Do I regret voting for this low IQ cheeto?

do I regret voting for this low IQ cheeto?
answer: yes.
I'm jumping on the bernie train and you can't stop me

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kanye west 2020

as long as our next president isn't a woman i'm good.

>hhhngg drumpft cheeto haHAA nazis OWNED

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you retards realize there is a board for politics right

Everyone who's not voting for kanye in 2020 is fucking retarded.

It's tough to choose between bernie sanders and andrew yang, bernie is a stand up guy for the people but andrew is offering a $1000 a month to everyone, somehow if bernie can get andrew to be his vice president then they would no doubt destroy trump in 2020

the best pol discussion happen outside pol.

How many times are you going to shill politics here normie newfag cancer?

how do you think this post would go over in Jow Forums?

Who are you going to vote for when Bernie loses the democratic nomination?

Also, only Democrat I'd consider voting for is Tulsi. She hates sodomites and is against neoconservative bullshittery

>hates sodomites
The r9gay faggot thread has an endorsement for tulsi gabbard

Jow Forums basically supports the candidate that gives out the most NEETbux.

So Bernie is a good choice.

How about jumping in front of an actual train, it will keep you from making more stupid mistakes

>Who are you going to vote for when Bernie loses the democratic nomination?
Do you really think the Democrats haven't learned from the mistake they made failing to nominate him last time?

Every single politician is a piece of shit regardless of whatever ''party'' they subscribe to. I used to be a hardcore republican faggot but then I researched more and now I know that even Trump is a Zionist agent. Death to DC.

>Do you really think the Democrats haven't learned from the mistake
Yes. 50 percent of democrats want michelle obama or joe biden to be the nominee for fucks sake. They're idiots

Liberals don't learn from their mistakes because they don't believe they can make mistakes. They are right and if what they are doing goes wrong then it was entirely due to outside evildoers.

>Every single politician is a piece of shit regardless of whatever ''party'' they subscribe to. I used to be a hardcore republican faggot but then I researched more and now I know that even Trump is a Zionist agent. Death to DC.

Based and truepilled. Sadly most Jow Forumscucks and leftycucks will never get it. Both are NPCs.

>when AOC supporters get btfo on Jow Forums so they shit post on Jow Forums

Your bullshit falls on deaf ears cunt, Jow Forums is a Jow Forums board.

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It would get BTFO like every left wing jew thread does. Thats why they post here.


I didn't vote for him but I think he's trying to do some good things. People aren't giving him any credit for good stuff and just want him fired since day one