boards on the left. There is something specifically affecting this board - Whores and LGBTs

I dunno I feel safer around gays, like I know they wouldn't step over me for a woman. Like a girl showing up and instantly commanding the attention of a bunch of thirsty troglodytes, she cant do that to dude that is into dudes
I appreciate that aspect of them.

Do you honestly believe that the people making fembot threads with girljak pictures in the OP are actual women

No, but there has been a large influx of females on this board. Most probably because of the rise of Jow Forumsinceltears.

and who's fault do you think it is?

Redditors that screencap threads and post them on reddit.

no user, thats not whos fault it is.

I have nothing against the gay guys themselves, they can be here for all I care, but if they want a thread specifically for them then there should be several ones in /lgbt/
Why can't people be in their specific board?

t b h, women and trannies would not come here, or at least wouldn't be a problem were it not for incels. that is the original cancer that killed this board

On Jow Forums we call them 'discord trannies'
They're masses of lgbtq shills that push HRT and other leftists agendas on these boards, targeting Jow Forums due to the amount of underage users here.

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The real question is who does this board belong to? The rules do not give us any help because they say it is for regular communication. The only restriction is the robot. But then there is the board culture this place created. The self-proclaimed robots inhabit this board and are very territorial. Branching from them you have the incels who feel at home here after their subreddit got taken down. Now, we have women here. Yes, real women. Again, to whom does this board belong to? I say anyone who wants to be here. As long as this place is active I am fine.

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I think all the big boards get shilled and flooded with newfags endlessly. The entire website will eventually suffer the fate of /b/. Eternal summer is coming and you can't stop it.

Except we are on the internet you fucking faggot

>Yes, real women.
>Yes, real women.
>He actually believes this

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If you are fine with anybody why do you come here specifically? The internet is huge, on this website alone there are countless boards to choose from. Why Jow Forums and not /b/?

/tg/ and /mlp/ are far from decent in any way, shape or form. I hope /tg/ gets purged from Jow Forums forever.

I have been here quite a long time and originally came for the discussion. /b/ has more spam and shit post while here you can have a conversation with other anons. I do however visit other boards such as /v/ Jow Forums Jow Forums /a/, but always felt more comfortable with the general conversation on this board. I also come here for the freedom of what I can say.
As for the others, I believe they come here for greentext and to watch basement dwellers for entertainment.

Yes, real women. Trans or otherwise, statistically there must be some of them.

Women and fags aren't even the main problem.

Most of the BS threads is some horny guy posting about what kind of girl he likes or what fetish he has expecting people to give a fuck. Why wouldn't that shit get few replies?

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the average Jow Forums thread is absolutely retarded. This board is literally /b/ 2.0

But the point is that this is almost the exact same way /b/ turned to shit. /b/ is only spam and shit becuase the people that post there are normalfags. It will happen here too.

If you just want freedom in discussion just go to discord or omegle or /s4s/ or Jow Forums. Deep down we both know you love this place becuase of its culture. Its going to die, not evolve. When it does the board is going to be shit

Kill yourselves you fucking roasties, if you dont like it then moved on, this board is not for you anyways

Incels have always been here, you dumb bitch. Jow Forums is the home board of incels and neets. Just look at Jow Forums's Jow Forums cup page.
>Elliot Rodger
>Chad Thundercock
>Piss Bottle
>Chicken Tendies
>Good Boy Points
>Forever Alone
>Kissless Hugless Handholdless Eye-Contactless Virgin

I don't know how to understand your stupid ass chart.

It looks like you just noticed that people are on Jow Forums at certain hours and not others. I see no correlation between the two boards other than they both get traffic

The board belongs to whoever can claim it. Other than the robot, nobody cares. The fact is though that most people can't stand the people that would fight for it.
>what is pee pee poo poo

Another issue is all the porn, including those fucking ads. This place is absolute cancer, like /b/ but sadder

Jow Forums is literally like this all the time. Here's the current data:
>Number of threads: 150
>Mean replies/thread: 23.17
>Median replies/thread: 6.00
>Mode: 0 replies/thread, 27 occurrences

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No they haven't. I recall the specific moment people started getting sick of foreveralone threads and then they fled the board. The fact that incels are such assholes no one will share a board with them does not make this their board.

I don't know. I feel like I prefer it over the constant race bait threads from when Jow Forums extremely prevalent here and kept trying to form some weird board alliance because now at least no one is trying to force their opinions as my own.
I find it pretty hard to care about gay shit in general though because even if you end up jerking off to yaoi or whatever their endgame is, you'll still be disgusted by the 3D version. I never really understood it either, since it's literally just what you want to put your dick in / what you want in your ass, so it's completely irrelevant for virgins.
Jow Forums traffic pretty much doubled during the election and doubled again since then, so good luck killing 2/3rds of the board since you're outnumbered by scum regardless of which brand. I usually just avoid times when the board's quality is shit.

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