>tfw a girl used to follow me to my first class in HS but I ignored her
>she was a weeb like me
>she tried to talk to me but I was autistic/edgy and never replied
she looked like pic related. I was such a fucking idiot
That qt who paid attention to you in HS
Never happens here, but someone anonymously sent me a carnation in velentines day one year. Never figured out who did.
Hey, this post was uncalled for. :( Don't make me regret
I just thought about this today and had to let my feelings known, sorry if it caused you distress friend.
I knew a petite girl who sat next to me. She would always chat with me and on the day before we got off for Christmas break she gave me a little penguin she made. I wish I liked her back.
wow the only ones that did this for me was fat sjw communist bitches. Idk what they found in me tho. I would literally be the worst possible partner for them
I knew a petite girl who I would chat with and the day before christmas break she gave me a penguin she made for me and told me she made one for everyone of her friends find out later she didn't.
I wish I liked her back.
I did the same for a girl who was an exchange student, because I thought it wasn't worth the impending disappointment when she leaves. Gods I was stupid then.
Theres a big tiddy girl that asked me to a dance but I was too scared to go so I went with my friends to get food instead and told her my grandpa died
Important note: he actually did die, I just used that as a convenient excuse to pretend I was flying to the funeral that weekend
Worked like a charm kinda
I've done that before.
It's very slim but I think I might know who you are.
Question, was I wearing glasses that year?
>all these anons passing up opportunities with girls
>girls never even fucking talk to me
What the fuck
>had a condition like pic related
>hadn't spoken more than 10 sentences to me over a semester
>suggested we "hang out" (?)
>went to the movies
>introduced me to her family
>thought I ended it on a good note
>go home
>never spoke again
>remain a single-date khhv to this day
Nah. If you're the same person, you had bad vision but never gotten around to getting glasses iirc. Wrong person I assume?
>that qt I drooled over all the time
>that time she was drunk as hell and in a moment of clarity told me she loved me and kissed me
>tfw I waved it off as her being a naive drunk girl and didn't act up on it
>that time she insisted she sleeps over at mine after a party
>tfw I've had her in my bed, but didn't want to ruin her innocence with drunken sex
>that time I had her sober in my bed, but when I pulled her closer, she laughed and it triggered me and I told her to fuck off and just laid there with her
Fellas. Thinking back on this makes me think there's really something wrong with me.
Tell me about it anyway. I never had the courage to send anything anonymously, let alone with my name on it.
You are a good man, I will let that be known.
I have changed user, the next time I've had the opportunity, I siezed it.
It wasn't the right choice either. Far from it.
It was for my girlfriend at the time. She had very bad depression and anxiety which I felt like I wasn't doing enough to help.
So I talked to some people she knew and bought flowers, gave them to the people she knew (can't remember the finer details just cuz of how long it was ago), and denied it was from me.
Just so she thought she had other people thinking of her out there, you know?
It sounds dumb but I was a teenager at the time
You, too are a good man.
You sent the flowers to your friends for them to give to her? Or you just anonymously sent them to her os that she would think her friends got flowers for her?
You're a good guy, user.
I wish I could be as empathic as you.
I wish people at least looked at my direction
As far as I can recall, her grandparents winded up handing it to her saying it was addressed to her with no name. She probably thinks it was them who got them and made a bad lie about it
It was like, 7ish years ago.
Thank you my friend.
And thank you too. I've made a lot of mistakes with her but I like to think I tried my best at the time.
Her name was Jay. I remember we listened to the killers on the same pair of headphones. I was too busy worrying about my "oneitis"
>Tfw had a girl totally and completetly obsessed and even devoted to me
>Tfw wasn't even too bad looking, just not really my kind
>Tfw she was lonely and friendless, she really just wanted human contact
>She was just somewhat dumb and tasteless, did nothing but listen to pop music and listen to popular movies and such
>Tfw she'd call me on Skype on basically every hours of the day
>Tfw she basically became a stacy
Honestly I kind of regret it, I wasn't too nice to her. Not that I was mean or anything, I kept her as a friend but she was way too clingy and I basically ignored any sort of romantic advances and preferred to play vidya at the time. I regret it not because I think I should of lost my virginity to her or some shit but mostly because I feel like I did break her heart a bit and it was really a good opportunity for me to at the very least gain social experience
I was also quite ugly and at the time, chubby looking (I guess I still am. just not as bad). And honestly, the chance of me getting any sort of girl was near 0, I haven't talked to her in like 2 years but I know I kind of hurt her by not responding to any of her advances, thinking back maybe I could of developped something with her over time and maybe I could of garanteed a long term relationship that could of ended in settling a family together. Yes, she did become a "stacy" as in popular in social circles but she's still to my knowledge, somewhat pure and not a degenerate.
