Dude just lose weight lmaooo

>dude just lose weight lmaooo
I should have stayed fat.
Any tips for loose skin??
Not me btw, but similar situation.

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yeah, quit being a little bitch


That guy looks alot better though especially if he had a shirt on

Just like you can see a woman's saggy tits through their shirt, you can see mine.
Fuck off, retard.

>fatty calling anyone else retarded
maybe you shouldn't have been a fat fuck in the first place lardass

loose skin won't fuck your heart
loose skin won't give you diabetes
loose skin won't ruin your joints
loose skin won't take 20 years of your life span
loose skin won't make your dick look small
loose skin won't stop you from doing aerobics
loose skin won't kill you

Realize it will be a permanent mark; that you neglected your body to a heartbreaking point. But it isnt your fault alone, let it remind you of the industry and people who told you it was ok to become that way, and of those that made money selling you addictions.

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You need surgery, but you look way better. Just start putting aside some cash for the surgery, treat yourself with it because you earned this shit. In the mean time you can try doing super high rep compounds, David Higgins said that’s what he did for loose skin. Shit like 100 rep rows

Maybe you shouldn't have downed McDoubles like popcorn

the guy you posted still looks much better after losing the weight and so do I, lol

they're called compression shirts - buy one.

post your progress pics, I have a feeling you're lying about all of this and that this is a classic Jow Forums demotivation thread. shame on you, work on yourself.

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Yea, well done, but I'm not going for the anorexic look.
>Shirt on
Show me your loose skin or I'm calling bullshit.

Loose skin is worse on the back. The thicker the back, the wider your hips look. Like a shitty blanket.

Better to be the right than the left

Wear a sports bra, buddy.

Soo true bro

>but I'm not going for the anorexic look.
and what does that have to do with anything? if anything, twinkmode is harder to pull off after massive weight loss. if you're going for a more built look then you should actually be in a better position than I am in dealing with loose skin because you'll fill in with muscle. so what exactly are you complaining about?
>Show me your loose skin or I'm calling bullshit.
nah, I'll pass. you saw how much weight I lost in the progress pic. there's no reason to post pics of my loose skin aside from having a blackpilled r9k incel try and roast me.

so now post your progress pics. you still haven't posted any evidence that you've lost significant amounts of weight. that makes me think your story is fake and that this thread is defeatist bullshit by someone who hasn't even/can't lose the weight.

Just become bigger

Your skin is a size queen now and the only way to satisfy it is by being BIG ENOUGH TO FILL IT

>lose weight the wrong way
>have a bunch of loose skin like a retard
You ever see holocaust or Cambodian genocide starvation victims with loose skin? There's a reason for that.

Fuck off already you paranoid queer.


Dry fast 2-3 days every week

Hmm that's a good point actually.

Dry fasting is retarded

Anybody else notice how every grossly obese fatty that lost weight has ribtits?

TL;DR: spend money on surgery or shut the fuck up and accept that you straight FUCKED up your body.

>loose skin won't kill you
What is your loose skin flab gets caught in a lathe and it rips your skin off like that scene from the silent hill movie

Never take off your shirt.

how is that a good point? Cambodian genocide starvation victims didn't suffer a lifetime of morbid obesity leading up to their time during the genocide. they didn't go through a lifetime of damaging the collagen in their skin, so of course they wouldn't have loose skin.

Pick up a fucking weight you twink

Build as much muscle as possible. Get a second job to save up for surgery. That's really all you can do, fren. Good luck.


get some scissors and cut it off

>t. Braindead retard

Cambodians were malnourished and underweight to begin with.

loose skin will make you kill yourshelf

Surgery or dry fasting. These are the only options.

fuck lathes D:

And your saggy tits are your own fault maybe you should have stopped shoveling garbage into your mouth you fat loose skin fuck

Surgery. Obviously.

Then what is the correct way to lose weight? Genuinely want to know.

If you have a good amount of muscle then fast when you're above 30 after that do a PSMF (only protein basically). The lower your bf the less your deficit should be.

If you have no muscle to begin with it doesn't matter if you fast or do PSMF.

>won’t give you diabetes
Yeah well too late for that. That’s kinda the whole reason I’m losing weight.

Look up Angus Barbieri. Dude had almost no loose skin despite not eating for a year, he went from obese to normal.
In short, simple caloric restriction seems to fuck with you, as opposed to outright fasting. Why this is isn't completely clear but almost certainly autophagy had something to do with it.

weight loss can reverse type II diabetes and pretty much make you asymptomatic and so that you no longer need medication. stop whining.

Based post. Good job on the weight loss

The saggy tits on the right are still better than the saggy tits on the left you dunkass.

Loose skin is fine man
just get Fit and strong and no one will care

Bullshit. I've been eating 300p, 10f and 0c (1300kcal) a day and had crazy energy in the gym compared to when I was fasting. I hit a PR in squat since I sprained my ankle at 285lb today. My appetite is also under control. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

>Cope: The post

I didn't have it that bad, but still had loose skin after losing big weight in uni. Probably a killer if you have no confidence already, but max your social gains and wife up the best you can. Married men with kids can laugh off this bullshit instead of constantly fretting about aesthetics like a twink.

Unironically would have been happier as a fat boy. The only thing that looks better after the weight loss is his face, lose skin to that degree is absolutely fucking disgusting.

>you need to be married to have self confidence


wtf is your problem?

1. Realize THIS is a better version of yourself, you are now healthier and more focused than when you were a fat fuck. You managed to improve, worked hard and the results are paying up.
2. Try and keep thus mentality, so you can get the shekels the jewctors want to perform sugery, again, work your ass off, stay focused and remember that the results WILL pay off.
You are on your way to make it, and may yours be an example to other anons.
We are all gonna make ir breh.

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Lmao there’s this guy I know who never posts shirtless pics cuz of this.