Tfw thinking about a sad and lonely fembot needing to be held

>tfw thinking about a sad and lonely fembot needing to be held

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Fembots be warned, this man (aka OP) is a rapist and pedophile.
Date me instead

Being raped by OP would at least make me feel wanted somewhat

I'll make you feel even more wanted, and I won't do horrific shit to you like OP would

Guys don't actually want us. They just want a trophy and cocksleeve.

I know I'm being baited, but that isn't true. Just like "all women want Chad" isn't true.
There will always be good people and shitty people out there, of either gender.

I know this feel,
But, often times she's a lying thot.
There is no escape from this hole here.

>But, often times
*every time

Also, OP stop making this shit thread.

Here's a tip maybe if you guys stopped treating girls as less than men and acknowledged them as humans instead of slabs of meat you'd get girlfriends.

Obvious bait is obvious
You're hoping that someone will reply with "stfu roastie"

here's a tip we tried that and they still dont like us

Roastie???? Also why would I comment something just for that. Went on here and saw tons of posts degrading women so figured i'd give you a clue

I'm sad and lonely and want to be held but I'm not a fembot. Can I still get someone to hold me?

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why the FUCK are you typing user/anonymous into the name field

It's another part of their bait

>tfw thinking about a sad a lonely slut who got dumped by chad

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Hey OP. Did you get any sleep last night?

more people should work it into their routine as i haven't felt this irrationally angry about something minor in awhile

Why does every plebittor who raids here belive we want gfs? We hate women, plain and simple.
>Here's a tip maybe if you guys stopped treating girls as less than men and acknowledged them as humans instead of slabs
Oh yeah its totally us who degrade women into slabs of meat, not themselves.

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sorry never used this site before today. Saw an SVU episode that lead me down a weird internet hole.

Post your tits and you'll get Jow Forums pass free

>irrationally angry
That's redundant. Anger is an emotion. It's not based in reason, therefore it is always irrational.

no thanks but snaps for trying