It sucks man, I really fucked up, I should of given her a chance.
>That big tittie goth girl who asked me to prom and joked about taking my virginity
>That akward tall fembot who followed me around Summer camp for weeks
>That cutie asberger girl who always chatted with me on the bus
>The girl who sat next to me in art and always complemented my paintings and was so clearly into me even my Dad noticed
>That girl at work who straight up asked me if I had a gf and I brushed it off
>That other girl at work who gave me a ride home every night, laughed at all my jokes, and constantly made comments about wanting a bf suggestively
My whole life is one missed opportunity after another. I have a decent personality and confidence but I'm a fatass so I can never believe anyone would actually be interested in me until it's too late.
Fuck man.
It was middle school for me, I actually planned of doing something about it in high school, but I never saw her, then dropped out. I had to perfect chance the last few weeks of 8th grade, but I thought"nah I'll do something about it next year" fucking idot.
We grew up together, I had known her since 3rd grade. Shoulda been that childhood qt gf story. Worst. Fucking. Timeline.
It tears me up inside.
Looks like she was probably pretty cute back then op, ya blew it. All she really needs is a bit of a haircut. The good news for you though is that weeb girls are pretty sure to have other weird baggage and redflags about them, so you easily could have dodged a bullet. I'd say probably 50/50 and not worth regretting at this point especially depending on how old you are now.
>had more than one qt who wanted to fuck me
>too autistic to realize until years after graduating
>now friendless and out of contact with everyone, also slightly fat
Yeah pretty much this here too, not fat though, skinny fat never work out and alcoholic. I've never had a white girl who actually wanted to fuck me, only a half black one that I wasn't into beyond the fact it was my only serious chance at the time. I didn't fuck her.
>skinny fat never work out
This is basically me except I passed skinnyfat into actually a bit fat recently. Currently eating the minimum safe intake for men and working out to get less fat.
>I've never had a white girl who actually wanted to fuck me
That's just the way it happened dude, that's all there is to it. A lot of people don't understand how really actually fucking hard it is for some people to take the plunge, they'll just never relate to that reality.
Back in high school I was friends with this cute Brazilian girl who looked like a cuter version of Gina Valentina, she had a nice ass and everything, we'd be together almost all day and sometimes she would rest her head on my shoulders and we'd listen to music together during P.E. The other guys would get so salty because everyone would try to befriend her and talk to her, but she'd only spend time with me, it was hilarious the looks I'd get from the guys in my class.
I never did anything, I didn't started getting those urges with girl until my senior year in high school, probably because I was so depressed around that time.
6 years later and now she's a slut, wears lots of make up and parties all the time, so I guess I kind of dodged a bullet, she was really sweet with me though, she was a different girl back then, now she's a degenerate.
i could have had a big titty skinny cute goth gf in high school. she liked me. i fucked up bad bros, really really bad.
Yeah I mean I'm just not big enough to actually look fat even though I'm 5'11'' at least thankfully. It would be pretty apparent that I don't do anything though, and I also have a rounder fatter face from alcoholism.
On that other point, I actually did have 2 white girls ask me out in elementary, one of which was really seriously qt and we talked a lot but I had my eyes on another girl that didn't like me then. I weirdly remember having some kind of problem with how that girl smelled though even though she was really cute and was nicer to me than literally just about any girl I ever knew. She didn't even always smell like that I don't think, just sometimes. What a sad fucked up thing to have a problem about.
>I'm 5'11''
God damnit me too. I'm like 1/4th of an inch from 6 feet. Fucking 26, 5'11'', 195lbs, and terminally autistic. At least I can fix one of those things.
>What a sad fucked up thing to have a problem about
Honestly I have an issue with smells too. Of the few things that would be a dealbreaker to me these days, smell is one of them. Women who don't shower enough are gross as fuck even to a khv like me.
