What are you male anons honest feelings on tattooed women?
What are you male anons honest feelings on tattooed women?
Disgusting. Only reason to get a a tattoo is for gang/politics or religious reasons.Seeing as women can't engage with any of thos3 subjects at all a girl with a tattoo is one of the biggest red flags there is.
The more they have, the less i think of them. It's usually a tell-tale sign of impulsiveness and carelessness
The more they have, the better. I fucking love tattoos on women they are like my fetish
I think tattoos in general look bad, they never match with anything
Honestly, I do not like tattoos, but most women wil probably get them anyway. Hopefully they dont get anything stupid inked in.
Why the fuck would I give a shit about wahmen when there are so many cute femboys out there ripe for the taking?
It's 2019. It's about time you ask the right questions, cUck.
I don't understand tattoos and I think getting them without having a ton of thought put into them is a red flag yet I still put tattoos on my waifus when they are available in creators.
womb tattoos are hot.
Most of them are cheap whores, and the natural human body is typically more attractive
Some tasteful tattoos are alright
the marks of a whore or easy female.
especially the cum catcher lower back one
Tatttoos are ugly but lewd body writing activates me. Go figure
they are trashy but they get my dick going tho
>thinking this is ugly
lmao u w0t m8
yeah that is trashy af and she isnt that good looking underneath it.
to each their own user but dont get shitty cuz someone doesnt like what you like. that's weak ass child mentality.
Why would they pay to vandalize themselves?
I've only ever met one woman with a tattoo that wasn't just some half thought out emotional garbage, or just something without any thought put into it at all.
There's nothing wrong with one or two, maybe even more if they all look really, really damn good, but for the most part tattoos are a red flag. As always.
I don't like them, I think tattoos are disgusting.
Thought they were hot when I was teenager because the girls who had them were all hot and few and far between. Now in nid 20s and think they're trashy as fuck. Rarely I'll see one with some real artistic value but I still think it's dumb and shortsighted.
shitty would be calling you a virgin or something. there were no insults in the previous post m80
they're ok I guess
I'm usually indifferent sometimes they don't particularly match well with whatever like in but it doesn't bother me much
every now and then I see some cool tattoos
i honestly think tattoos are gay unless its a joestar birthmark or something
Does tattoos in EUA still have this bad reputation?
Here where I live basically everyone has a tattoo. Literally every woman.
None of my business technically. Do ya damn thang. Do ya thang da thang.
Tattoos for women are a form of self harm. Even notice how women always get tattoos in the most painful places like the ribs, feet, hand, lower back. Ive seen girls getting tattooed, they sit their for hours sweating profusely, they go pale, cry some straight up vomit or pass out. But they keep coming back. Theyre broken hoes who use tattoos as a way of cathartic release and also to show off to the world how damaged they are the same way people cut themselves on their arms and legs then go out in public.
sign of a weak mind or a misdirected rebellious spirit.
no unless they're girly and small and don't distract from the form of her body
had a bad experience with a tattooed hooker
Finally. The important question.
>girls can't be in gangs
>tfw no "oy papito you so big mmm you betta not cum yet or i'mma cutchoo foo" chola gf
I think they're hot but a girl with tattoos isn't relationship material outside of a few week stint together.
My girlfriend has 2 tattoos. They don't bother me. I've considered it, but my line of work is dirty, so they'd probably get infected. To each their own.
depends on the girl see pic
Disgusting regardless of size, location or artwork.
It's one thing I can't tolerate on a woman. Piercings don't really bother me though, I guess it's cause they can just be taken out.
If it is a god tattoo or smaller than 2 sqin large then I am okay with it. Any bigger and thats just a recipe for disaster.
Knew a girl in hs who drew full arm tattoos on both of her arms every day in sharpie, new ones every day, and she was socially fucked in the head. No way I would even consider a relationship.
Horrible and trashy and instantly makes a girl drop 5 points of attraction
I think I'm the only person I know over the age of 20 that doesnt have any
Its gotten to the point where I'm more unique having none, than the people that fuck up their bodies for style
I wouldn't have much of a problem with tattoos if they weren't an indicator of poor behaviors.
To be honest, I wouldn't have any issue at all with dating or marrying a tattooed woman if she wasn't white trash or a nonvirgin. But it's pretty much a telltale sign of at least one of those things.
It's their body, they can do what they like with it, but I think it's trashy.
