Lets make it a Socionics thread for a change
Thread topic: Do any of you here know how to counter a Supervision relation? Is there any known literature on it? If not, do any of you have any original ideas on it?
Lets make it a Socionics thread for a change
Thread topic: Do any of you here know how to counter a Supervision relation? Is there any known literature on it? If not, do any of you have any original ideas on it?
Why the fuck is the leading function in this graph 2 and the creative 1? That function stack chart seems fucked up.
Can't be done I think. They can like each other, even admire each other, but it never really gets better unless they distance from each other.
I dont mean how to improve, i mean how can a Supervisee/supervised person overcome/dominate his Supervisor? Do you just keep relentlessly hitting at their PoLR? But it seems like the way the Supervisor relationship is structured, the Supervisee has little power in the realm of his Supervisors PoLR. Like for example INFJ and ENTJ, i can't image INFJs having a lot of power in Si. Or INTP and ESTP, Fi in INTPs seems really weak.
Maybe keep hitting at their Inferior? Supposedly drawing someone into their Inferior can cause as much stress as the PoLR can.
From what i read on Socionics literature they present a very depressing image for the Supervisee, one of being totally vulnerable to and at mercy of the Supervisor. There has to be a way to overcome that as plenty of people will realistically meet and conflict with their Supervisors in real life, and i cant imagine that all of them get dominated by them, at least some of them have to have figured out some way to make their Super visor their bitch.
Yeah now that i look at it. It also seems all fucked in the specific types. Maybe there is a revised version out there? Kind of a bummer because i like this chart a lot.
Bumping socionically
Not this time shill, go away!
>expecting sociotards to be not-retarded in any way, for any reason and at any time
Socionomics gets relationships hilariously wrong. That is all
From my experience, you can reverse the order in "public" situations where you'd naturally have an edge, but get too close or isolated with each other, and the supervisee's blindness to your main function is impossible to ignore.
Ex: as an INTP, I knew an ENFP-Fi who would order me around when things needed to get done (using Te and Se, I suppose). He was intelligent, efficient, good at delegating, and was more caring than harsh (Fi/Si). But talk to him one-on-one and there would be many thwarted expectations on both ends. When your supervisee tries to dominate you, you either feel confused and annoyed (when they use your ignoring/polr), or actually hurt.
I also know an ESTP (m) and an ISFP (f) in a long-term relationship. The ESTP is permanently cucked; she didn't want him to see his friends anymore so they spent all their time together and only ever did what she wanted. She basically used him to get closer to his family. They got along better once she moved out.
> (OP) #
> #
>Not this time shill, go away!
> #
>>expecting sociotards to be not-retarded in any way, for any reason and at any time
>When your supervisee tries to dominate you, you either feel confused and annoyed (when they use your ignoring/polr), or actually hurt.
That implies the Supervisee has equal ability to dominate you as you have to them. Are you saying there is no actual edge that the Supervisor has when it comes to power or ability, and the Supervisee could just as easily dominate the Supervisor? Then i guess the relations would be more one of chronic disapproval on part of the Supervisor.
Is that correct? Because thats not how Socionics describes it. Socionics describes it an as an actual relation of power where the power of the Supervisor over the Supervisee can get so dominant that if the Supervisor doesn't stop putting pressure it can have profound negative effects on the Supervisee.
I think the best way would be for the supervisee to become better as a human being in general, especially if they see what the supervisor is good at and get good at that, too. Rebelling by showing how different you are from them only hurts the relations. Supervisees usually won't care about the supervisee's interests, but the more apathetic the supervisee is about their weak point, the less the supervisor will respect them.
But thats just allowing the Supervisor to control you, even extending their control for them to such an extent you structure your life around gaining their approval. Worse than doing nothing desu
>no actual edge that the Supervisor has when it comes to power or ability
Yeah. No type is actually better than any other. The reason the Supervisee can't dominate the Supervisor is because the Supervisor doesn't "get" the unique strengths of the Supervisee. They admire the supervisee's auxiliary function but think they use it wrong (heh, that's my "spare" dominant function, I could totally do that better than you if I wanted to!!). They ignore their supervisee's 3rd function and are better at their suggestive. So nothing stands in the way of the supervisor's dominant function becoming tyrannical.
Yeah supervision just kinda sucks, no way around it. It's an energizing relationship but usually not worth pursuing
Lets put aside the political correctness for a moment because Socionics clearly describes it as a relationship of power where the Supervisor has an almost unbreakable dominance over the Supervisee. Now i personally think they're going too far there, but it's a long shot from what you're describing as them just not liking eachother.