And it struck again with that half black chick that actually wanted to fuck me in college. It was the smell dude, but this time it was so much worse and different. I got her in bed twice and still didn't fuck her, I don't think she smelled bad the second time. But the nerves and the alcoholism were out of control and it really honestly came down to a race thing about losing my virginity if I have to be frank. Also I never once dated that girl, we only saw each other at parties.
I don't want to be the guy trying to retroactively tell you that you made good decisions, but not getting with smelly women is probably a good thing.
No I mean I clearly get that dude, but there's a part of me that wonders if I'm overly sensitive to even one instance of it when you know pretty much every single person ever doesn't smell that great from time to time. Regardless I'm not changing my attitudes toward it.
I'm with you all the way on that.
>dating girl for awhile
>has mental issues that get out of hand a lot but i can deal with it
>bipolar, depression, schizoaffective, etc
>love her
>like actually love her
>thought she was my soulmate
>she showed me so much affection
>it felt good to have someone love you like that, to choose you over everyone else in the world, where you just brighten their day
>eventually she starts getting more depressed
>tells me she wants to break up
>tells me she never actually loved me because her mental disorder makes her incapable of loving people
>says she just pretended to love me because she didnt want to hurt my feelings and wanted to convince herself she could love someone
>felt like a fucking fool
>cut off contact with her
>peep her social media a few months later
>shes been dating some other guy for awhile and treats him better than she ever treated me
>that qt who paid attention to you in HS
If you had an opportunity in HS like this and squandered it, you absolutely deserve all the misery that came from it and more.
Fuck you
>tfw no qt paid attention to you in HS so you have zero regrets
I know right. It's incredibly frustrating to read these kind of stories by anons where they went full autismo and missed an opportunity or just blatantly passed one up. I don't even get opportunities to fuck up
It was your mother.
>Get random teddy bear for valentines day in elementary school
>Happy as fuck , think girl I have a crush on gave it to me
>Smile at her every time we make eye contact, she smiles back
>Come back from lunch
>mom stops by and says
>"How do you like your teddy bear? Love you user!"
>Feel intense embarrassment, but still appreciate what mom did
It's ok though, I had 3 gfs at the same time in elementary school,
one from a summer camp who was parents were my dads friends so when we were together it was nice.
Another who I met from classes, we used to play house and kiss.
3rd- Her mom was my moms friend, her brother and her slept over my house. My mother made us a huge blanket pallet on the floor for all 3 of us to sleep on. Her brother was on one end, and on the other we put the blanket over our heads and would make out. When everyone went to sleep we tried have sexing, which was just humping genitals. My mom came out and stopped us. Called her mom over and they gave us a conversation about sex and how we are too young, and how one day I may grow up to like men or women.
Everytime we were together after that we would always kiss and move on to sexual stuff, so eventually my mom stopped bring us together. Haven't seen her since.
I turned into a huge beta and havent been with any girls/women since out of fear for punishment, and now complacency and insecurity
I'd give anything to have one of the opportunities these retards had
i'm sorry man, that would honestly be crushing for me. I hope you're able to get through this. I know you can
I'd give them to you if I could, seriously. Being an autismo with the combined shit parenting and homelife I had means even if i did take them it never would have gone anywhere. I'd rather have had someone else have those opportunities since they're worthless to me one way or another.
>girl would sit next to me on the bus every day
>she would always try to talk to me
>if the conversation died she would just tell me about her day
>i just thought she was being nice cause she seemed way out of my league
>found out a few years later from a mutual friend later she had a huge crush on me
>i was too retarded to see
It was like 3 years ago. The immediate grief doesn't affect me anymore, but it still hurts that the only time I felt sincerely loved and wanted by another person was just a lie.
user I would prefer that you didn'the remind me :(
how does anyone even get opportunities like those. I mean Chad's of course get stuff like that all the time, but like the just average or below average guy?
I've yet to experience anything I've read over the years. At this point I've given up hope for anything special to happen to me.
I dunno man, I guess my face isn't too bad but I was, and still am to some degree, a total sperg. It hasn't happened to me since high school so I guess maybe it was just pre-smartphone female horniness? I dunno.
you're a saint for dealing with all those issues, don't let this ruin love for you
Actually I lied about the last part. There were always girls, but I thought they were either too unattractive or I was too good.
