When was the last time you shared a meal with a woman who was not related to you?

When was the last time you shared a meal with a woman who was not related to you?

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Yesterday. Girlfriend made me lunch, sucked my dick and then cuddled me.

Literally right now.

Jealous, faggots??

Never. You know what board you're on so why did you even make this?

March 2017. Senior trip. Ate at some Italian restaurant. There were girls at the table. Never exclusively, though.

Just realized that OP implied a one on one meal. Never mind.

No, that counts.

2bh I don't think I ever have. Maybe back in high school with a buddy's gf and she was situated in my general area.

Last Wednesday, then I fucked her. Ex gf.

Like 2 hours ago.
Orginilali comentol

This morning. I had breakfast with my wife before work.

Sunday morning when I was visiting her college

I made bagels for my girlfriend this morning

dont be gross idiot

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why are you on your phone while eating, especially with someone else

Were the bagels any good?

Uhh well I dont know. Maybe never? Shared a couple of drinks with some but never a meal.

never women are dinner whores

About 7 months ago.
1 on 1
we departed.
Passed each other by and never met again.

like a month ago why do you ask?

Actually now that I think about it, never. Not once in my entire life.

I think last year around this time. Terrible sushi date.

It was me and all my sisters friends last year. I felt out of place being the only guy. They didn't respond well when I added to the conversation
If you mean one-on-one, never.

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About 15 months ago. We'd just left the hospital, ate at a restaurant we used to frequent as teenagers. It was nice, wish I could go back.

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missus made me skeddy last night was fuckin delicious

7 years? I'm not sure. I don't remember. I'm 20.

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At a restaurant? Saturday. Went to a 5 star French restaurant with my lady.

Today we had some shit my brother cooked up in addition to pizza.

About 4 months ago at a going away lunch for a female colleague. We have each others numbers and promised to stay in touch. I've texted her a couple times after she left but she never responded.

Are we talking about in group settings? Plenty of times. If not I think about 2-3 times over the past few years with coworkers. I feel like if I just wasn't fat I could overcome enough of my misanthrop-iness to have a gf.

Probably something like 11 years ago.

Never. It's never happened


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1 on 1? Literally never

Last year at the company christmas party. Safety officer sat next to me and after a few drinks she started flirting. I've never experienced this before so I absolutely loved every second of it. She looked great for a 50+. Eventually left the party with some coworkers to head off to the poolhall to get blackout drunk and wake up in my hotel room with one of the waitresses. Didn't know I was attractive until recently.

Never. It don't matter. It just straight up doesn't even matter.

When I was 16 and a junior in high school and got lunch at a nice Italian restaurant with a cute freshman girl from the town over :( that was 4 years ago

some work collegue on break...
i dont act like a simp but i seem to only interest girls to be friends and that guy she bitches about her "boyfriend" and i dont know why

A couple of Christmas' ago I sat next to an old lady who I'd only just met. She told me she hated Christmas and I didn't like her very much.

About 2 weeks ago. This chubby girl I'm rooming with wants my dick hardcore. I fingered her a bit once after I got drunk but she disgusts me so I just ignore her now. She paid for my food so I guess she's not that bad.

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Will you tell me when you fall out of love with me and start banging other dudes?

Oh calm down. Not everyone on this board is a social misfit.

It's best to just give up. Jow Forums has been infested with normalfags for a while now.

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Wife made me tamales and then we cuddled as I went to bed.

Legitimately never have done it 1:1.

occasionally I can go remora mode and eat at the normie table when there are enough males there so that it won't look like I'm out of place

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2 years ago I went to a Korean BBQ restaurant with some friends and one of them was a girl.

2012, we ate some pancakes at a Denny's in the middle of the night.

Last Monday, I skipped the last hour of school with these two girls and went to mcdonalds. They had full meals I just had a black coffee. I even gave the both of them brief driving lesson. It was fun. I took them to their houses and thats it. it went no where after that and it never will.

I mean, my sister's adopted and I make liquor runs with her. That counts.

this hasn't happened to me not even once

This fate is possible?

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Saturday, again tonight.
Non plebbit tier incel faggot robots rise up.

8th grade, so 11 years ago

i shared a twix with an escort last week

I guess never? I did eat with friends that included a girl but that was with a group and that was 9th grade [so it dont count]
If only I had meal with girl....

I had a dinner date yesterday with a 10/10 qt.

In a former life maybe. I figure in my former life I must have fucked tons of girls and raped a bunch too. And was also millionaire and Chad.

That's why I deserve my current life.

Never. Not even in school. I'm just as unpopular with the ladies as I am with the chaps.

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>a meal
One on one?
I had plenty of teas or coffee with girls but I avoid eating with them.

i have never done this in my life because im a sad virgin

wizards and normies have become one with this board

A better question
>did you ever share a meal with a woman who was not related to you?

donno if this counts

>at work (restaurant)
>walking by qt coworker's station
>"hey user do you want a slice of this apple pie I made?"
>hands me the plate, I grab it but she doesn't let go
>both of us are just standing there holding one side of the plate
>she eats a piece and smiles at me
>other coworker has to slip by awkwardly because we're blocking the way
>"haha what the fuck are you guys doing"
>we stop and then I say thanks and walk away

Never with a women but I've been to work dinners with women there. I honestly wouldn't even know what the expected etiquette is when taking a women 'out to dinner'.

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never in my whole life hahaha

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Transition to /tv/. The real robots are there.

if I watched tv or movies I probably would

When I was homeless there were a few women at the homeless shelter. Everyone ate together. Kind of comfy desu.


i'm intermittent fasting so at least before i started that. I eat only 8am-noon so i usually can't eat dinner with females.

Like 6 years ago lel

Then why are you here? Being a misfit is literally all that is discussed here

i don't think women actually do that, user.

she's so beautiful, i want to see more of her face.