Well the problem is you're bound to end up in situations in your life where you're forced to interact with your Supervisors. Better figure out how to cuck them before they cuck you.
There's a power imbalance, yes. But what are you trying to get at?
It can be pleasant in normal situations, just don't marry your supervisor. I tried to rebel against a supervisor friend for a while, and it really didn't work. The supervisor doesn't think they're doing anything bad. They want to help you by making you more like them.
Im not "trying to get" at anything. Im literally saying, in clear language, how does one counter a Supervisors dominance over the Supervisee?
I don't see whats so hard to understand about this.
And I responded. No need to be so defensive.
I was thinking more of establish dominance over them. If you have to view it through the lens of rebellion, you already lost.
And i still think you're approaching this from the perspective of gaining their approval. Thats not really gonna produce any results. You need to look at it from the perspective of beating them in a battle (not necessarily literally).
Why is it that you want to establish dominance? What do you stand to gain?
Is it normal for INFJs to be soft, quiet, and demure in their movements? I clasp my hands together in front of myself sometimes, cross my legs when sitting down, and on occasion make a limp wrist pose whenever I'm not thinking about it (I get embarrassed and stop whenever I notice though). I move objects and close doors and cabinets softly without making any kind of sound, and I chew my food primly and properly without making any smacking noises or opening my mouth. The most masculine thing about my posture is probably that I think manspreading is really comfortable, but I get self-conscious and stop if other people are around.
I'm not gay though
PS What's the best socionics test? I know nothing about socionics. I assumed that supervisor/supervisee relationships meant that OP wanted to fuck his boss or something, but scanning through the thread yeah apparently that's not the case.
You asked what my point was, i explained to you it's that your response is not relevant to the question. No need to be so defensive.
Why do you keep posting this thinly veiled bait for people to call you a faggot. Lol
I posted it here a second time because my thread is ded. It's not bait, though! I'm not effeminate or flamboyant at all, just quiet and unobtrusive.
I've met like 5 INFJs, who were like that basically. Pretty sure INFJs are all super polite except when they're trying not to be.
Thanks user, that's actually really interesting and informative.
I wish I wasn't an INFP
I feel too much
Are you the guy who wants to comfort fembots
It's always nice when someone dismisses an idea by attacking people.
You see, it's truly all that they have. Deep down they really know that they lack the mental fortitude required to discuss the idea in even a simple capacity. And so they instead resort the equivalent of a child throwing his toys at you.
I hope you guys are talking about centaurnigger and not the guy who pointed out that he is autistically screeching, because that would be really sad
To be honest I didn't see the double quote so it's lucky that I made a sarcastic remark. Im sorry
>To be honest I didn't see the double quote so it's lucky that I made a sarcastic remark. Im sorry
Reminder that NTPs are niggers
Come on guys dont let this die like the last one
Most original
I have a personality dysmorphia of sorts.
'Healing' does nothing but make a man more complicated. More hard to understand.
Before I was damaged, I could understand myself. I was a normal child.
At my worst, I still made sense. My pain was raw, its expression straightforward. I was in my most unfiltered, undiluted form.
My conscience propelled me to change. My demeanor softened. Some think that I'm a sweet person. Others describe me as kind, loyal, hard-working.
Yet deep down... I'm still the same broken person I always was. I don't even have the small comfort of being in touch with my feelings the same way as when I was openly a bitter, broken wreck.
My soul has been screaming for a long time, but at least I used to make no attempt to stifle those screams. The nicer and more outwardly stable I become, the more those screams become suppressed. The more people describe me in terms that do not sound like me.
The more outwardly normal I become, the deeper my pain becomes buried. The amount of people who realize that any such pain exists, that feel the need to reach out and hold me, will become ever fewer and fewer.
I hope that one day I can throw all my morals and social obligations aside and become nothing but a monster. Nothing but pure evil. Then, and only then, will I fully understand myself again.
What type am I?
You are piece of shit. I'll be glad if you die horribly.
W-why do you say that? The last paragraph?
I dont intend to give you any hints, you have to prove that you are worthy of my time. Go fuck yourself.
Its the angry INTP guy. Dont worry, all the hate he directs your way is self hatred. He doesnt hate you, he hates himself and projects that onto you
>angry INTP guy
Your astrology for pseudointellectuals is showing.
>go into MBTI thread
>remark about someone using MBTI to describe a person
I want to die btw.
Infp, rolling
What do you mean by rolling?
Propulsion over land by circular motion