Worst mistake:
>Freshman year of high school
>Girl moves down from carolina, chubby latina
>Always sits next to me at lunch
>Hugs me and asks if I ever kissed before
>One time, gave a soeech and was super nervous for it, saw her in crowd and she was the only one smiling and clapped first when I was done
>Came up to me after it was over and hugged me and said I did a good job
>Would always sit next to me on the bus
>Im insecure because shes kind of chubby, dont recognize relationship potential
>Girl in my neighborhood keeps asking me to sit with her at the front of the bus instead of the back where latina is
>Start sitting in the front with goth girl who keeps hugging me when we sit togther
>walk home with her often but goes nowehre
>latina grows disappointed probably
>stops talking to me because I never try to talk top her
>last day of school she says shes moving back, wont even give me a hug or anything
>Say ok and part ways
>I end up moving a few months later anyway
>A few years later see latina on facebook and shes a literal 10/10
Moved to new high school.
>Had 4 girls interested in me
>East asian popular girl who liked me, we talked on the phone once but eventually stopped talking because Im just a loser
>Latina/Native girl whose brothers were start athletes and ended up going to D1 football schools, just never went anywhere because Im a coward
>Chubby latina with big tits, as me to go on a dance and is always feeling me up at gym, just ignore her
>Southeast asian girl, we live pretty close. End up being beta orbiter. She asks me to go over to her house plenty of time to hang out, but say I can't because I have to ask my parents 1st. Such a fucking loser, anyway, she ended up cucking me with one of my other friends.
My friend and her would send me selfies of them hugging and kissing [cont]
>had four specific girls who really loved me over the last two years of high school
>i didn't love them but i cared about them lots
>i'd get tired of their clinginess and bail on them
>tfw 21 year old me is kicking 17 year old me in the ass for not staying with one of them because i'm completely lonely and friendless now
how ugly do you have to be to get rejected by a cleft lip bitch
That's what you think until you get one and realize you don't know how to handle it because it's not just an idea you had anymore.
This is cucked.
It's apparently true that a girl telling you she has a mental illness that renders her incapable of love is one of the biggest memes ever that I still see people describe and fall for. Don't worry, if she ever did that she was a piece of shit and you should know this an accept it.
>This is cucked
Fuck off faggot, you have no idea what my life was like back then. All those opportunities did was cause me pain later when I realized that I missed them. If you wouldn't give something like that up, something with less than zero value, to help someone else you're a fucking prick.
He ended up running away from home with her and they came to my house, where my parents had to take care of them both and convince them to see their parents again.
Last I saw from her, she was working fast food, but I worked fast food at one point and ended up a doctor so it doesnt matter.
Also, this emo girl in my neighborhood was very pretty. I wrote this phrase in spanish I think that equated to "suck my penis", and I said I could teach her what it means, as a joke. I gave it to her and the next day on the bus she says she looked it up and wants me to teach her. Im walking her home and she tells me her parents arent home, but southeast asian asks me to walk her home because shes sad, so I walk home SE asian, and ignore emo girl from there on, just laughing and a dismissing her everytime she tried to talk to me after that.
>Girl with boyfriend says she really likes how I dress/look and wants to hang out
>One day even gives me a condom to have
>Hear her boyfriend ask her if she "likes me" in a soft tone, she doesnt answer.
>Throughout the year, gain a bunch of weight because I got a job and eat nothing but fast food without working out
>She loses interest
>Move across country to another state for more college
>Take o.chem class, apparently 5 or more girls have a crush on me
I dont understand why, I thik it's because I always have a cavalier attitude. Anyway, 1 girl begs to come to my room but its messy as fuck so I say no. We eventually end up talking later, but I ask her to be my gf after 2 study dates and it scares her off.
>2 black girls really like me, one with a bf one without
It was weird because even though her bf was in the room, her friends were asking if I would date her if she was available. But theyre still dating so idk
The other black woman was pretty hot, but I never made moves on her. She was a nice country girl, thin but sexy.
I had a RA, small latina, who apparently really wanted to fuck me, but [cont]
>I'd give them to you if I could, seriously.
Oh well, too bad you can't. Live and learn I guess.
If you get another opportunity, don't pass it up.
Don't cuck yourself so much dude, it's literally the only way you will ever make it.
