I wanna kiss Crispy's creamy white thighs

I wanna kiss Crispy's creamy white thighs

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The (((mods))) have been dmca'ing her photos for some reason. They don't like crisper I guess

Based, I want her to hospitalize me desu

It never ceases to amaze me how low some people go over petty jealousy. doxing people, getting their stuff taken down, getting accounts banned, deleting threads like a lil bitch,
it just doesnt stop how pathetic and weak people are.

She's a trash waifu now.

>that soulless stare
Also bravo to our mods for deleting ads.

btw to the leftie shill: don't be surprised when someone calls you a tranny when you stream without a cam

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She's still a cutie, even if her personality sucks

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The two are mutually exclusive. Her new look is trashy as fuck too.

Why does this girl look like such a jewess?

Because she's a gold digger.

Just thought you should know nigga :^)

>says her dad's helping her pay for internet to twitch stream

Is she basically a lolcow?

Now that you say that... pretty much

Nah, just your average trust fund baby.

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what's her twitch oregano

all women are gold diggers and you can thank nature for that. Women have the babies and babies require resources.

Wow user you watch Crispy's stream, doing more for her then me.

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Her family's pretty aesthetic, I'd fuck her mom

oh user

Didnt even attach the pic fug

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I just want to go back to the comfy curiouscat days. I hate what she's become.

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I agree, her new look is cute and all, but her personality sucks. I prefer just to project what my ideal gf would be like onto her

you can still do that, just don't watch the streams