how to make marijuana last longer? I tried vaping it and just isn't as satisfying as smoking. Is investing in a water pipe over a normal one a good addition? Should I just switch to wax?
How to make marijuana last longer? I tried vaping it and just isn't as satisfying as smoking...
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>not growing your own weed
Do more of it. Seriously thats the answer.
Buy strong stuff, like 60+ THC and take a hit like every hour for 1-3 hours to ride it out.
If thats not working for you then you've literally smoked too much and you've grown a resilience. Only way you're going to fix that is to not smoke for a good 2-3 months.
place your tinky winker into your heinie hole and micturate
Back to redd1t faggot
Always save the resin.
I can't believe you're this unaware
one hit bowls, that way the weed is only burning when you're inhaling it
smaller pinches in the bowl
you don't always have to stuff it to the rim
put a nice little 1-2 hit snapper in your pipe and hold it in
You sound like such a douchebag when you say snapper
t. fell for the opiates meme
*flk* *FLIK*
Low dose edibles or tiny bowls
By doing this you keep your tolerance low, I can trip ballz with a single hit
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>Lower you tolerance
>Eat edibles
>Smoke small bowls from a bong
>Smoke several hits as quickly as possible every hour
These work
back to /soc/ faggot
Water pipes are a hassle. Just wait it out and grow older. Dank from ten years ago is today's mids. I can only handle one hit of modern legal weed. Soon enough I'll only need to walk past the store to get high.
>water pipes are a hassle
yeah I mean they'll provide you with a smoother hit and be a little less wasteful but cleaning them is an absolute chore. if your intent is to get higher for longer then I would take edibles and generally try to space out your sessions so you don't build too much of a tolerance
alternatively, combine a little bit of weed with a little bit of another drug that potentiates the experience
>smoking the herbal jew
This is why you're a fucking loser.
Yes water pipes are absolutely the best way to smoke weed. You can get a bubbler pipe or a basic bong for pretty reasonable prices too.
Wax/concentrates aren't as good of high as regular old bud IMO, because the other compounds in weed besides THC contribute to the high even if in just subtle ways
ok OP I smoke a quarter ounce a day, what you need is a $20 used beaker style bong with an icecatch, go on this website
and find the cheapest deal on a straight tube or beaker style unit with an icecatcher. If you want to smoke a lot, comfortably, you need
>good weed
>ice: cools throat
>diffusion: makes smoke less harsh, achievable with proper water level in your bong
>good weed: most important part. Shit weed is hard to smoke and doesn't do anything, fantastic weed is easy to smoke, tastes clean and knocks you out
Wax is fantastic but expensive, I find it easier to hit 1 huge dab and leave it then spend 3 hours hitting bowl after bowl of weed to get to the same place.
If I could do wax only I would, but it's hard to get. Wax has its own set of special equipment, which I will detail here:
>Evan Shore bangers (best value)
>Blazer Big Shot GT 8000 torch
>Bryan Sheridan carb cap
>New Amsterdam budget wax rig w/ tree arm percolator
this should give you all the info you need to find a setup that really works well.
Here is a discount code for 10% off that website:
Vapelord checking in
>I tried vaping it and just isn't as satisfying as smoking
Wtf. Unless you're smoking like 5g per day vaping should be fine. Unless you're getting shitty juice which does happen. You might just need a tolerance break, when I switched from smoking to vaping, my first hit slammed me like a truck, then I realized I was actually doing it wrong and I needed a lower Ohm whatever they call it that thing in the middle.
50watts is all you need and there's no need to go above 190 degrees.
This. Eating it lasts longer. Total absorption is easier that way. Either that or just hold your breath until the air comes out clear.
you're on the right track with that dick looking thing, faggot.
well it was a dry herb vape, not an oil one. I don't live in a legal location so that sort of stuff is difficult to get ahold of.
your words hurt me
not surprised this isnt original
I just take edibles for that.