She was actually really cute, the cleft lip was almost charming. I have no idea how I rate.
i had a girl with a very sexy body who sat in front of me in class in high school.
whenever the teacher jokes or something funny happens in class, she used to turn behind and smile at me. we hadn't even talked before.
i told my friend who sat next to me "what a whore lmao " and some other degrading things about that girl.
maybe its karma. i regret talking shit about that girl
Believe me I've spent years re-tuning my awareness to do exactly that. Fuck missing out.
[cont] was a coward and just ignored her. One day we were riding up the same elevator, and she was hiding behind her friend and I hear her say "hes cute" and shes acting all shy. So I act very mean and cold and just ignore her from then on.
My male roommate on the last day before moving out, came over and asked if I ever tried experimenting with guys before. I told him no, and he asked if I wanted to. I said no and laughed it off becuase he was cool. He asked if he could just suck my dick, for a few minutes and I politely said no. I never knew he was gay because I would walk around in my underwear only in the dorms. Crazy shit
There was also this big butt diabetic girl who was hit, but I ruined that by being pure beta dna never making another move. I also creeped out her friends by shaking their hands and being awkward instead of hugging apparently
Also 2 indian girls who wanted to go on dates and fuck, I just played it off and ignored them
Russian girl from ochem who I found out was obsessed with me, but was too shy to talk to me. WIsh I knew because she had such a tight ass, but I was too beta anyway
Grad school.
Had 4 potential gfs, im not even gonna go into it, just know it ended the same as all the others, I was too beta to escalate after they mad ethe 1st move. i would never go anywhere with people
now I just completely ignore everyone, dont even text unless its work related
Well, there is one more girl, but im too much of a coward to talk too her, and im afraid how my parents will recieve her if I date her because my father always said if I bring home an ugly/fat girl that he would laugh her out of the house and make fun of us until we broke up
Bet they regret those words now when I dont give them grand children or dont even get married, fuck you
>Mormon girl talked to me one time, forget about what
>remember she mentioned liking my religion and being open to conversion
>didn't think anything of it because I was an unlikable abomination and would probably just drive her away if I tried anything
>don't remember her ever speaking to me after that
It was probably nothing of course. Any time I think a woman is ever interested and she doesn't say it outright (things that never happen), I have to remind myself that it's only my lonely broken mind desperately grasping at straws.
>actually goes to grad school
>still doesn't hook up at all
Now this is ascended.
But yeah fuck your parents' attitude though. You did nothing wrong there.
Never had a qt notice me because I was never in school half the time.
I would like to think someone did
Yeah now theyre panicking becuase I will probably never give them grandchildren
trying to hook me up with anyone they can, theyre also more nasty to me now than they were before.
really dont like them
>know qt through JH and HS
>always happy to talk to me, flirtatious
>10th grade she would always talk about this one Chad
>start to ignore her
>her friend asks me why I don't ask her out
>think why would I do that, she just wants Chad's cock
>mfw years later I realize she was just trying to make me jealous like dumb girls do and I could have easily banged a qt
>still KV
I had lots of hyperactive weeb girls who have done that with me. 2 of them were obese, but the rest were just cute, sunshiney spergy nerd girls.
Like you, I was autistic and very, very edgy back then, so you can imagine it never worked out.
I had a girl who was all clingy with me in highschool but when I showed affection in her and opened up to her she lost all interest in me.
There was also some slightly crazy art girl who thought I was fascinating and amazing and interesting for no reason and idolized me despite there being nothing to idolize.
I slightly regret not at least dating her till she lost interest in me too.
>used to talk politics for hours with an emo/ proto tumblr chick so much that the everyone who knew us thought we were together
>'yo, user, i heard this movie's coming out in a week'
>'aw yeah, I know, i'll go with the lads, it's gonna be neat. Sorry, gotta go'
Why am I like this
Why do you think they want grandchildren so badly? Just to see another part of their selfish selves be propagated? They should care about you more than your potential progeny just because it will also be a part of them.
im sorry i'm just really drunk i forgot i was on r9k and not a blue board. i like trying to make other people mad when i'm mad at the world. tbqh senpai girls with unique facial features are attractive to me. there's that one actress from The VVitch who looks like a fish but she's one of the most beautiful girls i've seen in a long time and it's probably partially because of how different she looks. also i'm sure you're a handsome guy user. this board likes to make it seem like everyone is a goblin living in a cave who hasn't seen daylight in 15 years but if she was a qt then you can bet you're definitely a qt
I feel that our generation or generational sects in and around ours couldn't pick up on these signs because we were taught to be too respectful to women, so much so that we weren't taught to exercise our own will and that it was ok to do so.