Immediate turn off. Their value drops next to zero.
lmao holy shit
spgahttit orranl
A singular ornate tattoo as a piece of art is ok depending on the location but low quality, excessive amount, or little "cutsie" tattoos like a butterfly on the ankle and that shit are all trashy AF. Unless it's something really retarded like face and neck tattoos, tramp stamps, or huge patchworks sleeves consisting of multiple tattoos covering giant streches of the body it's not an absolute deal breaker though.
Hot. But it depends on the tattoo. If it's something huge that covers the skin in large sections it's kinda gross.
Fine if it's a butthole tattoo.
They can actually look nice like but to me the large majority of tattoos are red flags
Exceptions being
>Cultural tats (Samoans n shit)
>Dead relative
>Religious (in religions that actually have tattoos, not people who get religious tattoos in religions that discourage tattoos)
Also this, they just give a really bad impression
Never liked it. Any woman who looks "good" with tattoos would look even better without them.
I don't care about tattoos but If I'm dating someone, I'd prefer they didn't have any tattoos that are blatantly satanic.
It depends on the tattoo. To me personally, there is nothing in this world that I'm so god damn sure of that I'm gonna etch it into my fucking skin.
Most tattoo's look trashy, appropriate culture, are awkward religious, are of family members, or are just "LOL Weird Shit!"
There's no tattoo I've ever seen in my life and though "Wow, what a unique and individual approach to body art" even the fucking time I saw a bitch who had exploding doll heads on her thigh. It wasn't unique. It was just skin ink.
Some tattoo's are aesthetic and even attractive, but ultimately it just looks like "Oh Emm Gee, I am gonna cherish this forever" and then they Pay money to spew shit onto their body.
It's not a deal breaker for me, Tattoo's and Piercing are kinda sexy in their own way, but it's not something I'm going to commend or endorse. I do like it; but to be honest I'd rather have a woman with natural skin 100% through.
>there are almost an unlimited amount of pictures on nearly all content conceivable
>girls manage to choose most of the stupidest and ugliest shit as reference
>proceed to have a terrible artist put it on them
>get upset that the tattoo they thought was cool 11 years ago looks like dog shit now that they aren't 19 anymore
wew, it's like getting stuck with the same ugly ass wallpaper except it's stuck on you until you get burned/cut/road rash/etc it off.
Holy fuck. I'd suck your dick for that comment.
If ya have tattoos that have self meaning to you and arent juat some silly crappy little drawing then all right sweet. You rock ur body however you want tho
Trashy. Some thing with significant meaning on the wrist or arm is understandable, but body/leg tattoo's are just weird and ugly.
She would seriously look a lot better without the tattoos.
The appeal is her body, not the tat's.
She also shouldn't be in debt and should be a virgin.
It depends on the tattoo as well as how it goes with the person wearing it.
a surefire sign that she is DAMAGED.
They're disgusting. It takes me a good 30 minutes to find a suitable porno now because every chick is tatted up the ass.
Dang, that would hurt
I don't like it when girls get lots of tattoos all over but one is great, two is fine but more than three and Im not liking it especially if they are big and if they have no real meaning then definitely no but I wouldn't break up with someone over it though. I would rather a girl I am with have none and its weird because I really have nothing against them I just think it makes them look older than they are and too masculine.
tattoos are the trashiest thing you can do to yourself. i broke up with my ex partly because of them
it's ugly. Like when somebody has dort on their skin.
it's also very dumb, only dumb people try to express themselves by every occasion to every nobody and use their own body sign to show everyone what he supports or likes.
Maybe tatooed women back in older times were something pretty but these days they're a big red flag that she's a T H O T
They're ok as long as they're not some crazy shit a small tattoo might even be cute but other than that it's probably a sign of declining mental health
Why does pretty much everyone here hate tattoos?
I personally don't care if she has any as long as they're not on her neck or face and every tattoo should be meaningful to her. If she just tattooed herself all over just for the lulz, I'd have a problem but if she had one or two tattoos here and there I wouldn't give a shit.
My sister got a tattoo of a bird looking like it's made with water color on her shoulder blade and it looks pretty rad desu.
As our friend Johnny Neptune said, it's like drawing on cool. It's plain proof that someone is extrinsically motivated by social concerns enough to get a fish permanently drawn on them just so others can see. It shows a lack of agency and mindfulness. That said, I don't care if others have them because 9/10 they regret it anyway because they know it's dumb
I HATE tattoos, and I think her less attractive and desirable for having any.