She's really going down the twitch thot route, huh

She's really going down the twitch thot route, huh.

Attached: 51791776_284551628907982_5486240358824099347_n.jpg (1080x1350, 121K)

whats her twitch?


Disgusting hispanic dyke whore

says not found
original fucking comment bitch ass system

Yes, and it's fucking beautiful

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Its really slutty, like she's pandering to Susu's fanbase for views.

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Wow, she talks like a complete retard.

waifu status = revoked

lmao what the fuck is this whore pondering?

She used to be best waifu, I hate this so much

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The funny thing is that its you faggots that convinced her to do it. The fact that though gave her a cult following of thirsty beta males is what led her do doing this and its only the beginning.

doesnt work user try again

you didnt revoke it when she was bashing white people and being racist? wow you must have been desperate

>help me pay for my internet fund
>talks like a white trash ho
>playing some shit ass game
big yikes here chief



Hey Fran Bow is a good game.

>looks like it's drawn by an edgy tumblr user
Now that I think of it, it is the perfect game for her.

god her mods are so quick to white knight
all they said was her ass was posted on r9k. fucking virgin cuck mods
and god damn she talks like a hoodrat that sucks black cock for fun

hey, im unorginal

Her speech mannerisms are really repulsive.
She swears more often than anyone I know.

it's pretty funny really.
>low ass viewer count
>talks like a thot from the ghetto
>mods white knighting so hard they are generating enough light to over cast the sun
>begging for people to pay her pathetic 100$ internet bill
>can't go 5 words without cursing
literally one big top kek

>imagine having this as your waifu

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>waifu status = revoked

Nobody gives a fuck what you think lol she was never your wife to begin with

certainly a case of "look at, don't hear" kind of girl

>>mods white knighting so hard they are generating enough light to over cast the sun

fuck my sides user

Let's be honest, most of you would if you could. It's like being a NEET but even better

and nobody cares about your shitposting bitchass. take it to reddit or tubblr. hell go post it in her chat so you can win snitch bitch points and maybe she'll touch your never used winky

dont leak out op. seeks asking questions

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are you here mod or somthing faggo?

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>Let's be honest, most of you would if you could. It's like being a NEET but even better

do you mean streaming or fucking her? like this is too different ideas put together

The way she talks gets me more than anything. I miss cutesy nice girl Crispy.

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now im getting network error #2000
did this dumb hoodrat dyke do something?

I mean streaming and milking betas out of their money

I don't give a shit about r9k e-celebs but most robots would undeniably be a low effort twitch thot if they were women

just refresh user

sorry fren

You have to turn "Enhanced tracking" off in Ghostery for Twitch

This the same girl?

Attached: c2c2bc6f99421d0477a95bd21020088adf06e1013d49badb967151d7284ee7c9.jpg (900x1125, 99K)

it was working just fine
I refreshed it when suddenly it wont work
but it works for other twitch
so it's just hers oddly
jeez the dumb hoodrat dyke cant even run her stream right

No this one is nice

that one is married user. you're orbiting a married woman. tip top cuk

Excuse me. What part of her face qualifies as "dyke?"

>giving up on a girl of your dreams because she's 'married'
You're cucked by social conventions bruh


Attached: rawwwr.jpg (400x300, 110K)

She's dating a girl retard.

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Who is dis? Pls tell.

A dyke is a masculine person. Every part of her face screams "femme."

Jow Forums really is a cesspool...

>spouts leftie garbage
>the other r9k trap streamer joins in the chat to spout more leftie trash
the absolute state of r9k waifus

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She sent this to one of her fans didn't she? You can't find this pic on her instagram.

a dyke is a lesbian. And no, she looks like a little boy.

>the other r9k trap streamer joins in the chat to spout more leftie trash

The term dyke or dike is a slang noun meaning lesbian; it is also a slang adjective describing things associated with lesbianism. It originated as a homophobic and misogynistic slur for a masculine, tomboyish, or butch woman; while this pejorative usage still exists, the term dyke has been reappropriated by lesbians to an extent as a word implying assertiveness and toughness, or simply as a neutral synonym for lesbian.

I don't care, dyke. Fuck off back to tumblr.

on an unrelated note, are bisexuals 'dykes?'

that was me, in not actually a tranny you faggot, go back to pol.

Fucking make me. You just got proven wrong. A 'dyke' is a masculine, tomboyish, or butch woman.

>are you a trap?
>"I don't get why biological gender is important"
>keeps talking about her dick

Last time someone I knew stole someones wife that guy put him in the hospital with multiple broken bones. you have fun when that comes your way. and dont bother replying back with some faggy made up i'll kick his ass im trained in many.... no you arent you're a pussy bitch behind a moniter who'll try to talk tough.

run along and pretend you can pull married woman some more user it's a cute cope

>or simply as a neutral synonym for lesbian.

she might be intersex. fufufu.

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>another worst waifu is the only non prunned thread episode

kek trying to change the meaning of words like a tubblr retard.

dyke is a female dating a female pretending it's something else to ease your cope wont change that.
now go cry tears of despair your waifu will never want your tiny 3 inch winky

so, bisexuals are dykes?

are bisexuals lesbians? no

Why cant Crispy just ride my face between her creamy white thighs?

>tears of despair
>3 inch willy
Kekkekkek. I'm a lesbian, honey.

Yes. Unless you're going to argue semantics like this tumblr retard.

because you are not a woman

but, you said it's a 'female dating a female.' if a bisexual female dates a female, bi or gay, that's a dyke, right?

Why are you asking? Is she bisexual?

>CA$1,250.99 donated by swimsuitsuccubus

sorry. i'm just confusion.

Attached: fufu.jpg (500x622, 42K)

She bought her a new PC. AKA why she's pandering so hard to her audience.

I think she bought her a gaming pc, lmao

no. i am bi.

maybe reap in on Jow Forums popularity just to test the waters. Remember when someone impersonated Katya and set up a Twitch channel? The impersonator got over $100+ in donations despite never streaming. They just said they were Katya.

wait who's that one then?

all of these slurs... i still prefer anal assassin.

No it's swimsuitsuccubus, they're friends.

Jesus christ. Have they scissored before? How does a girl throw so much money just because they are friends?