>edgy, black-clad, stompy, grumpy, sexless nerd meets qt spergy manic pixie dream girl
>tells her to fuck off and stop following him
Probably becuase they think I turned out a social failure, a weirdo. Also they want to pass on whatever they accumulated through life. My mother always said they wish they had more children.
Well I mean the fact that they didn't have more kids when they wanted to isn't your fault at all. They shouldn't even expect that of you, they should just actually care about the kid they had.
ededed orifina lylaorifinalorigigifififionaly
Not the same situation, but figured I'd post this here
>Be me
>In HS
>10/10 student freshman and sophomore year, great marks, but no real friends (never goes to anyone's house, meets up with anyone, etc)
>Junior year- start slipping in academics, but hang out with two other kids like 3 times
>Senior year- Terrible student, but still BS my way to B-average
>Graduate with no fun or relatable memories, but not college material
>Now, second year of community college
>2.something GPA, no social life (don't really want one, either)
>Wake up, go to work, occasionally BS through online classes, sleep, repeat
>No intentions post-community college
But I'm still happy. I love my family, and I love my job (at a food place).
I had at least 3 different girls who were all at least average ask me out. I denied all of them because of severe self confidence issues. So far hasnt been much attention from women after high school ended.
Had a cute skinny Mexican exchange student who really liked me because I knew spanish a little. One day she taps my shoulder and goes in for a kiss tongue out and everything. Like the sperg I am instead of letting it happen I pushed her and unintentionally slammed her hard into the lockers. Didn't ever see her around after that. Thanks OP I had all but forgotten this memory until you made this thread.
sorry to hear bro, thats why i dodge all that depression bpd shit. i was in a simular situation but i cut it off on time. its not responsibility to fix broken people, especially bpd, just doesnt pay off.
Wow I could only imagine the cringe you feel to this day about that. But imagine what she thinks AHAHAHA
you always seem to get girls interested. thats a great start, meams you are above 6/10, and probbably charismatic. dont let your insecurities (im a coward, loser, fat etc.) get you down, we will all make it bro. if you have body image issues go to it helped me alot. you got game user, dont be afraid to play
holy chekd
fuck women that do that i hate it so much
>muh ex, muh chad
fuck you bitch, if you want this dick say so, if not go to your ex or chad, dont waste out time
I have never experienced something like that but i overheard a thick shortstack stacey call me pretty once, she was talking to someone who know in middleschool and that person must have told her how akward/weird i was so she never showed interest
You shouldn't blame yourself for women being retarded, my dude.
What were you supposed to do, mind read her?
My friend I just dont care anymore
its not worth it and im happy how I a, I just recognize im a loser(socially) and I can live with that
This really cute girl lived next door to me while I was in high school
She'd walk with me to the bus in the morning, run up to me in passing periods, and walk home with me from the bus. Every single day. She was so kind to me, always giving me advice, being there for me in general. I never really gave her the same interest, I figured she felt bad for me or something.
We used to go on nightwalks to the lake sometimes.
I was too self absorbed to realize she probably did like me.
i mean i guess i cant make you do anything, but im just saying. self improvement is very important user. you may be ok with your life right now, but making it better will improve your mental health and obviously your over all life. getting Jow Forums would make you healthier in all ways, and would probbably make you more desirable, and everyone likes to be desired. im just saying user. doing 20 pushups, pullups, squats and crunches a day can only help you. stay strong, you will make it!
Not every single interaction means they want to have sex with you, you fucking fiend.
>talks to me but I barely reply
>introduces me to new bands
>says I look like this singer that she really likes
>never once I tried to reciprocate or start conversation because autism
>always thought she was cute and cool but never told her that
>to this day I listen to the music she introduced me and is my favorite
I hope she is doing well
This thread just reminded me off all the guys that treated me like shit when I had crushes on them in middle/high school thanks guys.
the only even remotely attractive female that paid any attention to me was already fucking chad
I found out days before graduating high school and that was probably the last time I've talked to a female human being that is not a family member for more than about 2 minutes